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Do you get hassled for using a mac?

  • Yes, always

    Votes: 24 9.4%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 133 52.0%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 99 38.7%

  • Total voters
In the computer labs I work in, I get very stupid questions like "Do the Apples [sic] print? Do they have Microsoft Word? I hate not being able to right click on the Apples [sic]!"
The most annoying thing is when the people that think you are stupid for having a mac, have iPods and do not even reilize they are made by the same company! :mad:
Tom B. said:
The most annoying thing is when the people that think you are stupid for having a mac, have iPods and do not even reilize they are made by the same company! :mad:

This idiot at work said "oh, I forgot we have iTunes on the Macs... You think of iTunes as a PC program you know!?"

Since I was a kid i used PC, then once I was old enough to get my own computer i got an iMac G4, only becuase It looks so cool and the screen moved and stuff ( i was young) anyway, since then I am so happy i went with macs, there so nice, and easy to use.

ANyway my friends ALWAYS say macs suck, and stuff, so I say "You guys have only used a mac when you come over, so your not used to it, I however have used PC for 9 Years and Mac for 4 years, and I have enough experince with both to actually say which I think is better, and it happens to be mac, you guys however don't have enough experince with both, thus you can't say thing." and that normally shuts them up. but they always say macs suck and it always gets to me.

THey say liek "apple shows off there products to much and say how good they are."

Anyway have any good comeback I can tell them, nexttime they say macs suck?
Reading all these replies depresses me about today's world. How can SO many people be so ignorant? Just last night I had a debate with a close friend of mine of the Mac VS. Windows. He used the usual argument points like they're over-priced, you can't play games, no one uses the iLife software bundled with the Mac. It was really stupid stuff... so I called his points invalid and explained everything. In the end he said he doesn't care about having to run anti-virus software and that it doesn't get annoying... but whatever. Like someone else said on here a while back, there is no convincing a Windows user. They just don't listen. :(
I have only been met with envy. The only 1 or 2 times I have ever been met with anti Mac rhetoric it was because of ignorance and jealousy. The reality of it is is if you dont need a Mac then you dont need a Mac. I completly understand if someone gets by and is content on a PC then that is totally fine. Why pay the extra $$$?

Everyone on my floor at work (all pc's, I am one of only 4 creatives with a Mac) says "Why do you get a Mac and not me?". The Ironic part is that I dont have an answer for them so I assume its a cost issue.:confused:
Most people laugh because they're so Windows based and used to that. It's pretty funnny. I just laugh it off and ignore their stupid comments really. Once they use my computer they have a different perspective.. "oh it's not bad." Truth is I really don't care what anyone says. We all know what's up.
The one that annoyed me the most is when a friend told me Vista's interface is "very fluffy like a Mac interface."

Granted, the Genie effect annoys me, but fluffy? Meh.
i get hassled at work all the time, but its mostly in joking because they know i have the superior system ;)

i am the only mac user in my workplace.

they usually say stuff like "i dont like macs, they TOO easy" to which i promptly reply "oh, im sorry, i didnt know that i had to have a masters degree to understand how to use my computer"

anyways, like i said, its mostly in teasing, but deep down, theyre all just jealous.
love my mac but grateful to the pc for making me computer savy!

leekohler said:
Never. I've switched about 5 people now too. They see mine, use them for about 5 minutes and they're sold.

I'm one of those who switched & have noticed that within the last 2 years or so no one has anything bad to say about mac, as opposed to all the bad things said about pcs. In fact, I'm always hearing pc people contemplating switching & have several friends who have. However, I am grateful to all the various pcs I've owned for making me learn the ins and outs of how to keep a system going. My PB is so user friendly and never breaks down and if I had always been a mac user, I'd be in a quandry if faced with a problem. My long affiliation with the pc, tracking down the MANY & various problems, has made me a computer technician!
Myfriendsalways make fun of me because I use a mac. However my friend did get a PB, and my other one is soon getting a MBP.
When something didn't work, like the whole school network froze up or something, used to be like "oh Alex must have connected his Mac to the network", but now they just say it jokingly. The other day we had a powercut and my friend (who was round at the time) said it was obviously my Mac which had caused it...

I have only ever really been hassled once or twice for having a Mac. There are 3 people at school who hate Macs, two of whom can't even give a reason, but one of them says stuff like "okay, look at this way. Your computer breaks down in the middle of the night and you ring up the helpline and they're closed! Isn't that great". :D :D :D

I laughed at him so hard I thought my eyes were going to pop out the front of my head. It was hilarious...
I've never been hastled and have gotten my parents and grandparents to switch to macs along with a friend also. At the private high school I go to, there are 4 computers brought by the students one Sony Vaio, my friend's 1.07GHz iBook G4 12", my 1.33GHz iBook G4 14" and my other friend's 1.33GHz iBook G4 12". So there are more macs than peecees :p. I've gotten more of the ooos and ahhhs rather than any hate whatsoever. But how can anyone hate such a superior computer anyway? And if they give me the it doesn't play games crap then I'll say well I have a copy of Call For Duty (latest version) here for my mac and it runs fine or I have Doom 3 here and that will shut them up.
Well, whenever someone hassles me, I just tell them to try it. Often, they instantly fall in love with OS X. I have caused many people to switch.
generik said:
Unfortunately the top professor in our CS department is a Thinkpad user though, serious stuff, but he does seem quite ok with all the mac users scurrying around under him.

finally, someone with common sense
Whenever I take my PB at family gatherings/reunions, I ALWAYS get the:

"Apple just cares about design. I like my Dell so much more"
"Outside, Apple looks good. Inside, they're garbage."
"Windows is so much better than Mac OS. That's why no one buys Macs."
"People buy Macs for the looks... they don't care about the computer itself."

And what cracks me up everytime: (from my Dell-obsesed uncle)
"Macs and their owners are wierd... they are fanatics, like a cult. Only wierdos buy Macs. Normal people buy Dells and PCs. What's wrong with you? Are you a wierdo?"

The only hassle I get is from my dad with is usual quote: 'Macs are crap.' And he has nothing to back up his statement. It's funny because I bought him a shuffle for his birthday last year and he loves it.
for the most part, PC people ALWAYS have something to say. I really just tune them out. I dont give a rats azz about their prefence in computers.

friends who comment, usually quiet down after i show some of my Final Cut and Motion projects, and they are totally blown away. They then wish they could do such pro looking work on their PCs.

I actually have converted many family members and friends to Macs (as a result of me getting tired of fixing their PCs every week with updates and drivers.)

mac. it just works.
LOL, i had a mac for 3 weeks now, and have to say people only stare. :) Some are pretty curious to see the glowing white apple behind my macbook. :eek: I love it when they do that. The last time anybody commented about my mac was a 11 yo. kid at the airport and he goes "Cool Laptop!" , and starts asking if macs were better than windows kid..he was... :cool:
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