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I installed a new update this morning. It changed my "set mousespeed" setting back to the default setting. And actually, each time I close the preference pane it changes it back to the default speed. What the hell?

Another question - it seems like I set some type of option for scroll speed (browsing down a long page). Am I just dreaming that, because I don't see the option now? Or do I just go through the regular pref. pane in system pref.

Another thing I noticed was it appears in my dock even though (show dock icon while running) is unchecked. This is aggravating.

Yeah some of the updates are pretty buggy. I imagine the dev has got his hands full with this one. It seems to have gotten pretty popular all of a sudden. The update this morning installed fine for me, but then 10 minutes later it said I needed the same update, so I tried to reinstall it and this time it failed.
I still cant get 2 finger tiptap to work, maybe Im just not doing right. Nevertheless, I seem to only use 2 of my gestures... 2 finger swipe up and down for expose and spaces. Those 2 alone make it worth any aggravation it my bring me.

Regarding your dock issue, mine hasnt done that to me yet, so I cant point you in any direction. Sorry. Maybe Fuzzi (the dev) will check back soon and hook you up with some assistance.
I talked about that problem several posts
ago. Glad someone else is finally confirming
the problem.

Set the scroll speed and it defaults back
upon reboot.
Try a total uninstall (including deleting the prefs file - /library/preferences/com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool.plist) and reinstall because that is absolutely not normal. My settings are constant through reboots and have not changed through the revisions.
I'll probably try this. Just kind of aggravating since this was the first program I installed on a new Mac. Where is the preference for scroll speed? Seems like I lost that in the last update.

I'm trying to figure out a good setup for expose/show desktop. Those are the only two gestures I want to add. But I don't find the multi-finger gestures comfortable. And it seems to be hit or miss on the one finger gestures, sometimes it thinks I perform the gesture when I haven't.

I think a year down the line this will be a really nice combo. But it seems to be hit or miss, may have to switch back to Logitech for now. Also, I've always hated how Apple has to make the 'click' sound on their mouse so loud. If it were a little bigger, with more room for multi-finger gestures, it could really be accommodating.

Also - the new update for right click to work while the other finger is still on the mouse..I can't get that to work consistently either
I'm trying to figure out a good setup for expose/show desktop. Those are the only two gestures I want to add. But I don't find the multi-finger gestures comfortable. And it seems to be hit or miss on the one finger gestures, sometimes it thinks I perform the gesture when I haven't.
were a little bigger, with more room for multi-finger gestures, it could really be accommodating.

I agree with the multi finger gestures feeling a bit unnatural. But I do find the 2 finger swipe up and down for expose and spaces to be very natural.
I'm trying to figure out a good setup for expose/show desktop.

Let us know if you get it stabilized.

Also, Im not trying to criticize your preferences with this statement but why do you need Show Desktop? Ive never used that feature and Im interested how you implement it. I do spaces for a virtual "show desktop". When I need to see desktop I just pop to an empty space.
Let us know if you get it stabilized.

Also, Im not trying to criticize your preferences with this statement but why do you need Show Desktop? Ive never used that feature and Im interested how you implement it. I do spaces for a virtual "show desktop". When I need to see desktop I just pop to an empty space.

i use show desktop. i have it set to middle tap. i cant seem to accurately hit it and always seem to hit "volume up" or "volume down" (left/right tap).

im normally always connecting to other computers on my network/browsing HDDs, meaning i have to go to the finder.. showing the desktop is just easier in most cases.
i use show desktop. i have it set to middle tap. i cant seem to accurately hit it and always seem to hit "volume up" or "volume down" (left/right tap).

im normally always connecting to other computers on my network/browsing HDDs, meaning i have to go to the finder.. showing the desktop is just easier in most cases.

Ok, I can see that. Normally I use Application Switcher to get to Finder but I can see Show Desktop is a quicker method.

I just setup left and right tap as Global left and right click. I am VERY happy with this!! I had tiptap L and R for FF and RW but it wasnt working consistently enough for me. So Ill reserve FF and RW for my keyboard. For some reason tiptap left just never seems to work for me. I need to play with all the settings to fine tune it I bet.
Except for the Apple Magic Mouse I'm using right now, which allows 1, 2, or 3 finger taps. Finger swipes, pinching, all variety of different motions, which effectively gives it as many buttons as you can think to configure.

Show me the Logitech that does that?

You can not click more than one button at the same time on any Apple mouse. I don't care how many swipes and pinches you can do, you can't do two or more at the same time, which makes gaming cumbersome and 3D modeling nearly impossible.

I'll stick with my Razer Mamba. (I upgraded since my last post. ;))
Ok, I can see that. Normally I use Application Switcher to get to Finder but I can see Show Desktop is a quicker method.
oh thats not a bad way to do it! that way it would open up a Finder window too if you wished! great thinking mate!

