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Not sure if some have mentioned this in this thread, but something that helped me and might help others.

Make sure that the DNS settings are the same on both your router and the AppleTv itself.

I was having issues with buffering regardless of which content it was. So I changed my DNS settings.

But I only did so on my ATV2 and not my router, so I had 2 different DNS settings (ATV2 was Google and my router was Open DNS). Seems like common sense, but apparently I didn't have them, maybe an oversight some of you might be overlooking.

And if one DNS setting doesn't work, try the other one on both. It doesn't take but 5 minutes.

I was ready to give up on my ATV2 until I did this, hope it helps some of you.
3 wired and 1 wireless ATV2's and they all stream netflix fine, my son watches cartoons at least an hour every night with no problems, and his is the wireless one.

once in a while I will get some buffering on the wireless one, but thats when im trying to do something wireless on my ipad or MBP that consumes allot of bandwidth.
Net flix with ATV

I am running:
HP lap top 64 bit factory set-up for 32 bit XP
COX Cable 28Mbps internet (their fastest speed)

I did the "un-plug ATV" thing. It runs marginally better probably because I up-ed the internet speed yesterday, but I am still not impressed with the ATV access speed and pauses.

Very "Un-Apple" like performance.

Netflix on my pc is a breeze! No pauses: quick download time.

Again, APPLE WHAT GIVES? I know I gave $100 ! But for what?
I have two ATV2s, both connected over a wireless N network to an Airport Extreme utilizing an ethernet connection to FIOS ONT (20 async service). They performance streaming Netflix has been perfect. Generally load times are on par with using the PS3 Netflix app. I'm sorry to hear that some are having difficulties, but for me it's been great - very high wife acceptance factor.
I have no issues at all, and I have the cheapest internet that'a one step above dial-up.

I streamed "UP" in 1080p with no buffering interruptions at all.

The only time I really have an issue is when I am doing multiple things with the connection, or my time machine backups (on 3 comps) all start at the same time.
More troubleshooting

boecher....thanks for the advice. Friend I have tried about everything and let me say that my xbox and ATV2 stream netflix the worst. I have my original ATV2 in my bedroom working off wifi on original modem and the wii was in kids room working off the old modem that handled the my paid 20Mbps speeds. I would have problems with buffering frequently with my ATV2. Now the wii wasn't perfect, but it was more solid than ATV2.

Anyhow, later and most recently when I rebuilt home theater set up in living room with 3d tv, receiver, components (xbox,ps3,dtv) and bought another ATV2 along with relocating the wii in the living area. This is next to modem. I then upgraded the modem and connected up a switch for all the components. This allowed a hard wired connection to everything. I figured, ok now the ATV2 will get a constant feed with no interruption potential over th wifi in the bedroom. Sure enough, same thing. I don't get it always or constant, but enough to disrupt my experience on movies. Same exact as it was in the bedroom.

I started switching ports initially. I then went in and messed with DNS setting and left it open, tried googles, which has been suggested by others experiencing problems. I connected it directly and thought that helped and at first it seemed like it did until I threw on Blue Streak and sure enough right away. So I have reverted to the PS3 and it never happens. The wii doesn't connect hard wire and it still holds a good connection. The xbox was horrible as it kept resizing images. My iPad, iMac, and Macbook have no interruptions. I waited for the new update which just came out recently and it did the same on a movie.

I decided not to even use it for the sake of getting into movie only to get interrupted when I know I don't have to with the PS3 connection. So I came on here to whine about it, because I like the ATV2 interface. I also get some really good viewings, but it is real hit and miss.

Now many on here have identified a potential issue with the varying feeds that the Internet Service Providers give. i.e. you probably won't get a perfect 20Mbps download rate for 2 hours straight. So some units, like Roku and PS3 might do a better job at caching the stream to prevent interruption of playback. This might explain why others in country are not experiencing because their ISP get a more stable constant feed. Apple might just need to do some tweaking on the cache to allow some flexibility for the different providers across the nation. Which might be the case with some providers like PS3 or roku,etc... This is all just a theory at this time.

