Sbrocket: Good guide, more detailed than a very similar one I followed on modmyifone.
The last piece of the puzzle! Caller id fixing for international numbers:
- Use winSCP and login to your iphone
- Create a directory named "Support" in the /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework/ directory
on your iPhone.
- Copy the "AppSupport" and "AppSupport.original" files from the zip file to
the /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework/ directory on your iPhone.
- Copy the "PhoneNumber.dylib" and "PhoneNumberTemplates.txt" files from the zip file to
the /System/Library/Frameworks/AppSupport.framework/Support/ directory on your iPhone.
- Optimize the "PhoneNumberTemplates.txt" file on your iPhone by moving all templates for your country
to the top of the file and/or removing templates for countries that you don't need.
- Reboot iPhone.
Reports this works OTB for most people, but I had to change the uk entry in PhoneNumberTemplates.txt to this for it to work:
// United Kingdom [gb]
uk 44 00 0 ### #######
It originally had an incorrect identifier of gb at the start of the line.
Works a treat! Be good if you could update the wiki/post for others with this issue - think everyone will have it going by all the forums I've been looking at...