Lighting really makes an impact, but it sits so nicely between the blue and green lines it makes it stand on its own strongly. It only looks green when its not next to green bands.
I think the opposite - putting it next to green emphasises the blue and vice versa. Same with the incredibly similar Turquoise and Beryl. I thin I posted before my wife has both and also a jacket and a dress that are beautiful matches with Turquoise and Beryl, but if she swaps the band / clothing combo they just look wrong.
I think putting an in between color with one of the colors it’s between emphasises the
difference, not the similarity.
Anyway it’s not a fave of mine, but I seem to struggle to spot when to wear it. My wife has suggested it twice for a shirt that it’s been perfect for and that I haven’t spotted. Maybe I don’t understand it yet.
Not that I’m not loving the convo fodder but this magnetic loop is giving me major plato’s allegory of the cave vibes.
OK, I usually keep up with your (always amusing) analogies, but I had to Google that one.
I’m going to come right out and say I don’t think that is genuine. I could be wrong, and I hear the comments on the detail of the contrast edge and the printing, and I also realise Apple is diversifying production after the wake-up of China shutting down and Vietnam is a (the?) country they are moving into.
My scepticism is simply that that is an un-Apple closure mechanism to my eye. Anybody over the age of five could design that as a simple way to close a watch strap and I think Apple would have ruled it out in the early days. Of course maybe the trick is in the heavy ridging and I’m wrong. I expect we’ll find out if I am soon - and we’ll never be able to say 100% I am right
Flat Silver compared to Pure Platinum, in case anybody is wondering.
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Do you (or anyone) have Fog to compare with Flat Silver, just to give me an idea how light the grey is. Right now I have Fog on my SBSS for the first time and it’s a bit light for my taste against the black (though I like it with SS). I suspect Flat Silver is slightly lighter still.