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Are you experiencing throttling after updating to iOS 14.5.1?

  • Yes, I am!

  • Nope, performance is the same.

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Blue Hawk

macrumors 68000
Dec 18, 2017
stop going by geek bench its not real use speed just enjoy your phone
So is it only an imagination that my iPhone 8 from work is so slow after the Update that I can’t even use it? Apps aren’t launching, widgets are just black. Even after reset.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 12, 2015
i just updated to 14.6 beta 3 on my 11 pro max Really, the performance improved greatly and became smooth


macrumors regular
May 11, 2021
So, after a few more days of periodic testing.

- A restore/wipe/DFU restore doesn't fix it, only temporarily.
- 14.6 betas don't fix it, only temporarily.
- It is not related to battery charge level or battery health (mine's at 100% health)
- It is not related to being on WiFi or Cellular data (I didn't think it would but checked just in case)

Last night I rebooted, ran a benchmark, got normal scores, and left the phone on but NOT charging. When I woke up this morning I did a few benchmark tests in a row and they were all also normal, so it does not have to do with how long the phone has been on either.

So, and yes I have too much time on my hands, I can conclude that the only constant is that a reboot seems to fix it, but as you use the phone for a while, the numbers start to go do down. I can see the phone's visual performance degrading as the numbers go down as well. I don't think this is Apple doing intentional "throttling", but its possibly one of the following:

- iOS 14.5.1 is being overly "safe" with regulating the phone's power consumption to the point of reduced performance
- A bug in 14.5.1 is causing the performance to degrade the longer its on
- Certain apps may not be behaving well in the background with the new tracking blockers and/or the 14.5.1 security patch.

But then this also seems to be limited to just some phones in the 11/12 generation so who knows.

I didn't obsessively check Geekbench prior to 14.5.1 so I don't know if it was just always like this and I didn't know, but I definitely see the performance degrade the longer I use the phone.

It seems I fixed my 12 Pro Max.
Try this: turn off the phone, leave it for a minute, plug in the charger, let it start normally

Check it again in a couple hours without turning off your phone and with normal use.
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macrumors regular
May 11, 2021
Yeah. My entire experience with the 12 Pro has been disappointing at best and frustrating at worst, like right now. my iPhone 8 performed better. I really don't want to go to Samsung, but man, those S20's and S21's are SO smooth and pleasing to use in comparison. It isn't just the 120hz refresh rate, though that alone makes a big difference. Even with Apple's better security, privacy, and support, situations like this are making it difficult to stay.


macrumors 603
Apr 21, 2012
So, after a few more days of periodic testing.

- A restore/wipe/DFU restore doesn't fix it, only temporarily.
- 14.6 betas don't fix it, only temporarily.
- It is not related to battery charge level or battery health (mine's at 100% health)
- It is not related to being on WiFi or Cellular data (I didn't think it would but checked just in case)

Last night I rebooted, ran a benchmark, got normal scores, and left the phone on but NOT charging. When I woke up this morning I did a few benchmark tests in a row and they were all also normal, so it does not have to do with how long the phone has been on either.

So, and yes I have too much time on my hands, I can conclude that the only constant is that a reboot seems to fix it, but as you use the phone for a while, the numbers start to go do down. I can see the phone's visual performance degrading as the numbers go down as well. I don't think this is Apple doing intentional "throttling", but its possibly one of the following:

- iOS 14.5.1 is being overly "safe" with regulating the phone's power consumption to the point of reduced performance
- A bug in 14.5.1 is causing the performance to degrade the longer its on
- Certain apps may not be behaving well in the background with the new tracking blockers and/or the 14.5.1 security patch.

But then this also seems to be limited to just some phones in the 11/12 generation so who knows.

I didn't obsessively check Geekbench prior to 14.5.1 so I don't know if it was just always like this and I didn't know, but I definitely see the performance degrade the longer I use the phone.

Check it again in a couple hours without turning off your phone and with normal use.

Yep, mine is back to being throttled. Apple truly are a sack of **** these days!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2021
This is just a theory but when the 11 had the green tint issue, it was fixed via an update and was confirmed something related to thermal. Apple said that 14.5 fixed the green tint on the 12. Speculation shows that the green tint on the 12 may also be from a thermal related issue. Now, by throttling the CPU, it directly correlates to less heat. I am not saying this was intentional but definitely plausible that a connection does in fact exist here.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
Do you have an iphone 6s on beta? Or you're just giving advice. How is it when you start the device, you need to lock it again and then unlock it so that everything falls into place. Here you can clearly see that the problem remains .
I updated my main device from 14.5.1 to 14.6 beta for this exact issue.

