I checked the details and realised that I had written "celebration" coffee (my mistake, mea culpa, now corrected) when it should have read "competition" coffee.
Anyway, as the buyer explained to me yesterday, this particular "honey" coffee has been grown on a special lot (and treated with extraordinary care, and meticulous attention - "In terms of taste the Competition lots have more focus and clarity than you might find in the more "normal" lots...it's like a magnifying glass has been put on the coffee," the buyer wrote to me yesterday) with a view to entering it into coffee cupping competitions (I know from previous communications that this grower - the same grower who has produced the "natural" coffee I also have my eye on - has won quite a few coffee cupping competitions over the years).
I realise, of course, that all I am doing (both here, online, and in the murky depths of my mind) is trying to persuade myself (or supply a justification to myself) so that I can justify the purchase of all three coffees.
looking forward into the months ahead........you'll likely be consuming coffee at your usual rate and need to be restocking at some usual pace, so in buying 3 bags now, all you're really doing is buying coffee you'll be buying anyway.....you'll just have a slightly longer amount of time until you need to restock.
There! Did that help convince you convince yourself?