Turns out that the parent company of Express VPN also owns Ghost VPN (or whatever its name is). There is a bit of inverse serendipity in the VPN world. Some know that Nord ran into an issue at one of its leased sites where data was exposed. Since then, they not only took care of the problem but strengthen beyond "satisfactory" against this type of breach and opened itself up to a later audit. In short, chances are Nord is more secure in certain ways than some of its competitors. As for ExpressVPN, the information about its new owner and the individual(s) associated with hacking may too end up for PR and goodwill working harder to make ExpressVPN safer and a more hardened system in order to counter all the bad press. In short, due to both Nord and Express getting identified with serious mishaps, it forced them to take steps to assure their customer base and hopefully new subscribers that their products are likely to be solid with respect to security and company handling. If you are still wary of either, then also be wary of Ghost VPN as well.