I just setup left and right tap as Global left and right click. I am VERY happy with this!!

what sort of thing is this useful for? it serves the same purpose as pressing left right on the keyboard? hmm not sure if id like that :\

I had tiptap L and R for FF and RW but it wasnt working consistently enough for me. So Ill reserve FF and RW for my keyboard. For some reason tiptap left just never seems to work for me. I need to play with all the settings to fine tune it I bet.

me too, its pretty inconsistent but im sure thats just human error :p
oh thats not a bad way to do it! that way it would open up a Finder window too if you wished! great thinking mate!

Thanks DoF. The sun shines on a dogs ass once in a while I guess! :D
Normally I have a desktop dedicated to Finder. So when I app switch, the window is already open and it jumps to the space I was in last. I love Spaces.

what sort of thing is this useful for? it serves the same purpose as pressing left right on the keyboard? hmm not sure if id like that :\

No, it makes it more like the touchpad. You only have to tap the mouse, not click it. You can still click it too though. Just something different to play around with I guess.

You can not click more than one button at the same time on any Apple mouse. I don't care how many swipes and pinches you can do, you can't do two or more at the same time, which makes gaming cumbersome and 3D modeling nearly impossible.

I'll stick with my Razer Mamba. (I upgraded since my last post. ;))

Hey General, the times you need 2 physical buttons, could that be supplemented by holding down a modifier key on the keyboard?
Can you give an example of a time when you NEED 2 keys?

Im not trying to be argumentative in any way, Im just curious about this since I dont game or do 3D, although I would love to get into 3D.

EDIT: By the way, I checked out the Razer Mamba website... very cool looking mouse!
touchpad problems

Hello All,

I am really enjoying the improvements this has made to my magic mouse! However, despite several attempts I can't anything working on the touchpad of my MBP - is anyone else having this difficulty? Any suggestions?
Hello All,

I am really enjoying the improvements this has made to my magic mouse! However, despite several attempts I can't anything working on the touchpad of my MBP - is anyone else having this difficulty? Any suggestions?

Ive had this set up on my MBP for a while without and issues. Its actually more consistent on my MBP than on my MM so Im not sure what would be causing you a problem.

Does the program install and run successfully, or can you not even get that far?

Of course, make sure your creating gestures in the Touchpad section and make them Global...

And make sure you have the appropriate type of Mac you are using selected here...

If all this is set ok, I would start by setting a simple gesture just to make sure it works.

If you get everything loaded and it appears to be running ok but you are still unable to get gestures to work, head over to preferences section. In the bottom right corner click Show Live View. This handy utility shows you exactly what your Magic Mouse is sensing...


If none of this works post up what errors (if any) and we will see what we can do. Good luck.
Thanks for your reply imerlin. It's strange, the installation went fine. I have the settings correct and was even able to test the gestures in the live view mode where it recognized the gestures. However when nothing happens when I perform any of the gestures outside of the live view mode. I tried uninstalling it and installing again with the same result. I'm not sure what the issue is! If you have any other ideas I would love to hear them as I really want to be able to use this,

Hey General, the times you need 2 physical buttons, could that be supplemented by holding down a modifier key on the keyboard?
Can you give an example of a time when you NEED 2 keys?

In Google Sketchup and other design programs I use, I need to use two mouse buttons at once. I can use modifier keys and get the job done, but that's what I meant by it becoming cumbersome.

For instance, middle click and drag orbits the view of the 3D object, and while doing that, right clicking and dragging pans the view, where just right clicking and dragging without the middle button does something else.

In games, I use the right button for jump, middle click for crouch and left click for shoot. On any Apple mouse, there'd be no possible way to shoot while crouching, and jumping would interrupt my ability to fire.

These things are a deal breaker for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a touch surface on the a mouse and I love the scrolling that the Magic Mouse gets, but I could never use it for anything that matters. Only web browsing and very general computing.

Im not trying to be argumentative in any way, Im just curious about this since I dont game or do 3D, although I would love to get into 3D.

EDIT: By the way, I checked out the Razer Mamba website... very cool looking mouse!

Yeah, it's by far the greatest mouse I've ever owned. The wireless has absolutely no lag unlike the Magic Mouse. It seems like all Bluetooth mice are a bit laggy, and that is just unacceptable for gaming or any kind of computer in my opinion.
Thanks for your reply imerlin. It's strange, the installation went fine. I have the settings correct and was even able to test the gestures in the live view mode where it recognized the gestures. However when nothing happens when I perform any of the gestures outside of the live view mode. I tried uninstalling it and installing again with the same result. I'm not sure what the issue is! If you have any other ideas I would love to hear them as I really want to be able to use this,


I would try an uninstall as mentioned earlier in this thread. Its weird nothing is happening for you. You could also PM Fuzzi or hit up his blog. He is the dev and Im sure much more capable of helping you at this point. Sorry we couldnt get you working though.

In Google Sketchup and other design programs I use, I need to use two mouse buttons at once. I can use modifier keys and get the job done, but that's what I meant by it becoming cumbersome.

