Always love these kinds of discussions.
Admittedly an Evernote fanboy (and subscriber!) for a very, very long time. But I have in last few years had brief moments where I wanted to stop using it. (Both of these moments occurred when they did major upgrades, that slowed the app down a lot... eventually they patched it up again, but infuriating each time).
Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that each time I tried to quit, there was nowhere to go. You see, in those moments I discovered I actually don't just use Evernote for notes. I primarily use it for clipping webpages and online articles, for my research. Nothing beats Evernote for this. Sure, there are dedicated apps like Pocket, that kind of work for this purpose. But for markup and adding notes, Evernote is in a separate class.
Ironically, while I do use Evernote also for dumping receipts, important emails, blood work, various scraps of paper, and some key notes (including like my month to month financial tracking and planning), I don't use it for the following:
1. Diary and daily to-do management: DayOne
2. Academic notes, longer-form writing: Ulysses
3. PDF markup: PDF Expert (hoping to transition all my academic PDF work soon to ReadCube Papers, as that's been really improving lately... and there may be Ulysses integration coming this year)
Big surprise of the last year? Oh, I stopped using Things!! I was using Things for a lot of stuff. But it was "work" you know? For some reason it just wasn't "easy," and I found I was always jotting down to-dos on paper, or in other apps. Then I realized that the Apple Reminders App is now basically addressing all my needs in a way I find much more usable. And I haven't looked back. I love how it handles.
Back to Evernote, I could imagine maybe leaving Evernote for OneNote, but the couple of times I've looked, I just haven't felt pulled in. Admittedly, the new version of Evernote has introduced some MAJOR changes, and created some challenges for me, and I need to sit down and really take the time to figure them all out. But overall, I actually like using Evernote. I have a kind of intuitive grasp of what I need it for, and that just works for me. Of all my subs, it is greatest value for money.
EDIT: OK, you guys just sent me down a rabbit hole... came across this rather persuasive argument for Bear!
March 2nd, 2017
UPDATE: I can't believe I'm writing this. But I think Bear looks amazing, and ... well, my Evernote subscription is ending on Feb 18... The webpage clipping is WAY better than Evernote. Nuts! I think I'm gonna do this! 😮 (Just need to be sure I can get all my notes out of Evernote and into Bear... )