I do know it is not just my set up. As many stated here and apple tech support their is a concern out there on this. Even if it was my set up...think about everything that I just did. 2 ATV units...different modem, changing DNS settings, rebooting, wifi, hardwired. Trying all this while another unit like the PS3, wii, ipad, macbook, are all working fine off same feed. This points to one problem with the software on ATV. Just my guess at this point in time.

@rockinred... I read the steps you have taken and there are a few I mentioned that I couldn’t tell if you did them.

1. Use ONLY the ATV2 with NOTHING else on the LAN. Sure, it should work with other devices, but we're troubleshooting here.

2. Try the ATV2 on a friend's LAN. Again, we're troubleshooting. MAybe you got a bad batch of ATV2s. Not likely, but again, we're trying to rule in or out the ATV2 being the problem. If it works OK on a friend's network then it IS your ATV. If it doesn't work then does he have the same Internet provider, etc.

3. Is if the router? Try another router. Again, like you say, the PS3 works, and the ATV2 could have a problem, I'm not disputing that. But if all it takes for you to be able to use your ATV2s is a new router, would you be willing to do that? If yes, then it's worth a try. Stores usually give you 15 days to return merchandise. If no, then you'll have to wait until there's a fix for the ATV2 that allows it to work with YOUR particular setup.

Here's an example of devices causing problems. I have the AirPort Extreme base station. It's been running great. I then plugged in a AirPort Express and my WiFi has been pretty crapping for streaming to my iPad AND to my MacBook Pro. I upgraded the firmware to the latest version yesterday (it was only .1 behind the latest) and still the same. I get 424ms, 2.26Mbps, DN 0.21Mbps UP. I just unplugged the AirPort Express (and turned off the MacBook AirPort and turned it back on) and my speeds are now 21ms, 26.85DN, 1.04UP. So even Apple router don't work well (and this is a known issue with AirPorts and extending the networks).

So even if you don't have an Apple router, there could be SOMETHING that's causing the Ethernet to be marginal, JUST enough to affect the ATV2 and not bad enough to affect the PS3, etc.

So, the question is whether you want to troubleshoot to get to the root of the problem or just use the PS3? I can understand both options as I've had other unrelated problems I've had to solve and sometimes I just go with the easiest way out.

I've had a couple of days when the ATV2 hiccuped while watching a movie, but it was nothing serious. Once, ironically, was even when I was watching a movie and thinking to myself how clear the picture was and that it was amazing that this was streamed live over the Internet. I think that if the ATV2 would buffer about 1 minute of video it would make things run a lot smoother, but then if you're skipping to a new point in the movie, does it buffer another minute or just play and try to buffer in the background?

I've seen hiccups just watching YouTube, etc. It seems that almost all video playback doesn't buffer that much ahead of time. Why can't it do a quick test to see how fast the connection is and then decide how much to buffer so that it doesn't run out of data? I guess, unless we write the programs, it's difficult to know what choices there are to make on all this.
I also have a PS3 with both Netflix and Hulu Plus that is in another home away from my Apple TV 2. This location is running on an AT&T DSL connection that typically measures 2.5Mbps with At this other location when running on the PS3, Netflix works very well but Hulu Plus is often almost unusable with pauses every thirty seconds during the playback of 1Mbps standard definition streams. Thus, even on the same PS3 with the same ISP and router I see radically different results between these two services.

I use this example to show how difficult it can be to diagnose these types of video playback problems. On the PS3 is the problem in the Hulu Plus app or the Hulu service itself? Most likely it is some type of interaction between the Hulu Plus service and app and my ISP/router which coincidentally doesn't affect Netflix whatsoever.

Similarly, it could just be a matter of average throughput where Netflix uses a slightly lower bandwidth than does Hulu Plus. The differences in the bandwidth requirements could be fairly minor (a few hundred kilobits per second) but given any particular setup the end results could be quite radically different.

I just wanted to thank you, FPNC, for your thoughtful and well reasoned comments and checking any judgment or bias at the door. Too often commentors get all emotionally charged and fail to provide any constructive information.

I also appreciate your willingness to look at the situation from many perspectives and reserve conclusions, understanding that there are so many pieces of the puzzle that it is rarely strightforward to pinpoint just one, if only piece is even the cause and not a particular web of interactions.

