Trust me I try telling her. It’s like talking to a brick wall.I wonder how your wife will get on with having macular degeneration when she's not much older...
Trust me I try telling her. It’s like talking to a brick wall.I wonder how your wife will get on with having macular degeneration when she's not much older...
What about the camera downgrade though?
Do you eyes get blurry when scrolling on the Oled iphones?The 11 has 2 of the 3 Pro cameras, I don’t think is a downgrade. I never used the telephoto on my plus to be honest, so I don’t miss that.
If you tell me that the 11 has a lower spec camera than the Pro I would consider that, but you have the same cameras (wide and ultra).
I mostly use portrait and now a little of night mode because is the new toy.
I can consider adjust to size, or the notch, or face id (in fact I don’t use face id).
But I can’t consider adjust to the screen feeling, is the main part of the phone and has to be perfect, is not yellow tint, we are talking about having headaches...
Do you eyes get blurry when scrolling on the Oled iphones?
thanks for recording it .. the new techs may harm usWell, I did record it:The only flashing with attention aware features turned off is the proximity sensor. At least that was what my testing showed. I'm curious if there's another factor that caused it to keep flashing for you
That's interesting -- I picked up an iPhone 11 and mine is doing the same thing as the Xr did before. I have tried Face ID ON and Attention Awareness OFF, as well as Face ID OFF, Attention Awareness OFF, and have even tried completely shutting down all passwords and using it with none.Well, I did record it:The only flashing with attention aware features turned off is the proximity sensor. At least that was what my testing showed. I'm curious if there's another factor that caused it to keep flashing for you
That's interesting -- I picked up an iPhone 11 and mine is doing the same thing as the Xr did before. I have tried Face ID ON and Attention Awareness OFF, as well as Face ID OFF, Attention Awareness OFF, and have even tried completely shutting down all passwords and using it with none.
I always get this light just left of the speaker grill cut out to flash:
(excuse the crappy pic quality, its the only camera that will pick up the sensors that I can find laying around) It is continuously flashing, non stop every half a second. Occasionally it'll flash brighter (or maybe it does that if I get a little closer with the camera).
Any idea how to turn this off? This thing is the only difference between this phone and the iPhone 8, and the iPhone 8 doesnt bother me in the slightest so I mean its got to be this which is triggering some headaches and serious eye strain for me...
That's interesting -- I picked up an iPhone 11 and mine is doing the same thing as the Xr did before. I have tried Face ID ON and Attention Awareness OFF, as well as Face ID OFF, Attention Awareness OFF, and have even tried completely shutting down all passwords and using it with none.
I always get this light just left of the speaker grill cut out to flash:
(excuse the crappy pic quality, its the only camera that will pick up the sensors that I can find laying around) It is continuously flashing, non stop every half a second. Occasionally it'll flash brighter (or maybe it does that if I get a little closer with the camera).
Any idea how to turn this off? This thing is the only difference between this phone and the iPhone 8, and the iPhone 8 doesnt bother me in the slightest so I mean its got to be this which is triggering some headaches and serious eye strain for me...
Hopefully, this isn't too off-topic, but those who experience eye-strain and are concerned about PWM in all of their light sources, see this. I will only be purchasing lightbulbs that use CCR drivers going forward...
What you need to know before your next LED design - Power Electronics News
LEDs, or light emitting diodes, are becoming increasingly popular in lighting our homes, offices, cars, parking lots, streets, grocery stores, and
LED Light Dimming
The dimming of LED lights is typically accomplished via one of two methods: constant current reduction (CCR), and pulse width modulation (PWM).
Constant current reduction, also referred to as analog dimming, is the relatively simple method of controlling the amount of current supplied to the LED(s). Full LED brightness occurs when the maximum amount of allotted current is provided to the LED(s), and dimming occurs when the current is reduced. Figure 6 shows a curve of LED current vs. LED brightness.
Pulse Width Modulation works by rapidly turning ON and OFF the LED(s). The pulse rate (approximately 200Hz, or greater) must be high enough as to prevent the eye from seeing the LEDs’ changes/flickers, and instead only observe the average LED light intensity. If, for example, the desired brightness was 50% then the LEDs’ ON-time would be the same as the OFF-time. On the other hand, if a brightness of 25% was needed then the LEDs’ would be ON for 25% of the PWM cycle and OFF for the remaining 75% of the PWM cycle. See Figure 7 through Figure 10 for graphical representations using PWM.
