Whenever the topic of price comes up, and people disagree, the remarks always come up about sounding arrogant and "better" then others. This is such crap. It's not about being "better" it's about PAYING for quality, and people wanted free hand outs. NO ONE wants to pay anymore. I'll give you a good example of this...
The band Radio Head did a little test. They offered an unreleased recording of new material online, and instead of charging a set amount, they asked you pay what you feel it's worth to you. It's well reviewed, and filled with good music (if you like Radio Head that is) and hundreds of thousands downloaded it. They have said they were shocked and overwhelmed with people giving them NOTHING, of an insultingly small amount.
People are so used to getting things for free these days, like their music, and movies, and computer software, now they want high quality apps for free on their iPhone. The review system is PLAGUED with this same ******s who complain, even about the .99 apps.
I fully believe you get what you pay for (in most cases). So, don't call me arrogant or that I act "better". I like to think of it as supportive. Supportive of both the developer and the developer community. I'm more then happy to give money to someone who has built an app that is rock solid.