@stefan786 "Now the next step would be using the original power button instead of the one on the small JRY controller board."
If you connect the iMac’s original power button wires to the JRY Control Strip power button connections then the iMac button will switch on/off the JRY board.
These links from earlier in this thread discuss
doing that.
Here's a pic of the R1811/R9A18 Control Strip modification.
Or you can connect the iMac's power switch wires to the correct wires in the flat cable between the JRY and the controller strip.
View attachment 2376973
If you want the iMac power switch to also control the iMac PSU - with the iMac power button plugged into the PSU as normal, then you are going to provide a more complicated circuit, using an isolation relay (powered by the PSU output's 12v) to make an isolated switch make a
momentary connection to turn on the JRY board.
This is more complicated than it sounds...