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I have an ATV2, PS3 and Xbox360. All hardwired connections (20meg connection with Charter) and Netflix streaming has never been an issue with any of them.
I've never had a problem with Netflix. I am not even sure I have ever had one studder and it usually kicks the movie off in about 10 seconds.

Working flawlessly for me. My wife liked it so much for Netflix, we bought a second one. Both are wired via ethernet.

I have a 20mb/1mb connection (down/up).
It's been working perfectly for me (more reliable with Netflix than my TiVo), but since you say so, I'll stop using it.
First problem you have is buying into the lie...

You state that you get 12Mb/s from your provider and you may actually get that from time to time... However I can confidently declare you ARE NOT getting that level of speed for any great length of time... Certainly not for a full 1.5 / 2 hours in a row.

For example, I can proudly SPEED TEST my cable Internet to 30Mb/s ... But downloading the latest mac-update DVDs I was getting far lower sustained speeds... (btw: a great deal if you want parallels and 1password .. and about 8 other titles for 49 bucks) look in the right side ad bar on macupdate for the link.
Before the latest update, Netflix was hit or miss, it seemed to depend upon the show's popularity and time of day I was watching it.

Now it works just fine.
First problem you have is buying into the lie...

You state that you get 12Mb/s from your provider and you may actually get that from time to time... However I can confidently declare you ARE NOT getting that level of speed for any great length of time... Certainly not for a full 1.5 / 2 hours in a row.

For example, I can proudly SPEED TEST my cable Internet to 30Mb/s ... But downloading the latest mac-update DVDs I was getting far lower sustained speeds... (btw: a great deal if you want parallels and 1password .. and about 8 other titles for 49 bucks) look in the right side ad bar on macupdate for the link.

I get a solid 30 megabits (not megabytes) as advertised for hours on end. Bittorrent is a great way to verify this. However, I don't have cable internet, fiber optic to my home.

Also, downloading update DVD's is not a great way to verify speeds, it depends on their bandwidth as well.
Try Pingtest

rockinred, I'd be curious what you get with If it is a cache issue, the quality of your broadband may be suspect (assuming ATV2 has a smaller cache). Speed is only one component. I switched from Suddenlink to Uverse in my area, & even though the speed was slower for the plan I got, I noticed a jump in quality.
rockinred, I'd be curious what you get with If it is a cache issue, the quality of your broadband may be suspect (assuming ATV2 has a smaller cache). Speed is only one component. I switched from Suddenlink to Uverse in my area, & even though the speed was slower for the plan I got, I noticed a jump in quality.

Thanks I will check I usually use others such as and also, my dsl providers source. I usually average 15-20 mbps. My issue does not lead me to believe that I have a constant internet problem. All my components get a pretty solid download rate. While I agree it might not be consistent with interruptions from time to time. This issue with Netflix seems to be specific with the ATV2. I get good feeds with other devices streaming netflix with little problems other than something to be expected. I also don't have any issue streaming "Apple" movie rentals, youtube, etc... I only get the suspect issues with Netflix and ATV2.

There is a constant theme about this issue that makes me believe there can be a fix. It might be the Cache and how Apple does this which does explain the varying experiences. I use DSL and have a router and switch set up for my home theater components. My only other option would be to switch to Cable with comcast. I am not big on them though.

It is amazing on here how folks get so offended when reporting a bug or issue. It is almost like I personally attacked a family member or something. :D
Add me to the list of people not happy with the performance of netflix on the AppleTV. I use netflix through Windows media center on the same network and while the interface is not as nice, its been virtually flawless. On the AppleTV I've experienced dropped audio and unwatchable studdering on a fairly frequent basis. I was hoping the latest update would fix this problem but it appears that's not the case.
It is amazing on here how folks get so offended when reporting a bug or issue. It is almost like I personally attacked a family member or something. :D

So true. Either that, or they actually work at Apple, & don't want people discouraged from buying their product. I wouldn't be surprised if companies have positions whose job it is to promote their company via blogs. Why else would people care so much???
I'm not sharing this to argue on here. Just looking out for others. I would say it was just a bad deal, but after my second atv box in the living room with same problem as my bedroom....I am going to say it is not an isolated incident. Also, do a google search it is all over the web. Glad some don't have to deal with it, but it is a real issue for many. Especially when the ps3 is plugged into the same switch and doesn't do it.

