I also like Kenyan coffee, and am very partial to the coffees I have managed to lay hands on, from El Salvador.
Ethiopian coffees have a "clean", "bright", note, or taste profile, which I like a lot, something which is also characteristic (but somewhat less pronounced) in other coffees thta hail from the Horn of Africa (such as Kenya, and Yemen).
Coffees from El Salvador (and, to some extent) Costa Rica, seem to be smooth and sweet, characteristics which also appeal to me.
Until recently, I hadn't ever come across (let alone tried) coffee from Guatemala, and thus, when opportunity arose, I sampled two different coffees from Guatemala, just to get a sense of the regional taste profile as I wasn't familiar with it, and was very favourably impressed; I would judge it quite close to the smooth, sweet qualities of some of the really good coffees from El Salvador.