I swapped the 15" for a base 13" TB (had some graphics card issues, terrible battery, etc. on the 15). Love using the 13". Battery is still horrible. Been running Mr Stopwatch to get actual usage time today, running iStat Menu to assist diagnosing. Screen at 60%, backlight off, bluetooth off, spotlight long since done (same with Photos). Mr Stopwatch at 2:53 of actual usage, batter at 25%, watts listed (system) at 9w, est. time remaining is 25%. It's really about a 4 hour battery for me....optimistically. Terrible. non-workable as this is only with Safari (no more than 2-3 tabs at once, no flash, no java, etc.). If I did anything else, it would be 0% by now.
I'm torn between ditching it completely OR trying again...this is just unacceptable. I have USB-C accessories as Ive had a MB 12" for a while and have no desire to go back to the old models. The base non-touch isn't powerful enough for what I need. This truly suck $#*$#&@.
Edit: watts fluctuate 6.7w (nothing open) to 7.9-12.4 with Safari running and/or a quick check of email in Spark. Total time on battery, which is mostly sleep/lid closed is 14:45....usage as noted is just under 3 hours with 24% left.
Edit: Digging into the watts used in iStat, it shows something called "Battery (BMON)" and it fluctuates between 7-13w, this is with just Safari. The CPU w's are reading between 0.2-1.3w.