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I like to think that if you know how to setup the equipment then you would know that it is 350Mbps and not 350mbps and that those speeds are being provided by a wireless access point and not a router. They are completely different functions even though they might be in the same box. You could also argue that the difference between Mbps and mbps doesn't matter but it is a very big difference that does in fact matter.

Whatever, you know what I meant. What's your point... so I didn't capitalize the M in Mbps. My point is the access point is fully capable. Are we trying to split hairs? You really don't think that the ATV device is the only one that got set up incorrectly? Besides, we are all on here to help eachother out... so take my experience as a grain of salt. Many have stated they don't have problems. This is where it is at.
I have the same exact issue as the OP. I have my PS3 and ATV2 hooked up to the same Airport Extreme. The PS3 plays flawlessley while the ATV2 stutters and hangs all over the place. I have 35Mbps FIOS that regularly benchmarks at over 42Mbps download speed. Not sure what the reason is, but it's not bandwidth.
I've had ATV2 since it's launch as well. I have stated numerous times that I have 2- ATV2 devices hooked up. I keep getting flamed on here about basic internet connections and reboot procedures which is silly. I have stated numerous times that it is not an internet connection problem as I have multiple devices used for streaming Netflix and I know how to set up routers and switches. I have also stated that I have watched entire netflix movies without any problems. I also stated that I don't have any issues streaming other stuff off my ATV2.

What I did state is that it has more problems specifically with Netflix compared to other devices and this problem is well known. You can say this is not a bug or issue or whatever you want, but it is clearly not specific with me or my internet connections. I have actually just upgraded to a new router and switch, which has the capabilities to download 350mbps on router and 1gig on the switch. Everything is working fine on the ISP aside from normal interuptions that will occur regardless.

One member posted about the buffering or cache issue that may cause one device to offer more space to cache the stream, which prevents any interuptions from stopping the stream...makes a heck of a lot more sense than saying I should reboot or check my ISP or that my claim is bogus and only specific to me. Whether this is right or wrong is to be determined, but it seems that this can be fixed and also explains the different experiences on streaming.

I will stand by my original post and say if you are wanting to buy ATV2 just for netflix than pick better alternatives at this point in time. If you want it for other reasons such as compatability with i-devices than it is great and unbeatable.

I use my ATV for many other things, such as music, photos, etc... and I am not suggesting to not buy the unit for other things. I am excited about the new apps being launched with NBA and MLB. We'll see what happens.

Let me just rephrase my original post. "Buyer's buy at your own risk of potential problems with streaming Netflix". Is this more politically correct or to the taste of everyone getting offended?

My Apple TV streams Netflix better than my PS3 ever did. So what is your point? You are not helping anyone.
My Apple TV streams Netflix better than my PS3 ever did. So what is your point? You are not helping anyone.

So what's my point? Are you serious? I already spelled it out... I don't have netflix streaming problems with my macbook, iPad, ps3, wii, etc... I also don't have streaming problems with my atv2 downloading anything else. I only have problems with netflix on atv2. I had this problem with 2 separate apple tv devices. It is disappointing. Also, many, many others experience this too.

So my point is.... this is a problem worth posting to me. I am not here bashing Apple products. I have 2 mac pros, imac, ipad, iphone, 2 ipod nanos, 6 shuffles and 2 apple tv's. Doesn't mean I have to overlook the issue that I and others are having.

So if me posting that there are better solutions to netflix streaming is the equivalent of me saying "your momma is ugly"... I guess I am sorry.

I also never claimed to be a representative or some authoritative source. I am just a dude that tells others to shop somewhere else and save some heartache because you might experience streaming problems like me. This is the way the world turns. Deal with opinions.
Mine works great, I love it. Only take about 5 seconds to buffer on my craptastic 3mb down DSL, and the quality is quite good.

So no, I won't stop using my ATV2 for Netflix. :rolleyes:
Please....whatever....doubt you can educate me.

Not sure if you're aware, but there is a known issue with ATV2 when used with DNS services from places like Google and OpenDNS. Anyway, in short, using those services to stream Netflix (and Apple Rented content) destroys performance for many, many people. If you happen to be using a DNS service separate from your provider, you may want to try your providers DNS service to see if that resolves the issue. It did for me and many others.

