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Edit: I didn’t realize I was on a Catalina branch, apologies. Updating from Monterey 12.3 to 12.5 seems to have worked for me, I’ll leave what started it below in case it’s relevant to anyone

Same issue here however I don’t have external monitor(s) or anything attached- although it began last night as my Mac (Monterey 12.3) was copying files to an external SD card. With the SD card reader long removed, the crash persists.
Could it perhaps be the SD card reader’s driver?
The other recent change was one week ago I began using my previously installed Wacom software however the Wacom display was not and has not been connected to my Mac when this began a week later. I appreciate any tips, for now Amphetamine is installing
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Hi everybody. A few weeks ago I started to receive "watchdog" errors. Previously it was one maybe two times per day but now I can't work at all because the laptop works only for 1-3 minutes and after that frozen and restarted. I found one strange thing. When I turned off my power adapter and work only from the battery everything ok, but if I turned on the adapter, the laptop would be frozen in a few minutes. Maybe somebody knows the difference between running on mains or battery?

macOS Monterey
Version 12.5.1
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)
Processor 2,6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Graphics Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

attached logs


  • watchdog_27_08_2022_19_12.txt
    7.4 KB · Views: 153
  • watchdog_27_08_2022_19_48.txt
    7.4 KB · Views: 137
  • watchdog_27_08_2022_02_57.txt
    7.4 KB · Views: 173
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I'm getting the exact same thing on my 2019 imac 27" after I pulled in a Monterey update. I have a Radeon Vega Pro 48 in it. It has been going on or three weeks. I have fixed permissions, reinstalled Monterey, changed my USB hubs, uninstalled BitDefender and turned off spotlight but nothing fixes it.

Edit: In addition to the Monterey update, I also had a PS5 controller connected to it and was using PS Remote Play.
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Hello, it looks like we found a solution, but there are 46 pages of replies. Can someone summarize the fix and explain how to do it? Thank you.. I've been having this problem for like a year
This has been annoying me for months!

One workaround that I've found that works is to disable the screen saver. I've not had a kernel panic since.

Which is a shame cause I do like my screen saver: My setup.

Cheers David
Hello, it looks like we found a solution, but there are 46 pages of replies. Can someone summarize the fix and explain how to do it? Thank you.. I've been having this problem for like a year

This has been annoying me for months!

One workaround that I've found that works is to disable the screen saver. I've not had a kernel panic since.

Which is a shame cause I do like my screen saver: My setup.

Cheers David

The work around is basically disabling the mediaanalysisd process (as well as photoanalysisd) and this will prevent the kernel panic. However the issue that I've got is that if I run certain games on my Mac (such as Runescape) and opt to use my GPU, or use the photos app or open a photo in iMessage and this will cause the same freeze. You can use either Launch Control or a terminal command app to do this.

I can't recall the exact post in this topic but I copy and pasted the instructions. There is also an alternate way and that is deleting the plist file in Launch Daemons, I'll include instructions for both.

This is NOT:
- 3rd party kext problem
- hardware problem
- sleep/wake/screensaver problem
- Catalina-only problem (happens on Mojave too)

It was tricky to find a cause:

Some "nonstandard" (or maybe partially corrupted) photo in your "Photos Library" causes Apple's media analysis daemon (/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VideoProcessing.framework/Versions/A/mediaanalysisd) to lock display driver, which deadlocks user's WindowServer for more than 120 seconds, so reboots entire operating system. Very annoying and hard to reproduce bug.

That's why all is running fine on clean macOS install.

Temporary solution:

- boot to Recovery partition (Cmd+R)
- open Terminal
- cd /Volumes/<macOS>/System/Library/LaunchAgents
- rm -rf
- reboot

No more crashes/kernel panic when your Mac is idle.
May be necessary to re-apply after macOS update.

How to actually do it
To do this, you'll need to open up Terminal and run a couple of commands. Any time you're asked to copy and paste commands into your terminal, it's a good idea to at least have at least a basic understanding of what the commands are actually doing to your system.

The following commands are really 4 command. The && basically means "run the first one (on the left) and if that's successful, run the second one (on the right). launchctl is the command that is used to control system services in macOS.

First, you'll disable and kill the GUI instance:

launchctl disable gui/$UID/ && launchctl kill -TERM gui/$UID/

As well as the actual service:

launchctl disable user/$UID/ && launchctl kill -TERM user/$UID/


launchctl disable gui/$UID/ && launchctl kill -TERM gui/$UID/


launchctl disable user/$UID/ && launchctl kill -TERM user/$UID/


Terminal commands :
sudo mount -o nobrowse -t apfs /dev/disk1s5 ~/livemount [Will need to amend disk to your relevant drive]

sudo bless --folder ~/livemount/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot

Delete this file
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It’s been so long since I’ve been had this problem, but I just wanted to suggest trying Photos library ”repair” tool...
If it is a corrupted photo or media in the library this *could* address it.
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It’s been so long since I’ve been had this problem, but I just wanted to suggest trying Photos library ”repair” tool...
If it is a corrupted photo or media in the library this *could* address it.
Thanks mate I will give this ago, I did try this once upon a time but no luck. I've re-enabled mediaanalysisd and photoanalysisd launch agents to see if it makes a difference. Was this what got your macOS to stop freezing and can you use your photos app without any issues?
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This is NOT:
- 3rd party kext problem
- hardware problem
- sleep/wake/screensaver problem
- Catalina-only problem (happens on Mojave too)
This is only partially true in my experience. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out the cause of this and I can confirm that disabling the mediaanalysisd/photoanalysisd services greatly reduces the risk of this crash to happen.