For instance, middle click and drag orbits the view of the 3D object, and while doing that, right clicking and dragging pans the view, where just right clicking and dragging without the middle button does something else.

In games, I use the right button for jump, middle click for crouch and left click for shoot. On any Apple mouse, there'd be no possible way to shoot while crouching, and jumping would interrupt my ability to fire.

These things are a deal breaker for me. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a touch surface on the a mouse and I love the scrolling that the Magic Mouse gets, but I could never use it for anything that matters. Only web browsing and very general computing.

Ahhh, gotchya. Makes sense to me now. And no worries man, the Magic Mouse isnt for everyone. Obviously. :D

Yeah, it's by far the greatest mouse I've ever owned. The wireless has absolutely no lag unlike the Magic Mouse. It seems like all Bluetooth mice are a bit laggy, and that is just unacceptable for gaming or any kind of computer in my opinion.

I have to disagree with you there, my Magic Mouse has had NO LAG. Not once. But then again, I don't game, so maybe Lag isn't as noticeable to me.
I have to disagree with you there, my Magic Mouse has had NO LAG. Not once. But then again, I don't game, so maybe Lag isn't as noticeable to me.

i have to disagree there too, i havent noticed any lag whatsoever. ill game with it tomorrow to double-check.

any chance you can reply on the PS3MS thread lol? kinda stuck
I love this program - it has really made the magic mouse much better. But it seems every day another issue pops up. I know the program is being perfected, but sometimes new things get added to the mouse and the settings are automatically enabled.

The best addition IMO was the recent change of being able to right click or left click with both fingers on the mouse. Initially though left click didn't work at all. Now it seems to...maybe another update fixed it.

Also, there was an update that enabled you to drag something if you had your fingers down in a certain way. It took me forever to find the setting and fix it. I was dragging stuff everywhere. Even after disabling it, I still have issues with that happening. Was listening to iTunes last night and had my mouse click at the top where the progress bar is...and it just started skipping/fastforwarding all of a sudden.

And also - when I got back from not using my computer for 10+ hrs - everything was 'stuck.' I could click on items in the dock but they wouldn't animate when I scrolled past them. Minimize/Close radio buttons wouldn't highlight with the X or - behind them, but they would work. Opening the pref. pane and closing it fixed the problem. I had this problem in the past with a Logitech mouse but apparently this one has it to. Is this just part of using a different mouse than the one Apple provides? Or is there a .pref file I can trash?
Ok, I can see that. Normally I use Application Switcher to get to Finder but I can see Show Desktop is a quicker method.

I just setup left and right tap as Global left and right click. I am VERY happy with this!! I had tiptap L and R for FF and RW but it wasnt working consistently enough for me. So Ill reserve FF and RW for my keyboard. For some reason tiptap left just never seems to work for me. I need to play with all the settings to fine tune it I bet.

To answer your question iMerlin about why I use show desktop...sometimes I save files on the desktop as well. So it's easier to get to them that way.

Although I like your idea about using Application Switcher. I always forget about that. I wish though, that if I didn't have a Finder window open, that clicking on it via the Application Switcher would tell it to open a window - instead of just making it the active program in the taskbar. But then maybe I could just expose for that option. That's what I usually use. On my prior Logitech mouse - I just had expose, show desktop, and dashboard. If I could find three buttons that I can use comfortably and not activate on accident - I'll be good to go.
I wish though, that if I didn't have a Finder window open, that clicking on it via the Application Switcher would tell it to open a window

I absolutely agree. This would allow me to not need a dedicated space for Finder. Just switch to Finder and poof, it opens.

See, even if I have open finder windows, when I app switch it takes me there. But often times I want a new Finder window open in my current space, this is where it would be cool to have it auto-open a window.
BTT and pinch

How do you configure BTT to do the pinch/expand (or whatever it's called) to be able to magnify/shrink pictures in iPhoto? I can't find a keyboard shortcut to assign those actions to in BTT.


How do you configure BTT to do the pinch/expand (or whatever it's called) to be able to magnify/shrink pictures in iPhoto? I can't find a keyboard shortcut to assign those actions to in BTT.



That's a good question. I was wondering the same thing. I know from the main Event iPhoto screen (within an event) you can hit the space bar to enlarge the image. So maybe try to setup the pinch to spacebar?? But you would still have to click the image to select it.
The best addition IMO was the recent change of being able to right click or left click with both fingers on the mouse. Initially though left click didn't work at all. Now it seems to...maybe another update fixed it. ...

How do you do this? I want to be able to do this for games. A lot of times I use setups where Right click brings up a scope.... So you have to hold it down and then click with the left finger to shoot. Would this work here?
How do you do this? I want to be able to do this for games. A lot of times I use setups where Right click brings up a scope.... So you have to hold it down and then click with the left finger to shoot. Would this work here?

I think he is referring to the 2 finger tiptap gesture... maybe???
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