Regardless, it's still some sort of difficiency in the buffering algorithm in ATV, given that other devices work with those DNS services without problem. ATV seems to more affected by latency which gets introduced when you use a 3rd party DNS.

Basically Netflix is using a CDN to make sure that the machine physically closest to yours, with the shortest network path, is used to service your movies. They determine your location based on the DNS provider. So using a Google DNS (, means Netflix thinks you are in CA and thus you get your files served from there. For many people that results in terrible performance.
So if me posting that there are better solutions to netflix streaming is the equivalent of me saying "your momma is ugly"... I guess I am sorry.

oh, so you are a kid... now it makes a lot more sense.

It's fine to have a problem, it's fine to voice your problem and seek help or even complain about it. But your initial intention here was to come and start a thread and tell people that the Apple TV should not be used for Netflix, which is just a completely idiotic thing to say and inaccurate.
oh, so you are a kid... now it makes a lot more sense.

It's fine to have a problem, it's fine to voice your problem and seek help or even complain about it. But your initial intention here was to come and start a thread and tell people that the Apple TV should not be used for Netflix, which is just a completely idiotic thing to say and inaccurate.

ok relax... I was just being sarcastic and

I am not a kid and I don't like the tone of my message after re-reading it... so I apologize if you seriously got offended. I was just trying to say that I had an opinion and no need to get overly defensive and upset by my opinion or advice or suggestions...however you will.
Way too many variables to just say that kind of thing as a blanket statement. I have fine quality with my Apple TV for Netflix--and I have Roku and my Blu Ray player to compare it too--every configuration is different and anything in the chain can affect performance. My configuration is wireless connection to Time Capsule in G-band.
Not sure if you're aware, but there is a known issue with ATV2 when used with DNS services from places like Google and OpenDNS. Anyway, in short, using those services to stream Netflix (and Apple Rented content) destroys performance for many, many people. If you happen to be using a DNS service separate from your provider, you may want to try your providers DNS service to see if that resolves the issue. It did for me and many others.

Regardless, it's still some sort of difficiency in the buffering algorithm in ATV, given that other devices work with those DNS services without problem. ATV seems to more affected by latency which gets introduced when you use a 3rd party DNS.

Basically Netflix is using a CDN to make sure that the machine physically closest to yours, with the shortest network path, is used to service your movies. They determine your location based on the DNS provider. So using a Google DNS (, means Netflix thinks you are in CA and thus you get your files served from there. For many people that results in terrible performance.

Thanks I am a little aware of this and that is the reason I posted. Partially out of frustration over this known issue. I did try Google's DNS and it didn't fix it, so I set it back to open. As I have stated before, I have been able to watch entire movies without interruptions from time to time with ATV2, but I have also had to stop watching a movie completely due to interruptions that wouldn't stop. It does seem that many are onto the root cause of it and hopefully it will get fixed soon with an update.
It is amazing on here how folks get so offended when reporting a bug or issue. It is almost like I personally attacked a family member or something. :D

I'm not sure that's really valid. I don't think folks are offended by reporting an issue- it's the way it's framed - "do not use ATV2 for netflix"? is a lot different than "I'm having an issue with Netflix and my ATV2, can anyone help" . You're likely to get a more positive response with the later. But really, you've gotten alot of positve and helpful suggestions even with your kind of bossy subject line :) I for one, hope you get it working for you!
I've had ATV2 since it's launch as well. I have stated numerous times that I have 2- ATV2 devices hooked up. I keep getting flamed on here about basic internet connections and reboot procedures which is silly. I have stated numerous times that it is not an internet connection problem as I have multiple devices used for streaming Netflix and I know how to set up routers and switches. I have also stated that I have watched entire netflix movies without any problems. I also stated that I don't have any issues streaming other stuff off my ATV2.

What I did state is that it has more problems specifically with Netflix compared to other devices and this problem is well known. You can say this is not a bug or issue or whatever you want, but it is clearly not specific with me or my internet connections. I have actually just upgraded to a new router and switch, which has the capabilities to download 350mbps on router and 1gig on the switch. Everything is working fine on the ISP aside from normal interuptions that will occur regardless.

