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eMac & PowerBook 5300c

The Apple Wireless Mouse has since been replaced with a Mighty Mouse.

The eMac is really the 'family' computer, but I do have my own PowerBook 5300c. I'm not very good at touch-typing yet, though, so my dad typed this for me.


Oh, you probably meant teenagers, didn't you? :p (She's just about a year old now. Was 9 months when this was taken.)
ehurtley said:
The Apple Wireless Mouse has since been replaced with a Mighty Mouse.

The eMac is really the 'family' computer, but I do have my own PowerBook 5300c. I'm not very good at touch-typing yet, though, so my dad typed this for me.


Oh, you probably meant teenagers, didn't you? :p (She's just about a year old now. Was 9 months when this was taken.)
That is the best picture yet. Start 'em young...:D
Verto said:
You actually make money from their websites? How?

I don't make any money at all from AJW Software( I make just enough money from GoogleAdsense on Macadamia Forums to cover it's costs.

Right now, I don't have any income besides my parents, but I paid for a lot of my stuff because of my previous software ventures.(Programming for the School.)
My Setup: I'm 19.


Dual 2ghz G5, 1Gb RAM
20" Apple Cinema Alu Display

On the Go:
15" PB G4 1.67ghz, 1.5Gb RAm
20gb iPod Photo

Kodak v550
Sony HDR-HC1 (The new HD Camcorder)

Pics Coming Soon.
My big, fat PC is off my desk! It's moved to the TV so I can game on a screen bigger than 13". Hope you like it! BTW, I'm 14.

EDIT- Sorry guys. My pics are staying sideways. I changed the angle, but it won't stay. Any ideas?


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Here's one of my setups from my boarding school days (I only moved, like, six times in two years):

ryannel2003 said:

That is weird! Your desk is the exact same as the one I trashed prior to getting the new desk I posted earlier. And the printer is also the same by the looks (HP Deskjet 5740?)- did you get it during the 100$ rebate promo, or before?

Nice setup, although I found the desk to be much too large for my needs once I got rid of my 19'' CRT and transitioned first to a 19'' LCD flat panel, and then now to my iMac.
Verto said:
That is weird! Your desk is the exact same as the one I trashed prior to getting the new desk I posted earlier. And the printer is also the same by the looks (HP Deskjet 5740?)- did you get it during the 100$ rebate promo, or before?

Nice setup, although I found the desk to be much too large for my needs once I got rid of my 19'' CRT and transitioned first to a 19'' LCD flat panel, and then now to my iMac.

I got the printer when I purchased my eMac back in October 2004, and yes I did get the $100 rebate which was excellent! I love my new desk! It is so much bigger than the original one I had used and plus I have room for my laptop now!
hotwire132002 said:
16, and here's my setup.

Dual 2.5Ghz G5 (1GB RAM, 900GB Storage),
17" Studio Display,
30" Sanyo HDTV
Dell 2300MP Projector with 80" Screen
Sony FX1

and on the go...
iBook 12", 1Ghz

And yes, I earned the money and paid for it all myself. Video production pays well :)

Sorry about the poor photo--I'm on vacation and this was the best one I had handy.

Projector screen gets you an extra 80 cool points! :D
damn im so jealous. you fellow "kids" have such nice setups. all ive got is a bunch of lame looking beige boxes to brag about. well i have my new 17" powerbook 1 gig ram, 80 gig ram with 19" dell monitor to let shine. but comon you folks have large large monitors and lots of them. ive done video editing but unfortunately i did on a mac at a film company and could never take on any projects. now i get to go to college and be even poorer! i cant wait for the days where i have so many monitors even i think its silly

oh i forgot i have a question. i noticed alot of you guys are using a lil plastic see thru stand for your laptop, where can i get this. i really appreciate it
My Setup

Hey all,
I suppose I still qualify. I'm 18 untill December and I'm a student at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama studying pharmacy/biomedical sciences.

My setup is:
15" PowerBook (1.5 Ghz, Superdrive, 1.25 Gb RAM, 80 Gb HDD)
Klispch ProMedia 2.1 Speakers (I love these)
Western Digital 120 Gb HDD (Not my favorite piece of gear, but it gets the job done.)
Mighty Mouse (Bought this because my MacMice BT Mouse BLEW)

All enclosed in my wonderfully compact college student style desk/chest of drawers...


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im_to_hyper said:
*GASP* Is that... a... a... DELL?!
Yes, though I think the greater sin is that it was running WinME (granted, XP hadn't been released yet when the photo was taken). I now have an iBook, but no digital camera. Also I'm no longer 18-or-under.

Phat_Pat said:
Hey, its got a max payne 2 desktop, thats cool wit me
Max Payne, not the sequel.
wow some of you have some really spectaular sepups compared to mine
but im working on it

im glad that i posted this thread
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