So after all this time I finally got the u2311h and my MP
The text didn't look bad on the u2311h. I tried the terminal command just to see if there was any noticeable difference, but I didn't see anything, maybe thats just because I hadn't been looking at it long enough or something.
Overall, the monitor is great. It has a little bit of a yellowish tint compared to the Apple 24" even after calibration. But everything else about it is amazing. I love being able to adjust every aspect of it and its just great.
I have had one problem regarding my monitors, but I'm pretty sure its not the u2311h's fault. I have an ATI 5870, 24" Apple display, u2311h, and a TV. I was planning on putting all of those into the 5870. The Apple display is MDP (of course), the TV is HDMI to MDP (so that takes care of the 2 MDPs), and the u2311h single link DVI. So the config when looking at the MP from the back right to left is Apple display (MDP), TV (MDP), and u2311h (Single link DVI).
With all three plugged in, the u2311h never got a signal, so I was like what the heck is going on. So I tried unplugging everything and plugging it back in and nothing, tried a restart, nothing. At the time, only the Apple display and the TV showed up. The Apple display was in the middle, TV to the left, and the u2311h was going to be on the right, but I wasn't able to position it yet in system prefs. So I decided to unplug the TV and the second I unplugged the TV, the u2311h came up with the Snow Leopard background. I changed the position to be to the right and went to see what would happen if I plugged the TV back in. The second I plugged it back in, the u2311h went blank and the TV showed a Snow Leopard screen, but it kept the position on the left.
So it looks like the 5870 recognizes three different displays, but not if they are all plugged in at once. Would anyone know how to fix this?