I've got 3 ATV2's all running wireless to an Airport Extreme hanging off a Comcast 12Meg (very variable speed!) service. Other that issues directly related to Comcast and external interruptions, the ATV2's are great for streaming Netflix and we have been very happy with them.

If you are seeing a problem hard-wired into a switch, take a look at the port settings (if you have a manageable switch) and make sure it's not configured to an unusual value, such as 10Meg HDX while the other ports are 100Meg Auto or 1Gig Auto. I've been pleasantly surprised at how well it's worked while multiple other devices are also active on my network, so your experience may be painful, but clearly not typically of the majority of ATV2 customers.

Good luck with identifying why it's performance is less than desirable in your environment but broad sweeping condemnations aren't the best approach.
Read the following...then check out the link below and read up on Bufferbloat:

That’s exactly what happened this Christmas when our new xBox 360 replaced the entry-level Roku box on our big-screen TV. Either device can be used to watch Netflix, so I disconnected the Roku, moving it to another TV in the house. But when Mrs. Cringely and I began watching our Lie to Me marathon one night on Netflix after the boys were asleep, it was clear that the old Roku did a much better job streaming video than the far more powerful xBox 360. The xBox kept stopping every 3-5 minutes to change the video quality as the network got slower or faster. It was bufferbloat. The el cheapo Roku with its tiny memory was a better Netflix streaming device than was the state-of-the-art gaming system.

Read the following...then check out the link below and read up on Bufferbloat:


Actually that link was a good read. I have always questioned all the download speed claims vs. actual user experience. Ever since the breakthrough of 1mbps came on board with cable and dsl from the 56K... I have not noticed a really huge, huge increase. Of course the 1mbps was huge bump from the dial up 56K, but since then speeds have been very subjective and quite frankly not that big of a difference. This was an interesting read to explain this. I currently have the 20mbps from my previous 12mbps and I can't tell a single difference.

Oh well, if they offer me 40, I will jump on board and pay the extra. lol ;)
It is amazing on here how folks get so offended when reporting a bug or issue. It is almost like I personally attacked a family member or something. :D

Except you didn't report a bug or issue so much as .....

YOu declared everyone stay away from the ATV for Netflix playing.

I've had it since launch. Netflix works fine.

I've heard of folks with your problem. Seems like it is a network issue of some kind. A bug in the ATV that doesn't like the network setup of relatively few. Could be router related or ISP equipment related or ...

Try to eliminate router as the problem. IF you have cable then hook up to cable modem directly. Turn off all other computers and wireless devices. Test. Does problem still exist? Make sure ATV is directly hooked up to TV too.
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All hardwired connections
There's the important bit. WiFi signals tend to be complete crap in terms of reliability. They work great for something like basic lolCat browsing, but when you're streaming high bandwidth video on a wireless connection that is struggling to realize even half of it's theoretical speed, you'll have nothing but problems.

I tried using WiFi for my ATV. Once I ran a wire, my problems disappeared. I am very happy with Netflix streaming from my ATV2 on my (hardwired) Mbps connection.

Edit: also, remember that cable connections advertise an AVERAGE speed. I know many people who have cable connections that fluctuate between 2Mbps and 20 quite frequently. You can't stream video well on a connection like that.
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Except you didn't report a bug or issue so much as .....

YOu declared everyone stay away from the ATV for Netflix playing.

I've had it since launch. Netflix works fine.

I've heard of folks with your problem. Seems like it is a network issue of some kind. A bug in the ATV that doesn't like the network setup of relatively few. Could be router related or ISP equipment related or ...

Try to eliminate router as the problem. IF you have cable then hook up to cable modem directly. Turn off all other computers and wireless devices. Test. Does problem still exist? Make sure ATV is directly hooked up to TV too.


It's not your complaint that got people annoyed. Everyone has the right to say they have an issue so that people can suggest fixes. It's the sweeping Chicken Little generalization that it won't work for ANYONE that gets people annoyed at you. People doing shopping research come to sites like this before they buy and giving out bogus advice like that doesn't help them make a good decision.

Frankly, I've noticed a large number of people who have issues also have DSL service. As a test, take your ATV to a friend's house who has cable internet and see if it works better.
I used to have problems renting from iTunes and Netflix. I would have long wait times with iTunes and lots of buffering with Netflix.

To fix my problem I did the following.

