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Do you get hassled for using a mac?

  • Yes, always

    Votes: 24 9.4%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 133 52.0%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 99 38.7%

  • Total voters
Miguey said:
I get hasseled nearly every day, in a joking way, since i had my iBook, and the only reason is because of games.

I just say to myself, they are all in denial...

Yeah - I get this. Only a few of my friends that say "n00b" seem to care that I use a Mac. Bless 'em.
The ones who do say something to me about it are usually the ones who I can easily switch. I'm currently in the process of getting someone to buy an iMac, instead of a Sony desktop.

PS. Does anyone else find it funny when some PC users diss Macs but they have their desktop emulated to look like one?
timerollson said:
The ones who do say something to me about it are usually the ones who I can easily switch. I'm currently in the process of getting someone to buy an iMac, instead of a Sony desktop.

PS. Does anyone else find it funny when some PC users diss Macs but they have their desktop emulated to look like one?

Yes, the gamer of whom I spoke earlier does this. I do not get it.
I consider myself a hybrid user. I have a custom-built PC that I built for gaming and normal every-day use. I also have a MacBook that I use for on the go and for when I don't feel like sitting at my desk. I would take my Mac over my PC any day. The only hassle that I have gotten so far was from one of my friends who said, "You should have got the black one." and, "I don't like the keyboard." I promptly disagreed with him.
not really, first thing people say when they see my computer is, "wow, that laptop looks awesome!" Next comments are usually "I've heard they are really easy to use" Then by the end of the conversation, they are usually asking for help in picking out a mac :) I have helped about 4 people convert to the mac :)
People hassle anyone who's different. That's just how people are. Everyone who thinks for themselves and makes their own choices in life is hassled for it at some point. You just get used to the ridicule and you don't even care anymore. And hopefully you find a few people out there who respect your choices and appreciate your individuality.

And then when you're successful, the same people who mocked you call you up and say "wow, what's your secret?" and want to be just like you.
Today someone said "I like windows xp better". I said I don't like it better but look at this. I rebooted my macbook to the xp side and watched her head spin around 5 times. Priceless.
My students often tease me about using a mac until the first assignment is due and their computers suddenly crash and die:rolleyes: . Seriously though, whenever I have students with terminally ill computers (all windoze), I recommend them to buy a mac. Most do.
I have had some. If I choose to respond, which isn't very often, I usually follow it up with a, "Have you used one?" question. If the answer is no (this is 99% of the time), I end the conversation there. If the answer is yes, I will sometimes listen to what they have to say.

I'm not one to get into a philosophical discussion about computing preferences; if Windows works for you, I couldn't care less; if Linux works for you, again, I couldn't care less. I'm comfortable in my choice, and I'm not out to convince anyone that it's superior when, in some ways, it isn't. Evangelists often give their peers a bad name, and I'd never want to to do that to you people.

My boss strongly dislikes Macs, my coworker is indifferent but with a slight disagreement toward them. Most people simply don't care.
I get crap all the time. I showed my friends i put windows and bf2 on my mackbook (even tho I dont use this for windows that much). and whenever I'm playing online with them and my pc starts lagging and being a pc they always say stuff about my macbook and I'm like I"m on my pc. Chicks dig this thing and thats all that really counts
farqueue said:
Hello people, as a new mac user (macbook) whenever i flash out my mac around uni i get some not very nice comments...:(
eg "uhh he uses a mac, what a loser etc..."

U mac users out there experience this sort of thing?

not really hassled, quite the opposite... i get a lot of comments but in a positive way - it really gets noticed cos it's white :D and i only have an ibook, people here love how small and clean it looks - planning on upgrading to macbook though. :p

oh and i told my friends who are all pc users that i'm upgrading and selling my precious ibook, they lined up for it! sold it within two days of announcing that i was selling.
iGary said:
Yes, my whole family (34 of them) think they are toys
My favorite one is "Macs are just toys... you can't even game on them". I'm not sure if :confused: :eek: or :rolleyes: even cut it. There have been rational arguments, but most aren't.

I used to get it a lot more. But lately, not so much. Especially if I'm telling someone about how much I love my Mac while I'm fixing their PC. I've switched a few people, and more will come once they're ready to upgrade. Now that they can run Windows too, it's a no brainer. Just wish they had a cheaper laptop. I know someone who bought a Toshiba because it was cheap. They got what they paid for.
Constantly-but only by one or two people. They keep making remarks like "OS X isnt open-source", and "Macs are over-priced". One uses Linux, but he defends Windows when I'm around. Ugh.
RndmAxess said:
BTW, clients are *very* impressed (and so am I) with the FC Studio workflow. I've edited many 1/2 hour TV shows on my Powerbook and the looks I get (coinciding with the realization of what we just did) when I pack up and walk out with a laptop rig in one hand are a joy to behold.

I'm impressed too...
I'm a Windows Desktop Support Engineer, and whenever a Designer sees my iBook sitting on my desk, they are like, 'Oh wow, you have a Mac!'

In a way I do get hassled because they ask me loads of silly mac questions, too....
Heh... constatntly at work by a couple of people in particular. And you want to know the ultimate vicotry?

Last year the first of the two bought a PowerBook, and is now a total convert. Two weeks ago the other one bought an iMac. Neither was with the slightest bit of promting from me--they both bought because they were sick of Windows and came to the conclusion that Apple hardware was actually a pretty good deal.

I win.
farqueue said:
Hello people, as a new mac user (macbook) whenever i flash out my mac around uni i get some not very nice comments...:(
eg "uhh he uses a mac, what a loser etc..."

U mac users out there experience this sort of thing?

I'm going to have to agree with those're FLASHING OUT A COMPUTER!!!!

It's like nerd "bling."
I used to get hassled for using a Mac but most of the time people are kinda apprehensive at first, but soon realize how foggin' awesome the Mac is and fall in love with it.

But there are still some legitimate complaints RE: PC games, although even though we have bootcamp and parallels its still not a perfect solution, Macs are good for everything except computer gaming, unless you want to play that godforsaken Nanosaur =P
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