Hi All
I have just found this thread through google as I have been trying to see if I have the best processor that I can get or if there is anything that I can upgrade to. I currently have the 2690v2 with 3745 Single-Core score and 28285 Multi-Core.
Judging by this thread the 2697 V2 will be a slight improvement with around 32226 Multi. Would this be stable with fan control?
Im afraid this is all a bit of a new area for me, so would I notice any difference if i were to upgrade? I mainly use the computer for Photoshop (albeit quite complex files) and illustrator. I do find that it slows down as I can end up with lots of files open at once.
Could anybody advise on the difference of upgrading to 128gb RAM from 64?
Yes, the E5-2697 V2 will work just fine in a 6,1. It was the top tier CPU Apple installed from the factory, so there should be no issues, especially with fan speed altering software.
Whether or not you will notice a "difference" depends on your usage. While running your workload, open Activity Monitor and double click on the CPU Load section at the bottom of the window for a display of all cores/threads and their current usage. If things are maxed out or close, then you may benefit from 2 more cores. Since I'm not intimately familiar with Photoshop, I can't say for sure, however.
I have heard that you take a speed hit (stock being 1866mhz) when going from 64GB to 128GB. Again, though, I have no way of confirming this as I do not have a 6,1. If you need to know if 64GB is limiting your work, again, try opening Activity Monitor during a Photoshop session and see how much RAM is being utilized.