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jep I'm the dev of this little tool ;-)
Posting my gestures wouldn't make that much sense currently because I've set many gestures only for testing.

For productive use I mainly use two finger tiptaps for dashboard and application expose, normal tiptaps for moving windows left and right, 3 finger tap for maximizing windows and 2 finger tap for middleclick.

On my touchpad i use some more, will post my "productive" configuration on my blog in a few days
jep I'm the dev of this little tool ;-)
Posting my gestures wouldn't make that much sense currently because I've set many gestures only for testing.

For productive use I mainly use two finger tiptaps for dashboard and application expose, normal tiptaps for moving windows left and right, 3 finger tap for maximizing windows and 2 finger tap for middleclick.

On my touchpad i use some more, will post my "productive" configuration on my blog in a few days

Yeah, I noticed you created a page on your blog for sharing configs, I didnt notice that before.

Have you tried contacting Apple with this? A lot of people seem to think you can make a pretty penny off of this thing. Im sure doing a lot of advertising for you! :D I was looking for a donate link on your blog and didnt see one.

Last week, I overheard a couple of people at the Apple store talking about the limitations of the Magic Mouse. I was playing on an i7 at the time and told them.. "Check this out..." I proceeded to download your tool, showed them one or two gestures and they both ended up walking out of the store with Magic Mice simply because of the functionality BTT provides.

Anyway, nice work Fuzzi!
This is the greatest thing since Quicksilver. Sliced bread doesn't even rank. It's like I can add buttons to my mouse at will. Now if only I could stop reconfiguring long enough to get back to work...
I love this tool, finial makes the Magic Mouse worth the money, I also love the touch pad tap areas as well.
Could you add rotate to the Magic Mouse, I use it quite a lot for changing tabs.
Keep up the good work.
This is an awesome tool. I will say it does slow the normal mouse tracking down. Almost to the point it is not usable. A restart of BTT solves the problem. Also, it has killed my FPS when running a couple of games. I still like it and use it for normal browsing, etc.
@nanosour did you try raising the mouse speed in the general mouse settings of BetterTOuchTOol?
I cant seem to get 2 finger tiptap working on my touchpad. Is that only for Magic Mouse?
I found a bug related with scrolling. When using Safari and if I scroll after 1 second or so being idle, it stutters and stops the scrolling. It feels as if you stop the scrolling with another finger tap or input. This behavior happens with two finger scrolling as well.

I know it's a BTT bug because the magic mouse works and scrolls flawlessly if I turn BTT off... also never experienced this issue with earlier versions

This is an awesome piece of software, keep up the good work and please look into this little annoyance when you get the chance


****update: I discovered this is a widespread problem to all applications with momentum scrolling, i.e. most of them. Chrome doesn't show this behavior but it seems it scrolls with its own scrolling engine, momentum feels different for Chrome. Finder, iTunes, iPhoto, Safari, all show a hiccup scrolling fast after being idle.
seriously cannot get over this tool! sooo amazing.

Same here DoFoT9! Im really loving Maximize windows with the pinch out. So organic! I wouldnt mind a minimize window gesture also.

Im still playing with my configs though. Im trying to get my Magic Mouse as close to my MacBook Pro touchpad config as possible.
Same here DoFoT9! Im really loving Maximize windows with the pinch out. So organic! I wouldnt mind a minimize window gesture also.

Im still playing with my configs though. Im trying to get my Magic Mouse as close to my MacBook Pro touchpad config as possible.
i havent got a gesture touchpad enabled MBP so im not used to all the tricky gestures lol. im just making it do what i think is easiest. havent really added anything lately.

please fix the scrolling!! otherwise this app is PERFECT!
sorry but i cant reproduce this problem you're describing.
Nor can I, scrolling works perfectly for me. Maybe you should reset everything to default and start over, sounds like you messed something up along the way, perhaps with the sensitivity settings.

I did restore everything to default settings and erased all my gestures to eliminate the possibility of them interfering with the scrolling. I have even uninstalled the last alpha 0.465 and installed the latest stable version with the same result.

What's interesting is if I turn off BTT scrolling goes back to normal (smooth and without hiccups) system wide scroll is normal and I can feel the momentum working ok.

Could it be the magic mouse driver acting up with BTT?

Also, this is what I do to make it happen: I quickly flick my finger over the surface of the mouse after 2 seconds or so without touching it. If I keep my finger on the mouse and continue scrolling everything works as expected, so the problem appears only when I flick the mouse up or down. Maybe it's just me and I need a coffee

edit: It only happens with one finger scrolling, not with two or three finger scrolling.
Just posting to say thanks for the heads up on BetterTouch.

To be honest this makes the Magic Mouse the multi-use tool I first thought it was when it was released. Was a bit dissapointed to hear it was so limited - but BetterTouch unleashes the true potential.

Apple get with it, hire these programmers and have your products fulfill all expectations!
@DrNelly I'll check the scrolling maybe I messed up but here it works fine
Accidentally stumbled on this thread and
I am quite excited about what I am reading
since I just recently purchased a 17" iMac.

However, before I try this program I have
to ask a question that has been brought up
many times in this thread but nobody has
taken the time to answer...

What is TIP TAP?
I found a competitor, MagicPrefs...
Don't know if this has been mentioned in this thread yet.

I like BetterTouchTool better though. It lets you do program specific gestures.

But Fuzzi, they have some gestures you might want to "borrow". Like tapping the Apple logo.
On any Apple mouse, you can't click more than one button at a time. I'll stick with my Logitech, thanks.
that's the whole point of this BTT tool that we're discussing. if you'd taken the time to read any of the above posts instead of just coming in with your sweeping generalisation that's based on your personal biased views.

this tool allows the equivalent of 2-, 3-, 4- button clicks AND 2-, 3-, 4- button taps that don't even require a full click, just a touch of the mouse's surface. but sure, stick with your Logitech, i'm sure it's absolutely spiffing!
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