Except you didn't report a bug or issue so much as .....
YOu declared everyone stay away from the ATV for Netflix playing.
I've had it since launch. Netflix works fine.
I've heard of folks with your problem. Seems like it is a network issue of some kind. A bug in the ATV that doesn't like the network setup of relatively few. Could be router related or ISP equipment related or ...
Try to eliminate router as the problem. IF you have cable then hook up to cable modem directly. Turn off all other computers and wireless devices. Test. Does problem still exist? Make sure ATV is directly hooked up to TV too.
I've had ATV2 since it's launch as well. I have stated numerous times that I have 2- ATV2 devices hooked up. I keep getting flamed on here about basic internet connections and reboot procedures which is silly. I have stated numerous times that it is not an internet connection problem as I have multiple devices used for streaming Netflix and I know how to set up routers and switches. I have also stated that I have watched entire netflix movies without any problems. I also stated that I don't have any issues streaming other stuff off my ATV2.
What I did state is that it has more problems specifically with Netflix compared to other devices and this problem is well known. You can say this is not a bug or issue or whatever you want, but it is clearly not specific with me or my internet connections. I have actually just upgraded to a new router and switch, which has the capabilities to download 350mbps on router and 1gig on the switch. Everything is working fine on the ISP aside from normal interuptions that will occur regardless.
One member posted about the buffering or cache issue that may cause one device to offer more space to cache the stream, which prevents any interuptions from stopping the stream...makes a heck of a lot more sense than saying I should reboot or check my ISP or that my claim is bogus and only specific to me. Whether this is right or wrong is to be determined, but it seems that this can be fixed and also explains the different experiences on streaming.
I will stand by my original post and say if you are wanting to buy ATV2 just for netflix than pick better alternatives at this point in time. If you want it for other reasons such as compatability with i-devices than it is great and unbeatable.
I use my ATV for many other things, such as music, photos, etc... and I am not suggesting to not buy the unit for other things. I am excited about the new apps being launched with NBA and MLB. We'll see what happens.
Let me just rephrase my original post. "Buyer's buy at your own risk of potential problems with streaming Netflix". Is this more politically correct or to the taste of everyone getting offended?