Another (simpler) way is to just remove all your photos from your Photo library and not use the Photos app at all.

I've however found that I can reproduce this issue reliably when connecting multiple external monitors as well. I currently have two external monitors connected to my iMac 2019 (on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7). If I connect one more screen I will get the Watchdog crash on a regular basis. If I only keep two external monitors connected my system is rock solid. It doesn't matter which screens (they are all different models) I have connected or in which configuration.

It seems to me that the crashes I experience could be related to the overall load on the graphics card. Two screens are fine--three causes instability.
Thanks mate I will give this ago, I did try this once upon a time but no luck. I've re-enabled mediaanalysisd and photoanalysisd launch agents to see if it makes a difference. Was this what got your macOS to stop freezing and can you use your photos app without any issues?
Like I said, it's been a long time, so not sure. I don't think I ever disabled the two daemons -- at least not for very long. About 4 months ago I finally moved to Monterey and haven't had Photos issues.
Seems i am noticing something similar happening with on Monterey and Ventura. The service was using so much CPU power for more than 5 hours before kernel panic.

Deactivated contactsd, mediaanalysisd and photoanalysisd. Monitoring

Deactivation, along with photoanalysisd and mediaanalysisd, caused problems with Spotlight search. Contactsd still using up system resources after 5hrs. Reenabled all of them

Reinstalled Ventura Beta from Recovery, and currently monitoring new developments. So far contactsd is stable.
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I had this problem months/years ago but it had disappeared since around 12.something. I "upgraded" to Ventura 13.0 on my M1 Mini and now—it's back! o_O I can't believe such a critical long standing bug is still hanging around after all these reports and years of updates. We have 17 shades of "child with 2 dads" emojis but we can't reboot our computers without a kernel panic. RIP Steve.
I've been doing quite a bit of work on this and finally resolved this, there are two specific issues that can instigate this atleast in my case.
I'm running a Hackintosh and it appears RX580s in particular suffer from this issue of random freezes due to a dependancy / kext with the GPU that macOS uses. The second thing is the facial recognition aspect of macOS. I imagine most of you genuine Mac users will not encounter the GPU aspect but if you are do let me know

The facial recognition photos not scanning I managed to resolve by booting into safe mode and allowing the photos to all be scanned, this can be achieved by opening the photos app after boot, closing it and let the computer go to screensaver mode. This then allows macOS to scan all the photos and this took me about 40 mins to scan 2000 photos roughly, this will only work if you have photoanalysisd and mediaanalysisd working. After this it may ask you to confirm the names of all the facial recognised people, update it and let it do its thing again for another 30 mins. If you open the Photos app and it still isnt done, be sure to close it and let it go to screensaver mode. I changed my macOS settings to make this work after 1 minute.

The second aspect of this issue is to do with your GPU, for me namely the RX580. Theres a weird issue where the kexts used for this GPU cause an issue with an IOGVA plugin which the RX560/570 do not suffer from. I did try and patch this issue with injector kexts and had no such luck, so instead I got a new GPU (RX5700XT) as my current GPU was an ex mining card and had some artefacts I wasnt happy with anyways.

New GPU plugged in and lo and behold everything works beautifully! No freezes and I discovered the photos app does a montage video with your facially recognised photos, if you can do that you can be assured its all working flawlessly...

EDIT: Worth mentioning since installing Ventura, the freezes dont result in the whole system crashing. It tends to unfreeze or at the very most log out of macOS which is a nice behavioural change
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So I've considered every tip on the last few pages here and still kept running into this kernel panic.

I am using a MBP 2013 Late Retina which I updated with Open Core from Big Sur to Ventura.

Works flawlessly. But now that I've switched my phone from Android back to iPhone, I have a lot of images that needed to be reintegrated.

My problem:
The kernel panic always came after Photos ran for a while and uploaded the rest of my pictures to iCloud, so the upload never completed properly and maybe corrupted the Database and kernel panics happened more and faster.

What have I done ?
Reboot and closed Photos App

I have set the screensaver to 1 minute

I exported all contacts, then deleted them once completely from Address Book and put them back in. I deleted unnecessary data that might have been created by typing too fast.

Connected the power supply

Clicked on Photos with Alt+CMD and repaired the database.

Then I opened Photos again and reimported my pictures and locked my screen with ^ + CMD + Q

Now no more kernel panic came and it diligently uploaded all the images to the cloud in the background.
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I am getting this with Ventura. Prior to Ventura it never had an issue. With 13.0.0 and 13.0.1 it is doing it daily.

