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It's a sad day for me today. I woke up late so I've had to make an instant coffee to take to work. At least it's Azera. The shame will forever be branded on my soul. I have let you all down.

For shame.

Time to drop the banhammer.

Oh wait I'm drinking capsule coffee right now, even though I had two this morning from my Bialetti maker.

No wait Arn don't ban me too!!

Time to drop the banhammer.

Oh wait I'm drinking capsule coffee right now, even though I had two this morning from my Bialetti maker.

No wait Arn don't ban me too!!

I have brought shame upon my family. I can only apologise for the atrocities that were committed on this day. i will ban myself for 5 minutes also in respect.
Let me tell thee, today you shall be forgiven in my Name. Repent, and ye sinners shall be saved through my infinite mercy.

I noticed that I go through 2 11 oz packages of whole bean coffee per month. Does anybody know or consider this rate of coffee consumption too high? Not seeking medical advice ... just opinions.
I noticed that I go through 2 11 oz packages of whole bean coffee per month. Does anybody know or consider this rate of coffee consumption too high? Not seeking medical advice ... just opinions.

My own unit of coffee accounting is to ask myself many cups (or mugs) of coffee I consume per day.

So, how many cups, or mugs, of coffee would you expect to consume per day?

In university, my coffee consumption could run to anything up to ten coffees daily, but that was a time when we were busily debating "life, the universe and everything" endlessly with friends, fellow students, class mates, teachers, tutors, lecturers, in the many coffee shops found on campus.

And we always drank good quality (i.e. "real" coffee) at home, though instant was also provided for those who preferred that beverage.

However, nowadays, I usually drink one - at most two - cups of coffee a day, at home, and will only exceed that number if I am meeting someone socially.
My own unit of coffee accounting is to ask myself many cups (or mugs) of coffee I consume per day.

So, how many cups, or mugs, of coffee would you expect to consume per day?

In university, my coffee consumption could run to anything up to ten coffees daily, but that was a time when we were busily debating "life, the universe and everything" endlessly with friends, fellow students, class mates, teachers, tutors, lecturers, in the many coffee shops found on campus.

And we always drank good quality (i.e. "real" coffee) at home, though instant was also provided for those who preferred that beverage.

However, nowadays, I usually drink one - at most two - cups of coffee a day, at home, and will only exceed that number if I am meeting someone socially.
I guess I'm in line then. I do about 4 mugs (maybe 32 oz.) in the morning from 7:30 am to as late as 12:30 pm -- never past 1 pm unless a social occasion. I often put some in a thermos so I can enjoy my home brewed coffee when I am in transit. I find that any later consumption comes at a cost of sleep. I think I would have trouble consuming as much 10 cups but it is good to know you have done so without adverse effect.
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I guess I'm in line then. I do about 4 mugs (maybe 32 oz.) in the morning from 7:30 am to as late as 12:30 pm -- never past 1 pm unless a social occasion. I often put some in a thermos so I can enjoy my home brewed coffee when I am in transit. I find that any later consumption comes at a cost of sleep. I think I would have trouble consuming as much 10 cups but it is good to know you have done so without adverse effect.

That was decades ago, when I was a student (and later, when I worked as a university lecturer).

Even though I love my coffee, I couldn't consume (and wouldn't want to consume) ten cups of coffee a day. Not now.

Nowadays, four or five would be my maximum, and - these days - the last three of those would be social ones, or social in a work context - i.e. meetings.

These days, I also rarely drink coffee in the evenings; a post dinner, post prandial, cup of coffee - if I am dining out - would be one of the very few exceptions to that.
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I'm a creature of habit. I have my first coffee of the day after I get out of the shower at around 7:45. It's always a double espresso with milk. Then, at 10:30 I'll make one in either my French Press or Hario Dripper. Then at 17:50 I have another espresso with milk (17:50 to enjoy while watching the 6 O'Clock news). I also have a cup of tea at 9 and again at 15:00. Don't know why I stick to these times, It's just the way I am!
I'm a creature of habit. I have my first coffee of the day after I get out of the shower at around 7:45. It's always a double espresso with milk. Then, at 10:30 I'll make one in either my French Press or Hario Dripper. Then at 17:50 I have another espresso with milk (17:50 to enjoy while watching the 6 O'Clock news). I also have a cup of tea at 9 and again at 15:00. Don't know why I stick to these times, It's just the way I am!
You're lucky that late afternoon coffee does not disrupt your sleep. Good genes I guess.
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It is recommended that we do not consume more than 600 mg of caffeine daily. The DL50 (the dose that would kill half the people that drink it) is about 10 grams (10,000 milligrams) for an average weight male.

A shot of espresso contains from 50 to 100 mg of caffeine. A cup of drip-coffee contains from 100 to 150 mg.
Not taking that much stimulants as in Espresso or Coffee these days.
Meditation, especially prolonged, recommend to leave it out all together.
But Ashtanga highly recommends it for practice. As in the late discussed late K. Pattabhi Jois said: no coffee, no prana. It do makes a difference.
I REALLY LOVE my espressos and cappuccino's. But I am enjoying it the most my when I don't drink it more than 4-5 times a week, especially on my Ashtanga practice days.
Having a yummy one now, with White Chocolate stevia drops in. Not a lot of flavour, but some delicate enhancing to the Cappuccino.
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I serving myself a yummy Cappuccino and just ordered the new AirPods v3.

My v2 needs charging pretty fast these day. Probably good for a few more years as I don’t listen much to music these days at all. If anything, some guided meditation off and on. At those times I need to recharge them pretty fast, so…
Also figured I could treat myself with a new pair, as ABBA’s new record comes out next week too.
I will listen to that. Will be fun, hope it doesn’t disappoint. Those girls voices together… ??♥️

Otherwise I have almost no idea what kind of artists are out there today ?
I’ve been meditating…..healing myself, releasing family karma. Certainly not following anything mainstream.
Got a mail from Adele, obviously I had signed up to a list some yrs back when she released some record. Listened to 1 song she released, ehh nothing for me today.

I however started to reorganizing all music on my the iMac & Nas.
Gonna take some time, see how I will do that.
Have a pretty big music collection, and put a lot of money into equipment in youth. All those stuff are on attic now. Most music are probably not interesting for me anymore. But I have a pretty good collection of Maria Callas - can be worthwhile listening at times, still.

Back to the cappuccino…. Have a great day all ?
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Enjoy your cappucino! I had a lovely long black take out I had on my train ride this morning from one of my favourite coffee shops Boreal. I recommended this place to my students and was pleased when several of them showed up for afternoon class after a morning excursion to Geneva with cups from this place. I mean the prices are similar to Starbucks but the quality is much higher so why would anyone choose Starsux?
Enjoy your cappucino! I had a lovely long black take out I had on my train ride this morning from one of my favourite coffee shops Boreal. I recommended this place to my students and was pleased when several of them showed up for afternoon class after a morning excursion to Geneva with cups from this place. I mean the prices are similar to Starbucks but the quality is much higher so why would anyone choose Starsux?
Agree re Starbucks - thin, stale, bitter and overpriced coffee.

@Lioness~: Enjoy your cappuccino.

For myself, I am enjoying, and sipping, savouring, an Ethiopian coffee with organic hot milk.
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