One member posted about the buffering or cache issue that may cause one device to offer more space to cache the stream, which prevents any interuptions from stopping the stream...makes a heck of a lot more sense than saying I should reboot or check my ISP or that my claim is bogus and only specific to me. Whether this is right or wrong is to be determined, but it seems that this can be fixed and also explains the different experiences on streaming.

I will stand by my original post and say if you are wanting to buy ATV2 just for netflix than pick better alternatives at this point in time. If you want it for other reasons such as compatability with i-devices than it is great and unbeatable.

I use my ATV for many other things, such as music, photos, etc... and I am not suggesting to not buy the unit for other things. I am excited about the new apps being launched with NBA and MLB. We'll see what happens.

Let me just rephrase my original post. "Buyer's buy at your own risk of potential problems with streaming Netflix". Is this more politically correct or to the taste of everyone getting offended?

Except I didn't say it wasn't a bug or an issue. ACtually I said it was. It's just a bug or issue that has a problem with particular setups because most of us don't have a problem streaming Netflix.

So if you want to troubleshoot why this problem is occurring I would start with the router. Eliminate it from the equation. And hook up your ATV directly to your cable modem and directly to your tv. Though believe I understand if you don't want to troubleshoot. It should just work as your other devices do.

Has nothing to do with your ability to setup a router or anything btw.

Personally wasn't "offended" until you complained about getting crap from others. :D
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I'm not sure that's really valid. I don't think folks are offended by reporting an issue- it's the way it's framed - "do not use ATV2 for netflix"? is a lot different than "I'm having an issue with Netflix and my ATV2, can anyone help" . You're likely to get a more positive response with the later. But really, you've gotten alot of positve and helpful suggestions even with your kind of bossy subject line :) I for one, hope you get it working for you!

I hear ya, and I understand your point. I am not on here to make enemies. I wasn't looking for "help" per say. The issue that many users are experiencing lie with Netflix or Apple. There isn't really a fix that I can do. I had tried all the "alleged fixes" and am not able to correct it. It is not something where I post that I can't even connect.

I say "many" are having problems loosely, since obvious not "everyone" is. I will say that I hang out here quite a bit and I constantly see folks getting offended and lashing out due to any negative feedback about any Apple product which is crazy in itself. I don't subscribe to that belief even though I am really into Apple products myself.

Think of this below:

I never once went out on a limb to say that someone who posted they have no problem with Netflix and ATV2 were lying or had some "special" setup and they are the only ones who get a good feed. Which would be the same type of accusations to me on the opposite end..... I am getting that same response when people automatically assume my set up is bad and it is only me who has a problem and that I am ignorant on basic internet connections and ATV2.

I think this thread was very productive and informative for many who will stop by with similar issues. I believe the issue lies with buffering/cache on the developers and how the internet service provider performs in certain areas. These are all things that need to be fixed by either netflix or apple. There are work arounds, but I just don't think we should be messing with those work arounds and it is up to the developers.

anyhow, thanks to all who commented...I had fun and learned a few things. :D
I hear ya, and I understand your point. I am not on here to make enemies. I wasn't looking for "help" per say. The issue that many users are experiencing lie with Netflix or Apple. There isn't really a fix that I can do. I had tried all the "alleged fixes" and am not able to correct it. It is not something where I post that I can't even connect.

I say "many" are having problems loosely, since obvious not "everyone" is. I will say that I hang out here quite a bit and I constantly see folks getting offended and lashing out due to any negative feedback about any Apple product which is crazy in itself. I don't subscribe to that belief even though I am really into Apple products myself.

Think of this below:

I never once went out on a limb to say that someone who posted they have no problem with Netflix and ATV2 were lying or had some "special" setup and they are the only ones who get a good feed. Which would be the same type of accusations to me on the opposite end..... I am getting that same response when people automatically assume my set up is bad and it is only me who has a problem and that I am ignorant on basic internet connections and ATV2.

I think this thread was very productive and informative for many who will stop by with similar issues. I believe the issue lies with buffering/cache on the developers and how the internet service provider performs in certain areas. These are all things that need to be fixed by either netflix or apple. There are work arounds, but I just don't think we should be messing with those work arounds and it is up to the developers.

anyhow, thanks to all who commented...I had fun and learned a few things. :D

I think you are asking a developer to personally come to your house to fix your network or Apple/Netflix to strong arm your ISP to give you better service. Neither of which will ever happen.
I think you are asking a developer to personally come to your house to fix your network or Apple/Netflix to strong arm your ISP to give you better service. Neither of which will ever happen.

