Much though I love Italy (food, wine, culture, design, history), - and will certainly pay it several visits in the future - there are a great many other places (culture, cuisines) I wish to explore as well.
However, they were beaming with pleasure at my evident and unabashed love for all (well most) things Italian (tiles, cars, coffee pots among many others).
We discussed - well, they discussed - the fact that in Italian messes the world over (I have seen this myself - and consumed wine in such places) wine - and other forms of alcohol - is - are - always served - something that Americans serving nearby find inexplicable and often seek to prohibit. "It is a part of our culture; Americans do not seem to realise that you can drink alcohol and not get drunk".
And yes, anywhere Italians are found, the pasta is good and the espresso excellent. "The first thing we do when we are sent somewhere is to inspect the kitchen, to see what we can do with it. The very first. Even if you are a soldier. Then the rifle range, - because, of course, you are a soldier - but first the kitchen."
I must say that I rather like it when someone has their priorities in life right.