Vadim Russia

macrumors newbie
May 12, 2021
I updated my main device from 14.5.1 to 14.6 beta for this exact issue.
Well, what results have you decided for yourself? Most likely, nothing has changed, especially when the processor performance is also enabled at low frequencies. iOS 14.6 beta 3 doesn't fix anything. This will most likely not fix the performance that was on the iOS 14.5 release.


macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2009
Battery life hasn’t been any good on 14.5 and 14.5.1, WTF is going on at apple these days, are they turning into the next Samsung. ?‍♂️

Getting 2 hours less battery life on my 12 pro max.
2 HOURS?! Sounds like you have an App run amok. Maybe you are plugging your phone in a night before you are going to sleep, and killing the battery...unless Battery Optimization is turned on. I have a 12 Pro Max, and I am on the phone all day, with client calls, text messages, emails, I am using apps like WeChat, Facebook, Messages/iMessage, YouTube and my phone lasts all day. It's at like +45% at the end of the day.


macrumors P6
Apr 4, 2020
2 HOURS?! Sounds like you have an App run amok. Maybe you are plugging your phone in a night before you are going to sleep, and killing the battery...unless Battery Optimization is turned on. I have a 12 Pro Max, and I am on the phone all day, with client calls, text messages, emails, I am using apps like WeChat, Facebook, Messages/iMessage, YouTube and my phone lasts all day. It's at like +45% at the end of the day.
Nope, a lot of people have been saying after 14.4 battery life isn’t as good, no rouge apps running in the background, background app refresh is off, still getting 8h plus battery life, use to be 10h though.

People also mentioning 12 pro max is getting warm when Using safari, even getting extra battery drain while using safari, never use to happen previously.

something hasn‘t been right since apple dropped 14.4.2-14.5.1, even on 14.6 beta 3 still ain’t right, maybe apple will get their **** together soon.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 15, 2015
stop going by geek bench its not real use speed just enjoy your phone
I am going by actual use speed on my iPhone 11. Hard to "just enjoy my phone" when playing CODM and getting 20-30 fps when I usually get 60fps. Launching apps is taking 1-2 seconds longer than average. Swiping is laggy. Overall real-world speed is much slower on 14.5.1 than it was on 14.5. FYI I am only using Geekbench scores to show that my phone is indeed slower than average, not as the basis for saying that my phone is "throttling/slower." I personally don't care that my Geekbench scores are lower; my problem is that those lower Geekbench scores are actually translating into adverse real-world performance when using my phone on a daily basis.
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macrumors newbie
May 16, 2017
iPhone 12 Pro here. Glad to have found this thread. My phone is totally stuttering in any game, even simple stuff like Badland Brawl. It also won’t send videos on Telegram as it obviously cannot encode them without the processing power. 14.6 Beta 3 did not help.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
Well, what results have you decided for yourself? Most likely, nothing has changed, especially when the processor performance is also enabled at low frequencies. iOS 14.6 beta 3 doesn't fix anything. This will most likely not fix the performance that was on the iOS 14.5 release.
Slow iPhone on 14.5.1, ran Geekbench the minute after my phone updated to 14.6 beta and back to normal. Normal Geekbench scores on several occasions since updating as well, at random times.

14.6 beta worked for me and I'm inclined to believe that Apple fixed something if they specifically noted it in the release notes.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
So, after a few more days of periodic testing.

- A restore/wipe/DFU restore doesn't fix it, only temporarily.
- 14.6 betas don't fix it, only temporarily.
- It is not related to battery charge level or battery health (mine's at 100% health)
- It is not related to being on WiFi or Cellular data (I didn't think it would but checked just in case)

Last night I rebooted, ran a benchmark, got normal scores, and left the phone on but NOT charging. When I woke up this morning I did a few benchmark tests in a row and they were all also normal, so it does not have to do with how long the phone has been on either.

