Happy New Year to all and may 2018 bring many great coffees and conversations.
The coffee whispers:
Confide only the most dear.
Peace Joy Love. And foam.
And many happy returns to you, my friend; wonderful to see you around these threads, again.
Happy New Year to all and may 2018 bring many great coffees and conversations.
The coffee whispers:
Confide only the most dear.
Peace Joy Love. And foam.
Starting off the New Year with a cup of Kenyan, brown sugar and warm milk.
Back in the office this morning. Colleague; “do you want a coffee?” Me; “yes, please, I’ll have my usual latte”. New Years resolution ends on day 2.....
Likewise. I was going to have a sable biscuit with mine but it seems we're out.About to head down for a morning café au lait shortly.
Afternoon Earl Grey with milk and brown sugar is in order.
Enjoying a cup of Kenyan with my music.