This is a 2019 MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz, 8-Core Intel Core i9, 64GB, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB, Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB.

I've tried rebooting in safe mode to see if that helped repair anything, removed the Adobe stuff (someone suggested that might be it - it wasn't). It hasn't (yet) happened while I am using the machine.

Things I'm trying now: unplugged the CalDigit hub, turn off the screen saver entirely, turn off automatic graphics switching.

Still have the external monitor and keyboard. We'll see if that helps.

Now I see that perhaps it is a photoanalysisd / mediaanalysisd issue. If it keeps happening, I'll try that.

I am going through this thread to see if there are any other suggestions.
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Got 2019 MacBook Pro 2,3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 32GB, Radeon Pro Vega 20 4 GB Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB with Caldigit TS3+ and after updating to Mac OS Ventura, getting a lot of kernel panics of watchdog when computer is in a sleep. Following this thread to get some ideas, what could it be.
Crazy this is still an issue. I was on this thread years ago - in my case I gave up on having an eGPU and the problem went away. For those who have this problem and a GPU you can't swap out (or when this doesn't work)... brutal.
I've however found that I can reproduce this issue reliably when connecting multiple external monitors as well. I currently have two external monitors connected to my iMac 2019 (on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7). If I connect one more screen I will get the Watchdog crash on a regular basis. If I only keep two external monitors connected my system is rock solid. It doesn't matter which screens (they are all different models) I have connected or in which configuration.

It seems to me that the crashes I experience could be related to the overall load on the graphics card. Two screens are fine--three causes instability.

I'm running into this with my MacPro 7,1. It's only happening when using a 2nd monitor and the system is left or goes to sleep. It either hard reboots or just powers off.

I have dual 6800X Duo's in my system and it happens regardless of whether the screens are split over different mpx modules or on the same one. I've done a clean install of Ventura and it still does it. Never opened photos so it can't be that.
As with others here, I am able to reproduce this issue when I have an external monitor connected. I did find an Apple Support thread with someone reporting the same WindowServer crash, and the suggested fix of booting into Safe Mode actually worked for me!

Restarting into Safe Mode will perform a Disk Repair and clear cache files, and it seems to have done the trick!
I am getting this with Ventura. Prior to Ventura it never had an issue. With 13.0.0 and 13.0.1 it is doing it daily.

This is a 2019 MacBook Pro 2.3 GHz, 8-Core Intel Core i9, 64GB, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB, Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB.

I've tried rebooting in safe mode to see if that helped repair anything, removed the Adobe stuff (someone suggested that might be it - it wasn't). It hasn't (yet) happened while I am using the machine.

Things I'm trying now: unplugged the CalDigit hub, turn off the screen saver entirely, turn off automatic graphics switching.

Still have the external monitor and keyboard. We'll see if that helps.

Now I see that perhaps it is a photoanalysisd / mediaanalysisd issue. If it keeps happening, I'll try that.

I am going through this thread to see if there are any other suggestions.

I am also encountering this issue with Ventura, and I have the exact same setup as you, including the CalDigit TS3.

Did you find a fix?
Late to the party here, thought I was alone but holy cow this is a THING.

MBP 2019 16", 2.4 8-core i9, 64GB, 5500M 8GB, Ventura 13.2.1. Also with a CalDigit TS3+, 2 external monitors.

I recently updated to Ventura from Monterrey and re-did my desk setup; I previously had the MBP in clamshell mode but with a new desk I have it open now so I went from 2 monitors to 3 and suddenly the problems started. Takes forever to wake up from sleep (all monitors flash forever) before I finally see the login screen, after which the Mac or the OS has clearly rebooted. Today it's rebooted every time I've stepped away too. All Console indicates is a Windowserver crash, all attributed to Watchdog. Thought it was Ventura at first, and then maybe the CalDigit TS3 is going South (the blue light no longer comes on though it is working). This appears to be the same issue as y'alls.

Has anyone tried the Safe Boot method shown above and had it NOT work? That's going to be my first fix to try. I hadn't noticed any issues with Photos so I'm not keen to kill those processes just yet. It's also very odd that so many of us have the CalDigit TS3+ -- could that be a possible culprit, or just a coincidence with all the externals plugged in?
Also having this problem, 2019 19" macbook pro, Ventura 13.3. Had my laptop replaced twice by Apple Support. Spent the day today re-setting it up for work again, upper monitor froze, and 4 minutes later hard crash and reboot.

This has been happening to me for a year and a half - I don't understand how Apple thinks they can get away with this kind of ****.

Since it seems video related, I installed Amphetamine to keep it awake (I've had this program installed before I knew this was supposed to be a fix for the issue and it still crashed), and also changed a video setting under Battery to not let it switch between CPU and GPU for power saving features.
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Update 2023-04-10:

My mac full on froze a monitor and hard crashed after 2 minutes while I was actively working, even with the setting toggled. I was really hopeful that it would have an effect, but it did not.
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