I got it to work by keeping my fingers closer together when doing it. Don't know if I'll use it but it might be good for something.
I'm might try that one tap for Expose mentioned above. Right now I have two finger swipe down for it.
You are right, it works better if you keep your fingers closer together. I also noticed more consistency when making sure my middle finger was actually in the middle of the mouse. Sometimes I have the tendency to have my hand slightly off center putting my middle finger to the right side of the mouse.
i dont know why apple didnt include an option like this themselves! the options are pretty much endless, there are so many gestures that we can use!
My only guess is that they realized the potential of the Magic Mouse but didn't want to give it all at once. Its the same crap excuse I've been hearing (and saying myself) when it comes to the iPhone. Why give it all the features we want when we keep buying regardless of what it has.
In this scenario they can sell a ton of Magic Mice and later add some of these features and sell even more... and so on.
Or maybe they tested things like this and had the same level of consistency we are having, so decided not to add it.
here are my gestures so far:
Single Finger Tap Left/Right - Volume Down/Up
Single Finger Tap Middle - Show Desktop
Three Finger Tap - Show Spaces
Three Finger Swipe Right - Move to next Safari tab right
Three Finger Swipe Left - Move to next Safari tab left
Three Finger Swipe Down - Select Adium
Three Finger Swipe Up - Select Safari
Whole Hand on Mouse - SLeep Display (cant work it argh!)
Dof, do you find yourself showing the desktop often by mistake? I find myself turning down my volume accidentally often since my index finger often touches the mouse unintentionally.
I still love what this tool does for the Magic Mouse. I keep trying to think about other shortcuts I can add that are more application specific. For example, I work a lot with Photoshop and use the keyboard a TON for shortcuts. So I set up a couple of Photoshop specific gestures like:
Three finger swipe down = Command ; (Show/Clear guides)
tipTap Left = Command - (zoom out)
tipTap Right = Command + (zoom in)
I found the tipTap gesture to work much more consistently within Photoshop for some reason. Not sure why but it zooms very nicely!
I still cant get the pinch or the whole hand gestures to work . The whole hand gesture is a good idea but I have a pretty large hand, I cant really get my entire hand on the mouse without a finger hanging over the side. At that point I have 3 fingers on the mouse and it thinks Im trying to do a three finger gesture. I might just have to live without the whole hand functionality.