That said, someone had mused that if the ATV buffers less than other devices, interruptions in throughput would be more noticeable on the ATV than other devices/sources. Certainly seems reasonable, but I don't know if one could determine how much buffering different Netflix services/devices use.

Good luck troubleshooting, all!

I have had ZERO issue with buffering, downloading or playing any movie from Netflix. If fact I am very pleased with the quality of the movies shown on my 50".
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

Of all the functionality on my ATV2, Netflix gives me the least headaches. So, either my ATV is different from yours or your connection/ISP/network configuration is different.

Which do you think is the more likely?
ATV has a gravity storm goin on!

This thing worked fine first...for several days...all i heard was how great it is..... so if I made no changes..AT ALL... what could be the problem? Incorrect speed threshold and/or speed sensing correction? Regardless, there is a lot of gravity on this particular Apple!

Before someone threads how great this works for them..remember that unless you've solved the problem, you are probably not helping. I loved hearing how great this worked .......before I shelled out the money!
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I don't think most of us are gloating over the fact that ours seem to work fine--more to show that the product does work so you can focus on what exactly the problem is in your case be it a defective unit or connectivity problems--either because of your network--or your ISP.
I have no issues at all. Watching HD or regular movies. Had ATV2 for months now and it gets a lot of use, so an issue would've been noticed.
I play netflix on my ATV2, Vizio internet enabled TV, Wii, Xbox 360, computers, and iPhone. The ATV2 has the least buffering issues of all devices except the Vizio (which plays flawlessly every time). The ATV2 begins playing faster than other devices as well.

Same here. Computers, wii, xbox, iPhone, iPad, ATV2. ATV2 has the least buffering, best quality, and fastest load time.

I did have problems at first, till I realized that the issue was bad streaming performance due to googles *****ty DNS servers. Did a little searching and found the fastest DNS servers for my area and the thing has run perfectly ever since. DNS change sped up everything else as well. If I had noticed that the comcast guy had setup my airport with google for DNS (i still have no idea why he would do that) I would have changed it long ago.
The whole ATV rant thing

Apple and Netflix need to get this straightened out.

There are too many folks with different set ups experiencing problems and plenty of people who run it fine, all of who have a variety of speeds and ISP's for this to be a connectivity problem alone.

Netflix was down last night and I mean phones and streaming. maybe it's something they need to reslove.

I am very happy for those who experience no problem. Your experience is of real value as well. So please continue sharing. Peace
My experience is that ATV2 plays HD Netflix content as well as my Sony BR device does. And that means well. No stutters, etc.

FWIW, the ATV2 is connected wirelessly to an APE about 25 feet and two walls away, while the Sony is connected via ethernet to an AE.

Netflix may have performance issues depending on load, make sure you compare at the same time.
Has anyone had a chance to see if yesterday's update improved any of these Netflix problems? I've been plagued by all of these playback issues big time.

And just to preempt the haters: my ATV2 is running over ethernet connected to an Airport Extreme using Comcast, so there.
Long time lurker first time poster -- and yes I joined so I could start posting about this Netflix/Atv2 problem.

The problem is not fixed with the new update. Plus, I was given a replacement apple tv today from the Apple store and still the same problems.

To anyone who thinks they are unconcerned about the stuttering and pausing issues, and anyone else having these problems, start calling Netflix and ask them what connection speeds you have actually been getting with which devices.

I have been working with Netflix and Apple Care for over a week with this streaming issue. Here is what Netflix and I have consistently found.
(I have 20mb Verizon FiOS service and use a time capsule for my network and have methodically used wireless and wired connections)

Macbook Pro - we have tested my connection speeds multiple times of day and night and I regularly get 12-20mb/sec bandwidth connection speeds.

iPhone - same tests and consistently get 10-18 mb/sec connection speeds.

AppleTV2 - same tests, over and over, day and night, .25-1.2mb/sec. THIS is the problem. Netflix tells me that at 1.2 mb/sec the service will start pausing and having aud/vid sync problems and connection problems.

This problem with Apple TV/Netflix has been consistent from the day I bought the ATV2 three months ago. It works sometimes and we can watch shows, but sometimes a show that is 30 minutes may take 1-2 hours to finish because the stops and starts.

