All been tried.
I don't think FIOS would be weeding out traffic on ATV's when I can get 20mb/sec on my laptop and 12mb+ on my iphone. I don't even know if FIOS even has the capability to read the specific packets that say what device was connecting to Netflix. They would only see packet headers and encrypted data.
Apple Care and I even ran the same show on all three devices at once and Netflix said I had over 10mb on the laptop, 8mb+ on the iphone and still a measly .5-1.0 on the ATV.
I am not doubting anyone that says they aren't having pausing issues.
As of now I do doubt anyone who claims they are getting HD streaming from Netflix with their ATV. Again, the only way to know is to call Netflix and ask them what their connection speed was for a specific show. I want to hear of proof that people are actually getting 5mb+ connections on their ATV2.
OK took the test. I'm getting 0.8 mbps to Netflix.
I had the Wii running at the same time and it was getting 3.5-4 mbps.
Not sure how much the ATV was affected by the Wii. The Wii will drop my network to wireless G and is next to the router while the ATV is upstairs in a bedroom and with wireless G could possibly have an effect.
My picture with the ATV upstairs is probably not HD if I had to call it. But hard to tell HD from DVD in older movies much of the time especially in close ups.
I watch netflix on my 360 and Tivo sometimes and I never say oh the picture is much better. And never complained about the ATV picture.
The Netflix guy said I am well below their 1.5 mbps threshold though.
I said well shouldn't I be having problems and he said no. Obviosly the 1.5 mbps rate is to make sure you have enough headroom, but still can't believe it is working at 0.8 with the quality as good as it seems to me.
So maybe you're on to something. Maybe it's just a narrow range of bandwidth that separates the doesn't work crowd from the works crowd.
The Netflix guy did say he has measured 5+mbps streams coming from atvs. And downplayed my notions that perhaps there is a problem with the ATV and Netflix.
I also suggested that perhaps it is measuring rates wrong since I'm getting 0.8 mbps and have no stutters and quality seems pretty good. He nixed that notion.
He didn't give any good recommendations though. Cycle your router is all he said. And didn't seem to want to ponder why folks are having these low bit rates even though their other devices aren't. and even though, in my case, I had next to zero complaints about Netflix on my ATV. What I hate more is when you back out to your instant queue after viewing a movie description it brings you back to the beginning of the queue.
I will try another measurement in a few minutes when my son goes to bed and the Wii isn't streaming simultaneously.