- Changed from Comcast cable internet to SureWest optic fiber internet (25Mbps up/down, compared to 16Mbps with Comcast)
- Changed wireless router from D-Link 650 to Apple Extreme
- Replaced local DNS entries from SureWest to OpenDNS
- Relocated other wireless devices near the AppleTV2 to other areas of the house
- Relocated the Apple Extreme to have line of sight with my AppleTV2
- Changed my channel on my router to be different than my neighbor's

Now all my streaming rental and Home Sharing works almost immediately.
IMO this is a known issue with a whole bunch of theories as to why, but nothing definitive.

Either Apple acknowledges it as a known issue or they don't, your opinion has nothing to do with it. Just because a few people have a problem does not mean that there is a problem with the device. Especially since every environment that every device is placed in is different.
It's also worth noting that my ISP is wireless and I get 2.5Mbps download speeds. I have no problem using Netflix on my AppleTV2.
Rockinred your problem is in your connection configuration, how you're routed, and what you're routed through. It is NOT the ATV2 hardware or the Netflix system.

I have flawless service with my ATV2 connected wirelessly through a first gen Apple AirportExpress using 802.11g. My connection is a pitiful ATT DSL with a max speed of 3 mbs. Think about that for a minute, my MAXIMUM speed is 3 mbs and it's not wired, it's run through a slow wireless router!

The picture quality from Netflix is great, and the programs I watch never stop or stutter. Sometimes during peak viewing hours my Netflix service will play the first 10 to 15 seconds of a program and then stop and buffer for 5 seconds or less, and then resume playing and never stop again. I've never had stuttering problems at all.

I'm not saying you aren't having problems, but if you've got 12 to 20mbs on a wired connection then you've got more than enough bandwidth to stream Netflix if it's correctly configured and routed. The answers to your problems are on this forum, and it's not the ATV2 hardware or the Netflix network. Good luck.
Except you didn't report a bug or issue so much as .....

YOu declared everyone stay away from the ATV for Netflix playing.

I've had it since launch. Netflix works fine.

I've heard of folks with your problem. Seems like it is a network issue of some kind. A bug in the ATV that doesn't like the network setup of relatively few. Could be router related or ISP equipment related or ...

Try to eliminate router as the problem. IF you have cable then hook up to cable modem directly. Turn off all other computers and wireless devices. Test. Does problem still exist? Make sure ATV is directly hooked up to TV too.

I've had ATV2 since it's launch as well. I have stated numerous times that I have 2- ATV2 devices hooked up. I keep getting flamed on here about basic internet connections and reboot procedures which is silly. I have stated numerous times that it is not an internet connection problem as I have multiple devices used for streaming Netflix and I know how to set up routers and switches. I have also stated that I have watched entire netflix movies without any problems. I also stated that I don't have any issues streaming other stuff off my ATV2.

What I did state is that it has more problems specifically with Netflix compared to other devices and this problem is well known. You can say this is not a bug or issue or whatever you want, but it is clearly not specific with me or my internet connections. I have actually just upgraded to a new router and switch, which has the capabilities to download 350mbps on router and 1gig on the switch. Everything is working fine on the ISP aside from normal interuptions that will occur regardless.

One member posted about the buffering or cache issue that may cause one device to offer more space to cache the stream, which prevents any interuptions from stopping the stream...makes a heck of a lot more sense than saying I should reboot or check my ISP or that my claim is bogus and only specific to me. Whether this is right or wrong is to be determined, but it seems that this can be fixed and also explains the different experiences on streaming.

I will stand by my original post and say if you are wanting to buy ATV2 just for netflix than pick better alternatives at this point in time. If you want it for other reasons such as compatability with i-devices than it is great and unbeatable.

I use my ATV for many other things, such as music, photos, etc... and I am not suggesting to not buy the unit for other things. I am excited about the new apps being launched with NBA and MLB. We'll see what happens.

Let me just rephrase my original post. "Buyer's buy at your own risk of potential problems with streaming Netflix". Is this more politically correct or to the taste of everyone getting offended?
I know how to set up routers and switches.

I have actually just upgraded to a new router and switch, which has the capabilities to download 350mbps on router and 1gig on the switch.

I like to think that if you know how to setup the equipment then you would know that it is 350Mbps and not 350mbps and that those speeds are being provided by a wireless access point and not a router. They are completely different functions even though they might be in the same box. You could also argue that the difference between Mbps and mbps doesn't matter but it is a very big difference that does in fact matter.
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