I'm here with ya.
I'm trying to figure this out, too. I'm debating trading in my current 11 to Apple (which will give me $230 trade-in currently) and buying a new 11. I've been having a few odd issues with my current 11, an odd bit of wonky that I don't want to be left with no new 11 to buy.
(I have an SE for work, and that works for work, but I like the bigger 11 and its Face ID enough that I don't want to update my personal phone to an SE.)
OLED is a bad boyfriend. Since the X, I have bought and returned and bought and sold so many OLED iPhones, and last summer I broke up with OLED and bought the 11. There's such peace in my life for the past year. I just refuse to go back to an abusive relationship with OLED anymore, so I don't even want to try or be tempted by the 14.
But I still want an iPhone and iOS, and I'm fine with the 11...so I'm trying to decide whether to buy a new 11 before Apple discontinues in September or...? Anybody got any other ideas?