Very different, and not just re the small matter of the actual beverage that has been consumed.I have had honey black tea -- but that would be a different thread.
Very different, and not just re the small matter of the actual beverage that has been consumed.I have had honey black tea -- but that would be a different thread.
Not that often I drink Espresso at this time at day - 20:00/8PM.
But so it is when hours has been strange. I'm enjoying if fully ☕️😋
Looking for a new insulated coffee travel bottle for my commute. I dropped my old trusty Klean Kanteen and it is dented. Considering a Hydro Flask but I really enjoy the patented "cafe cap" that Klean Kanteen uses -- easy to clean and great for drinking coffee as opposed to water or other kinds of beverages. Does anybody have a preferred drinking bottle for commuting?
That sounds intriguing.Today's morning brew is a blend from Hawaiian roaster; a dark roast with notes of dark chocolate, cola (yes cola) and toasted marshmallow.
The dark chocolate and the cola notes are readily noticeable and very enjoyable. The "toasted" part of "toasted marshmallow" is also there but not so strongly as might be expected from a dark roast.
It's very nice and I'll be sad when my small supply runs out. I'd get it again except it turns out that it was a small batch product that's sold out now
I would go for another Klean Kanteen. Love their stuff.Looking for a new insulated coffee travel bottle for my commute. I dropped my old trusty Klean Kanteen and it is dented. Considering a Hydro Flask but I really enjoy the patented "cafe cap" that Klean Kanteen uses -- easy to clean and great for drinking coffee as opposed to water or other kinds of beverages. Does anybody have a preferred drinking bottle for commuting?
this was a small purchase......4 oz or 120 G as it may beThat sounds intriguing.
When trying a new coffee, or a new product, or offering from a small, local roaster, - and there are times when I try to move out of my coffee comfort zone, otherwise, I, would never sample anything other than Ethiopian coffee, which would be rather unfortunate - I usually buy a small, standard amount.
Then, if you find that you don't much care for it, no real loss; you simply drink it until you have finished the coffee.
However, if you discover that you love it - and it is (or was) a small batch product which has sold out and is not - by definition - widely available - yes, I do sympathise. Been there, done that....
this was a small purchase......4 oz or 120 G as it may be
Since COVID I've mostly been buying single origin coffees from various places, but this was a blend, and one without details as to what beans were being blended....and a dark roast too.....all I knew was that they were all grown in various coffee zones of Hawaii
a friend had recommended it, she only makes coffee using a Japanese siphon method and knows everything, she said "you're an idiot if you don't try some of this"....and of course she was right....It's always nice to have friends who are always right about stuff
Perusing coffee sites, always an enjoyable activity.
Actually, earlier today, one of the coffee roasters I purchase from sent me an email, offering me an early "option" on two new limited recent releases (one was a Geisha from EL Salvador - I have learned that I don't much care for Geisha, I find it underwhelming, - and have always found it disappointing and underwhelming - though some people do rave about it), the other a limited production honey processed coffee from El Salvador.
Anyway, I wrote requesting details, and a most engaging, enjoyable and quite delightful exchange (about coffee) ensued. A lovely way to pass some time over an afternoon.
did you end up putting in an order for the Honey processed from El Salvador?
You read my mind.
Decisions, decisions.
I am still debating it, as they also (currently) stock my very favourite (natural process, Bourbon) coffee from El Salvador, and still also have a small quantity (I had written to praise this coffee) of the Thai black honey processed coffee I am currently drinking, which I like.
This is another matter which I am currently mulling over, as I wonder whether I should buy a second bag before shrinking stocks finally vanish, as, once it sells out, it will not appear again until this time next year.
I think I'd be buying a second bag of the Thai coffee if I were facing your like it quite a bit, so given that it's not going to be available for another year.
Oh wait, maybe I'd also buy a smaller quantity each of the two El Salvador coffees.....hmmm, it's still winter and having a decent stock of good coffee always helps when it's bad outside.
My thoughts exactly.
Two (different) coffees from El Salvador, or another bag of the Thai coffee, and the remaining one from El Salvador?
Then, that begs the inevitable question of which of the two coffees from El Salvador I should select, or choose.
what a dilemma!
I suspect I'd get a bag each of the Thai and the honey processed El Salvador coffees.....who knows when you'll have another so convenient opportunity to try the honey processed El Salvador
...I may well end up buying all three......
I checked the details and realised that I had written "celebration" coffee (my mistake, mea culpa, now corrected) when it should have read "competition" coffee.that's the best solution!