Although both constant-current and constant-voltage drivers can be made with a dimming feature, not all LEDs are dimmable — and the ones that are capable of dimming must be used with the proper dimming technology (e.g., PWM or CCR). Be sure to review the LED’s datasheet and/or specifications for determining which dimming technology is required. But, if the specs don’t declare a dimming feature you would be wise to assume the LED is not dimmable.
Currently I’m using an iPhone 8+ after suffering really badly from my iPhone X. Want to upgrade but I’m reading mixed reviews about the iPhone 11. Somehow it seems that the iPhone 11 is also causing issues for people. Not sure what to do.
Currently I’m using an iPhone 8+ after suffering really badly from my iPhone X. Want to upgrade but I’m reading mixed reviews about the iPhone 11. Somehow it seems that the iPhone 11 is also causing issues for people. Not sure what to do.
very useful post .. thank youHopefully, this isn't too off-topic, but those who experience eye-strain and are concerned about PWM in all of their light sources, see this. I will only be purchasing lightbulbs that use CCR drivers going forward...
What you need to know before your next LED design - Power Electronics News
LEDs, or light emitting diodes, are becoming increasingly popular in lighting our homes, offices, cars, parking lots, streets, grocery stores, and
LED Light Dimming
The dimming of LED lights is typically accomplished via one of two methods: constant current reduction (CCR), and pulse width modulation (PWM).
That's a shame as the Pros are really nice tech. The 8SE might be the sweet spot for you although still using the old design language.I just returned my 11 Pro and went back to the 8. I was constantly getting nauseous with the Pro. It's a bummer, I really liked the phone otherwise. The 11 (non-pro) seems way too large for one-handed use with a case. I guess I'll see how the 8SE (whatever it's called) looks, or else see if there's any improvement next year. This was my first time with an OLED screen, I hadn't tried either of the X series.
For me, to this point, the advantages of the Pro Max outweigh the moments when I am not the most comfortable.
Just to add a data point.
I use an iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 9.3.5 (I know, I know) and although I can and do use this phone all day long and have been for years without any eyestrain what so ever, scrolling text or especially images in the camera roll or YouTube previews often gives me a bit of vision motion sickness a little bit due to the 60hz screen refresh rate (which is another form of flickering).
To combat this yucky feeling, I now almost always scroll when looking away from the screen, then look back when I've stopped scrolling. This definitely stops the yucky low grade motion queasiness and weird feeling I get in my head during a scroll.
So not all health issues related to staring at these damn things is probably related to just one thing (PWM, Dot Projector, proximity detector, FaceID AND 60hz screen refresh--- but likely due to all of them mixed together to create a nervous system nightmare
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you (except the recent eye exam, I need one as I'm running out of contacts!) Anyway, I'm coming from an XS Max which I somewhat got use too, and now with the Pro its pretty much hit and miss too. Not nearly as bad as the X.I am on week 3 now using the Pro Max and it is a bit hit and miss. Sometimes, no symptoms at all. Other times, mild strain but not necessarily headaches. Some eye ache or mild dryness/tearing of the eyes but very intermittent. I can say that I am not experiencing anything near what I did with the X and then XS Max.
I use Face ID, I have all attention awareness features off, I don't use dark mode, use my phone at 25-50% brightness in all indoor situations, have auto-brightness disabled, True Tone disabled, Night Shift off, and have not tweaked any settings for the screen in accessibility (in case anyone is wondering how I have my phone set up).
Personally, I do not worry about short term or long term affects of PWM on my eyes. Some do and that is fair. I have enough things to worry about....this is not going to be one of them. I had my eye checkup last Friday and my eyes are just fine. For me, to this point, the advantages of the Pro Max outweigh the moments when I am not the most comfortable. Everyone is aware of the advantages of the Pro series so I won't waste time re-hashing them.
"IF" I had to leave the Pro Max behind, given I am not interested in Android, I would go back to my 8 Plus. I loved, loved, loved that phone. I tried the 11 and had several key reasons for not liking it. I won't go through them since they are merely my preferences and opinions. But I at least have the peace of mind knowing I would go 8 Plus vs the 11 without any remorse.
Hope my results can help a little. Not sure my experience brings anyone any value but there it is haha. Certainly far less comments and such regarding PWM this release so hopefully far fewer people are having issues.