Ummm ok....that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your insight.

Either that or I can just watch my netflix on the ps3 or my wii like i have been forced to and not experience the delays. Then I can use my same network that I am using now with no problems and no developers or ISP have to come over and help me. :rolleyes:

I think you missed the whole point of my concern and issues in this entire thread.
I dunno?

Truly I am sorry for those who have had problems. But on a fully "n" network with Qwest DSL (and I know DSL is not as fast as cable, *generally speaking*), I have had no problems at all with my ATV2 and Netflix. I do have to say that I have a promotion with Qwest where I am getting a higher bandwidth, but it is important to note that it certainly isn't much over normal (as I'm on student loans and am very, very poor). However, from my mac over an "n" network to my ATV2 I've been getting resolution on par with my xbox 360 (the halo reach limited edition slim). I definitely am not trying to discount the issues that you all have been reporting because it happens. But I honestly have no complaints with my ATV2, and I'd suggest looking at your network settings and even the plan that you have with your ISP. Just an observation of my experience and comparing it to the negative experiences out there.
My experience mirrors some of the previous posts. Before the latest update, I was having some serious stop 'n' start problems when streaming NetFlix or YouTube. I haven't tested YouTube yet, but ever since I updated, NetFlix doesn't give my :apple:tv any problems anymore, at least not on standard def selections. (I have relatively slow Internet bandwidth, 3 Mbps, so HD streaming is iffy.)
Just because the PS3 and Wii play Netflix video just fine does not mean that it is not a network/router/switch/access point setting that does not need to be tweaked. After all every dissimilar device you have that streams Netflix is running a different version of Netflix software and probably has different network drivers and chipsets.
Ummm ok....that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your insight.

Either that or I can just watch my netflix on the ps3 or my wii like i have been forced to and not experience the delays. Then I can use my same network that I am using now with no problems and no developers or ISP have to come over and help me. :rolleyes:

I think you missed the whole point of my concern and issues in this entire thread.

Well, we all have the same ATV but you (and a couple others) have the issues. Doesn't it seem more likely there's a unique problem on your end, not the ATV's? I honestly think it's probably something silly you've overlooked, like you have the ATV sitting on something metallic that's interfering with the wifi.
Well, we all have the same ATV but you (and a couple others) have the issues. Doesn't it seem more likely there's a unique problem on your end, not the ATV's? I honestly think it's probably something silly you've overlooked, like you have the ATV sitting on something metallic that's interfering with the wifi.

If this is the case, which it truly might be, I wish I could figure out what I have overlooked. Everything other than Netflix works great, and, again, when replaced with my Roku I have zero issues. Love, love, love the interface of the ATV2 though. Oh well. You win some you lose some.
I own the atv 2 360 and Boxee Box and the ATV comes in second behind the boxee box for quality but for me it loads the video instantly while boxee takes 10-30 seconds the 360 takes forever to buffer and the quality goes from HD to the lowest possible every couple of minutes making it very annoying to watch.
Well, we all have the same ATV but you (and a couple others) have the issues. Doesn't it seem more likely there's a unique problem on your end, not the ATV's? I honestly think it's probably something silly you've overlooked, like you have the ATV sitting on something metallic that's interfering with the wifi.

There are far than "a couple of others" having this problem. Look at the Apple support forums on this topic and you'll see hundreds of people complaining about the exact same issue.

@rockinred. What steps have you done to troubleshoot? Have you disconnected all other devices from the LAN to see how ATV performs? Maybe the PS3 is sending bad packets and THAT is messing up th ATV on purpose a la conspiracy theory. Seriously though, there are many troubleshooting steps that can be taken. Have you tried the ATV on a friend's LAN for instance? Does it work there? If so then perhaps there is something in your network that doesn't agree with the ATV. True, if other devices stream properly, why not the ATV, but like a lot of others (myself included) the ATV streams nicely? So the trick is finding out what's unique about your setup and seeing if there is a fix for it. Even try another router to see if that makes a difference.
It would also be worth trying different versions of firmware for the router. The latest and greatest is not always the best.
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