I posted this on another thread last year.......
Posting it again in hear as today marks the 1 year anniversary of pain.
Also since posting the below post, the drug wore off and pain came back and I'm at the stage again of taking a cocktail of drugs to find something which may help.
Long time reader of the forum but I dont post much.
I got my Iphone 12 pro on 15th February and as a photographer I loved the cameras.
About 5 days after getting the phone I had a migraine and light headed feeling, I never once corresponded it to the phone as I had come from iphone X and same screen technology.
After 2 weeks I twigged and immediately stopped and used an Iphone 8 i had in a drawer. Massive release in the pain so I sold the 12pro and purchased an 11.
However a deep pain in the top of my head never went away, I couldnt work, play with the kids etc, totally debilitating........ (and this is where the fun 'or not' began)
My GP gave me migraine talets, didnt touch it.
He tried beta blockers, often used for migraines, didnt touch it.
Bloods taken, MRI done to rule out anything serious, he mentioned tumours, bleeds etc.
I sought advice myself from a group called OUCH (Organisation Understanding Cluster Headaches) and they diagnosed me with a condition called Hermicrania over the phone but said I would need professional diagnosis. I had to stamp my feet with my GP to be referred to a Neurologist that specialised in headache conditions. Due to the current NHS and COVID waiting times were 13months.
I eventually paid £300 private for a 10minute appointment where I was correctly diagnosed with NDPH (a condition which can be triggered by a trauma or exposure to repetitive eye strain etc) and told one of four prescriptions could work before having botox injections into my scalp every 3 months. I was initially prescribed Topiramate a drug that caused memory loss, depression, really bad anxiety. Luckilly the next prescription worked and i have been pain free 3 weeks but cannot really drink on them. The issue is I am probably on them for the rest of my life as this condition hardly goes into remission.
I appreciate this doesnt effect a large amount of people but if this can save just one person from what I have had to go through it will have done some good.
This last 6 months has been hell, I remember reading all the same comments on the Iphone X and thinking everyone was just being soft and imagining it. I hadnt been to the GP at all in the last 3 years, in the last 6 months I have been or called over 50 times.
i am now waiting on the next LCD screen and sticking with my Iphone 11 until then, not holding my breath that will come anytime soon.
Good health to everyone and take care.