I see threads all over the net about this issue and even the people who say they don't have problems admit that it pauses a lot. Those people should start calling Netflix and find out their actual connection speeds and post them in my opinion.

Netflix sounds pretty bummed about it when the talk to me because I have told them I have the service because of the ATV and will probably cancel because it is mostly unwatchable. I would look for another device, but I use my ATV2, plus my old ATV to network several stereo systems and I really like AirPlay so far. I would rather this damn Netflix thing just worked right.

I've never had a problem with ATV2 and Netflix (or with any other source). We have U-verse 12 Mb/sec down hardwired from an Airport Extreme to the ATV2.

Just chipping in a datum FWIW.
Long time lurker first time poster -- and yes I joined so I could start posting about this Netflix/Atv2 problem.

The problem is not fixed with the new update. Plus, I was given a replacement apple tv today from the Apple store and still the same problems.

To anyone who thinks they are unconcerned about the stuttering and pausing issues, and anyone else having these problems, start calling Netflix and ask them what connection speeds you have actually been getting with which devices.

I have been working with Netflix and Apple Care for over a week with this streaming issue. Here is what Netflix and I have consistently found.
(I have 20mb Verizon FiOS service and use a time capsule for my network and have methodically used wireless and wired connections)

Macbook Pro - we have tested my connection speeds multiple times of day and night and I regularly get 12-20mb/sec bandwidth connection speeds.

iPhone - same tests and consistently get 10-18 mb/sec connection speeds.

AppleTV2 - same tests, over and over, day and night, .25-1.2mb/sec. THIS is the problem. Netflix tells me that at 1.2 mb/sec the service will start pausing and having aud/vid sync problems and connection problems.

This problem with Apple TV/Netflix has been consistent from the day I bought the ATV2 three months ago. It works sometimes and we can watch shows, but sometimes a show that is 30 minutes may take 1-2 hours to finish because the stops and starts.

I see threads all over the net about this issue and even the people who say they don't have problems admit that it pauses a lot. Those people should start calling Netflix and find out their actual connection speeds and post them in my opinion.

Netflix sounds pretty bummed about it when the talk to me because I have told them I have the service because of the ATV and will probably cancel because it is mostly unwatchable. I would look for another device, but I use my ATV2, plus my old ATV to network several stereo systems and I really like AirPlay so far. I would rather this damn Netflix thing just worked right.


What's your ATV sitting on or near? Just curious. A few people have reported simply moving their ATV drastically improved their connection.
Have to chip in and say that I'm finding the Apple TV 2 to be the most trouble free (in terms of internet performance) of any device in my house. Have one in living room that is directly connected to an Airport Extreme and another in a home office that is 50 feet away (and has 2 Airport Expresses boosting signal along the way)

Due to the odd shape of the apartment, and that there are a dozen other wireless signals bouncing around, apparently, I'll have drop out problems with my Ipad, my Iphone, my computers...but very VERY rarely with either Apple TV - and that includes the one in Siberia, which is used only to stream Netflix. Maybe it's because all of my internet broadcasters are Apple products as well so there is a more harmonic connection. But since getting them in November, I can count on one hand the number of times either have had a buffering problem with Netflix

(now the fact that Apple has decided that the ATV2 uses a microUSB port for troubleshooting but doesn't provide a cable...that's a problem!) :)

On a side note, I have been getting a few emails from Netflix since I started in November saying "Recently you may have had trouble instantly watching TV episodes or movies due to technical issues." (Just got one this morning) so there may be ongoing problems on their end...
I have had no problems with ATV2 and Netflix. Maybe a little slow up for 5 seconds when I first start the ATV2 because of buffering.
Rockinred, not sure if you mentioned what kind of router you have, but just to eliminate that from the picture I would try to plug your apple TV directly to your cable modem. Some routers may not play nice with the :apple:TV and have QOS issues. If the :apple:TV works flawlessly directly plugged in bypassing the router, then you have your culprit.
I've never had a problem with ATV2 and Netflix (or with any other source). We have U-verse 12 Mb/sec down hardwired from an Airport Extreme to the ATV2.

Just chipping in a datum FWIW.

And I have 20mb/sec hardwired from a Time Capsule.

Call Netflix and see what your actual connection rate has been. That is real data.
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