This is interesting. I know NVidia cards are a "crap shoot" but one of the things I've done is always chose lightdm as the window manager when installing Debian Sid. LXDM is the other choice. Is it possible that lightdm and Nvidia don't play nice together? I know this is a stretch but I'm still struggling to get to a working GUI with my Debian sid install. (Mac G4 Nvidia GeForce4 MX 420)I have the same g4 mini w/the 9200. Works fine in sid (and ubuntu and void). Install lxdm. As mentioned lightdm is broken in sid. Worst case scenario, reinstall without installing the firmware manually. If a package requires it, let it install, otherwise its not needed. These machines are too slow for 3d gfx, and opengl is partially broken anyway. The default radeonfb driver works just fine.