Dates given by who and backed up with what facts? The is a ton of manure spread on Macrumors every day. It is just plain junk. They no more define reality than folks who claim the world is flat. It isn't.
At one point in time, there was much better signal to noise ratio on Macrumors. Sadly it appears there is an increasing number of newcomers who think dispensing made up stories they pull out of their butt is normal and the primary purpose of these forums. It really isn't. This is not intended to be a fiction writers forum for new stories. Just because people resubmit their fiction stories 10-15 times over a couple of months doesn't turn them in factual documentaries.
Yeah, I've asked a few people to show the data on their statements that they are passing off as factual. It usually leaves them stuttering for a reply. Usually recanting their previous statements after I call them on it. Or they try to deflect it back on me to prove it