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Do you get hassled for using a mac?

  • Yes, always

    Votes: 24 9.4%
  • Yes, occasionally

    Votes: 133 52.0%
  • No, not at all

    Votes: 99 38.7%

  • Total voters
not usually, as all of my friends use macs, but all the people on my debate team use fugly 4 inch thick dells with fake wood trim that are used for playing WoW in the middle of a debate round. bugs the living daylight of both me and the kid who runs gentoo on a thinkpad:rolleyes:
Heh.. I haven't been harassed by anyone at my university (UW) for using a Powerbook. It is common to see people with Apple laptops around campus. Most of the large undergraduate computer labs here are 1/3 Power Mac G5s.

My roommate&HS friend did harass me for a while about owning a Powerbook. He called them, for the lack of a better word, "gay." Lets just say it took less than a month of me touting the Powerbook with ease, compared to his 15in gaming laptop, for him to buy a 12in Powerbook :)
w_parietti22 said:
No... I usually get things more like.... wow, your computer looks cool, etc. :eek:
yeah me too. No one has ever hassled me about using mac. More like oh you wouldn't understand viruses since you're a lucky mac owner, or your ipod/itunes probably works a lot better since you use mac. Most nonmac users I know acknowledges it's better and talk about getting rid of their pcs. The only happy pc owners I know are thinkpad and a couple of hp owners. The dell owners on the other hand constantly complain about design, the machine's ugliness, and its various problems.
Not sure if someone said this--I didn't read all of the posts, but in response to the two button mouse thing, it's REALLY easy to right click on an Apple notebook. There's a setting in there so you can just put two fingers on the trackpad (like when you're scrolling) and click. Simple as that.

By the way, I get a bunch of crap for using an Apple; then again, I was praised by my communications teacher for it. Haha, nice topic.

I didn't read this entire thread, so maybe someone mentioned this already, but I remember back when PC's used DOS and PC users criticized the Mac for being a toy computer because it used a GUI. Now they're still criticizing the Mac for being a toy, and soon Vista will be released with its many copies of OS X's features and eye candy. Can't really take 'em seriously, can ya?
My family and friends are always like EWW, why mac? Or why are you purchasing and using macs, why not PC. Or the most common, you can't play games on those macs.
My mother was trying to sell a Macbook we'd bought for my grandparents (who used it once and then didn't want it) and she tried posting an ad at the local community college. They gave her a hassle over simply *applying to post an ad* there because they said they didn't use Macs on campus and their IT dept didn't know how to use them. Unbelievable.
I'm on a law school, and well it isn't that computer orientated. Most of the time I just take my pen and paper with me, but once in a while when there are a lot of powerpoints being used I take my mac with me. And well the girls, they love the look of it :) Most people on my university don't know the difference between a mac and a pc though, they think it's just a cool looking laptop, or some think it's a big ipod :cool:
The only people who have given me grief about having a Mac are both IT guys. One worked for a company 10 years ago that had several Macs that gave him fits with networking issues so he hates time.

I told him that OS X probably fixed the problems he was encountering but he was not swayed. The other guy just doesn't like them because they are different.

My BIL is saving to buy a Mac right now. He produces commercials for a local TV station and uses Macs to edit the video. He is teaching me how to use Final Cut Pro.

My Aunt also asked me to recommend a first computer for her (she's 58) and I am telling her to get a Mac Mini and LCD monitor from Dell...
farqueue said:
Hello people, as a new mac user (macbook) whenever i flash out my mac around uni i get some not very nice comments...:(
eg "uhh he uses a mac, what a loser etc..."

U mac users out there experience this sort of thing?

LOL! I have no problem, really. I'm deaf (really!) and I don't give a (bleep) about them. But I know they give bad compliment but I don't care. I just laughed a bit.
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