So, and yes I have too much time on my hands, I can conclude that the only constant is that a reboot seems to fix it, but as you use the phone for a while, the numbers start to go do down. I can see the phone's visual performance degrading as the numbers go down as well. I don't think this is Apple doing intentional "throttling", but its possibly one of the following:

- iOS 14.5.1 is being overly "safe" with regulating the phone's power consumption to the point of reduced performance
- A bug in 14.5.1 is causing the performance to degrade the longer its on
- Certain apps may not be behaving well in the background with the new tracking blockers and/or the 14.5.1 security patch.

But then this also seems to be limited to just some phones in the 11/12 generation so who knows.

I didn't obsessively check Geekbench prior to 14.5.1 so I don't know if it was just always like this and I didn't know, but I definitely see the performance degrade the longer I use the phone.

Check it again in a couple hours without turning off your phone and with normal use.
Just wanted to throw in something to test -- if you force quit Safari from the app switcher while the phone has degraded performance, does it speed up?

Safari is draining battery more than normal in 14.6 beta and I wonder if there's something weird going on with Safari in 14.5.1/14.6 that Apple is still working on fixing. Could it be that Apple introduced a bug/memory leak in Safari with the WebKit fixes in 14.5.1?


macrumors newbie
May 10, 2021
- Certain apps may not be behaving well in the background with the new tracking blockers and/or the 14.5.1 security patch.
I am on iOS 14.2.1 and I do have this App Tracking Transparency feature, I don't understand why are they saying it's new ?

the only thing I do not have is Privacy Labels in the app store, but I can check that by looking at the app directly from the app store website
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2021
I am on iOS 14.2.1 and I do have this App Tracking Transparency feature, I don't understand why are they saying it's new ?

the only thing I do not have is Privacy Labels in the app store, but I can check that by looking at the app directly from the app store website
The ATT settings existed prior to 14.5, however, apps don’t have to observe this setting on anything older than 14.5. What this means is that apps can still track you on 14.4.2- regardless if this setting is off or not.


macrumors newbie
May 10, 2021
Hi guys !

So I updated 30 minutes ago to 14.5.1 and… it does throttle too haha

Image PNG.png

anyway, it doesn’t seem to be slower in menus / the app I use for now but that’s not normal at all. I hope they will fix this soon !!
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 15, 2015
Hi guys !

So I updated 30 minutes ago to 14.5.1 and… it does throttle too haha

View attachment 1775860

anyway, it doesn’t seem to be slower in menus / the app I use for now but that’s not normal at all. I hope they will fix this soon !!
When I really noticed the "throttling" was when my multi-core score was like 1,360; it was unbearably slow for me.
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macrumors newbie
May 10, 2021
Well, I don’t Know how but I didn’t even reboot, nothing… and it is back to normal :
Image PNG.png

maybe I just had to wait for the update to settle ? (As it seems to be a real thing with Apple from what I read ?lol)

will test again later to see how it goes and maybe even reboot tomorrow to see how it will behave

EDIT : rebooted 2 hours after (at 6pm), and since then I did 3 benchmarks : 1597 SC / 2558 MC (6pm)
1366 SC / 2380 MC (7pm)
1240 SC / 2367 MC (9pm)

to be honest I don't really understand how some people are not being hit by this problem. I'm pretty if those guys reboot their iPhone, their performances will deteriorate (but anyway it still does not lag in menus / apps I am using atm)
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macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2009
I don’t have any experience with geek bench scores. But since 14.5.1 my phone is very slow to use. Animations stutter, apps are slow to open and close. If I am on FaceTime I can’t do anything else on my phone. FaceTime will crash or the phone will just completely freeze up. Definitely something was changed in this last incremental update. I hope it’s fixed in the next released update!
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macrumors newbie
May 10, 2021
2 HOURS?! Sounds like you have an App run amok. Maybe you are plugging your phone in a night before you are going to sleep, and killing the battery...unless Battery Optimization is turned on. I have a 12 Pro Max, and I am on the phone all day, with client calls, text messages, emails, I am using apps like WeChat, Facebook, Messages/iMessage, YouTube and my phone lasts all day. It's at like +45% at the end of the day.
please, stop with this thing !

It does not really "kill the battery" to charge a smartphone overnight. Or it is really insignificant, seriously.

if someone here has got a proof that charging from 20 to 100 overnight is something that kills the battery, I would like to see it !
there are hardware and i'm pretty sure software protections and limitations that are already implemanted to avoid those over voltages problems
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