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I’m stuck with using iCloud because 10 years ago I had an @me email that I used to sign up for everything. It looked cool at the time.

I wish I hadn’t because the spam filter sucks and now I have 14,000+ emails with no desire to sift through any.
the privacy related benefits of using Apple over other services is that their AI analytics have been historically very poor, as their URL autofill proposals inside Safari show and reliably suggest places i have not intended, while Google and stuff are frighteningly spot on
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When I say spam I mean messages that aren't requested. I absolutely did not request notifications from these senders:

Yeah, okay but that really is just unsolicited spam, There is no way for example you are being sent that email directly from Capital One for instance.

My personal email is my and has been in use since 1999. Long before email spam was a thing. I have had to accept that however it happened my email is on many lists I don't want it to be. I just need good spam control from my email provider to make sure emails go to the right place, inbox or spam.

The only provider that I have personally used that has got that right 100% of the time is Google.
I’ve been using email for many many years.

Not sure if it’s on topic, but one absurd thing that happens to me if I use the macOS Mail app is that some emails will mysteriously disappear as soon as they land in my inbox, and they are 100% gone – not in the spam, not in the trash, not on the cloud server, etc. And it always happened with USPS emails (pretty important) or Bank of America (also important). So I’m forced to use a third-party mail app. As I’m writing this, it actually sounds more like a Mail app issue rather than iCloud, but who knows.
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I don't. I just don't want to be locked to any ecosystem too much. And "giving" Apple all my email sounds exactly like such lock. I like freedom to be able to quite easily exit any ecosystem.

With that said, iCloud with custom domain sounds good and may be viable solution (because you can easily switch your domain to other provider or custom server if you decide to quit Apple ecosystem)
Yea. It’s my main email outside work. I have 5 aliases, and still use .MAC address. And hide your email is great too. I can see who is selling my email or sending junk.
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I was using icloud for eons

I'm transitioning over to Protonmail, not strictly for privacy (proton is very privacy minded) but also for the features it offered. I was getting lazy in using my email and I gave out my icloud email far too many times and now its just rife with spam. I don't think apple does a particularly great job at spam filtering. It doesn't do a bad job, but others including google do a better job
Agree on every point. Really wish I’d used hide my more with email. There’s only so many De Valt Hammer Drills I need 😂
I’m stuck with using iCloud because 10 years ago I had an @me email that I used to sign up for everything. It looked cool at the time.

I wish I hadn’t because the spam filter sucks and now I have 14,000+ emails with no desire to sift through any.
Not an ad, but try Cleanfox, it’s amazing. Takes a few minutes to clean up any email and lets you pick whether you want to receive emails from the senders again.
Not an ad, but try Cleanfox, it’s amazing. Takes a few minutes to clean up any email and lets you pick whether you want to receive emails from the senders again.


That doesn't sound ... good.
I have recently begun transitioning away from iCloud as far as I can, including email, as I don’t care for subscriptions. I use protonmail for email.
I've used Fastmail, Office 365 and Gmail over the last decade or so. I'm now 100% on iCloud.

It just works and works on all my devices perfectly. There's no problems with IMAP folder mappings. It supports custom domain on iCloud+. It works entirely offline and disconnected properly like a proper mail system. Supports standard protocols.
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I have never and will never use "cloud" anything. People concerned about privacy should be aware that big tech providers (Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook in particular) share data amongst themselves. So anything you type in your Yahoo e-mail is shared with Google and Facebook. I wouldn't doubt Apple is among the sharers.
I have to agree that anything cloud sucks compared to local installs. It’s parallel to the wired vs wireless argument largely.
I use iCloud Mail! Main advantage is the Hide my email feature (with an iCloud+ plan), but you can get the same with similar third party services. Other than that, I think it's quite the same as Gmail or every other email provider.
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