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bursty said:
Very cool setup. Nice.

Why thank you.

stonyc said:
Hmm, you wouldn't happen to know the actual name of the color your room was painted with.. I like it a lot.

I don't know the name of the color off hand, but I have the paint conantainer in storage, I can get it out when I get home and let you know.
Mike Teezie said:
Why thank you.

I don't know the name of the color off hand, but I have the paint conantainer in storage, I can get it out when I get home and let you know.
Cool, thanks! :)
Here is my setup in my dorm room. As you can see the computer is on some waffle blocks to the right of my desk. The cables find their way to my desk by going behind the fridge haha. See the pictures below and follow along ;)

Chrispy said:
Here is my setup in my dorm room. As you can see the computer is on some waffle blocks to the right of my desk. The cables find their way to my desk by going behind the fridge haha. See the pictures below and follow along ;)

Nice setup. :D But you have walk allllll the way over there to change a disk. ;)
Heres my setup:


  • CIMG0586.jpg
    191.7 KB · Views: 220
  • CIMG0588.jpg
    218.9 KB · Views: 217
I'd post mine, but it'd be nothing more than my iBook and power adapter sticking out of my backpack. :p
w_parietti22 said:
whats wrong with red? :confused:

dude one of my walls is lime green, i'll take a pic tomorrow when i have my imac g5 and ibook g4 side by side. prepare to **** some pants.
boxcarracer767 said:
Heres my setup:

Just curious, why don't you have your center speaker.. in the center? Or do you? Either way spread those speakers out.

And I have the same lamp... crazy
rickvanr said:
Just curious, why don't you have your center speaker.. in the center? Or do you? Either way spread those speakers out.

And I have the same lamp... crazy

Boxcarracer, I just bought the exact same set of speakers, and I have an iBook with one audio jack. How am I supposed to get 5.1 Dolby Surround sound without a sound card? :confused:
crazydreaming said:
Here we go.

(I hope this works. I attatched the photo, but I've never posted a pic here before)

Nice - but did you really need 3 boxes of iPod socks ? :p

(and btw - is that a Warren Miller film playing, or something else?)
w_parietti22 said:
How do yopu even see the Dell??? (moniter)

I used to keep it on my desk, but it just took up too much damn space! I need an LCD, but, that can wait. My roomate stole my idea and brought his flat panel in, too bad he's got all HP stuff. :p

I just use it for iTunes and looking at pictures which I have it constantly changing through. Sometimes it's handy also for say draggin files from one finder window to another.
Sca1pel said:
IM 19 And In College.....

Man, college children with $20,000+ worth of kit on their desks. Insane.

I can't decide if I am envious of kids that get stuff handed to them (I am into my 8th year of uni and have never had so much as a fee waiver until I started my doctorate last year) or saddened by the seeming vanity of how all the camera gear is displayed. For a young man, you'll have an uphill climb to rope in that ego.

It's probably envy, don't worry about it.

My setup:
2003 G4 867 12" Powerbook that works just fine: £1200 2.5 years ago
External Apple USB keyboard and mouse: £35 used on eBay
White table: £19 from ikea
Kitchen Chair: free
3.99/4.0 GPA: Priceless
jung_offender said:
Man, college children with $20,000+ worth of kit on their desks. Insane.

I can't decide if I am envious of kids that get stuff handed to them (I am into my 8th year of uni and have never had so much as a fee waiver until I started my doctorate last year) or saddened by the seeming vanity of how all the camera gear is displayed. For a young man, you'll have an uphill climb to rope in that ego.
How do you know that he got that stuff "handed" to him? Maybe he saved enough to buy the camera and is now doing photography to pay for the rest. Dont insult others for having more/better things then you.
bursty said:
How do you know that he got that stuff "handed" to him? Maybe he saved enough to buy the camera and is now doing photography to pay for the rest. Dont insult others for having more/better things then you.

*applause* :)
jung_offender said:
Man, college children with $20,000+ worth of kit on their desks. Insane.

I can't decide if I am envious of kids that get stuff handed to them (I am into my 8th year of uni and have never had so much as a fee waiver until I started my doctorate last year) or saddened by the seeming vanity of how all the camera gear is displayed. For a young man, you'll have an uphill climb to rope in that ego.

It's probably envy, don't worry about it.

My setup:
2003 G4 867 12" Powerbook that works just fine: £1200 2.5 years ago
External Apple USB keyboard and mouse: £35 used on eBay
White table: £19 from ikea
Kitchen Chair: free
3.99/4.0 GPA: Priceless

Everything pictured has paid or is paying for itself.... I do all my own work. My mom is retired, my father just left for Houston to work leaving us 8 hours away. I pay my own college working any and every photography job I can get. The only thing purchased by my parents there is my desk, which is over 4 years old. I started with my dad's K1000 and saved up a year to get my first real camera. A Canon 10d w/ a 17-40L.....What you see is where I stand about 3 years later.
Right, so in the last 3 years, presumably while attending high school, you have earned enough to buy all that kit (or have bought it on loans with your own collateral) and now also earn enough to pay for all of your school related expenses. You must be a very accomplished photographer.

Well done to you though. Trust me, if I had a chance to have all that stuff at your age, I probably would have as well.

It wasn't the gear as much as it was the alter that caught my eye. And believe me, it wasn't envy.
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