Just an update - I pulled the trigger on the iPhone 14 Plus around a week ago, and my personal experience is as follows:
Day 1 - Initial first few hours of use no particular discomfort, which was promising - towards the evening, very slight headache, but nothing severe enough to cause alarm.
Day 2 - No symptoms of eye-strain, used the phone on and off without any discomfort.
Fast forward a couple days that old familiar friend we call PWM eyestrain has returned. Temple headaches, slight nausea - caught a look in the mirror of myself with blood shot eyes (fantastic)
Inevitable return right? not so fast.
The cold reality of having to hurl myself back into 2019 spurred me on in a desperate attempt to try and mitigate the eye-strain with some of
@pwm away's work-arounds and so far using RWP at 62% has significantly reduced the symptoms albeit not completely.
I've been using the phone the last couple days since making adjustments and it's perfectly useable. Is it the same as using the iPhone 11? No. there is some very faint lingering discomfort, but not enough to put me off using it. No nausea which was one of the worst side-effects, just very light eye-strain, but not severe enough to cause significant discomfort.
One immediate difference to be noted over the iPhone 11's LCD display is the lack of ghosting on the OLED panels. The pixel smearing used to drive me mental. Apple for some reason always had low response times on their LCD panels.
So to summarise:
Is it ideal having to use an accessibility shortcut to mitigate the native panels PWM and brightness?
Would I like to be able to pick up the phone without the fear of it causing headaches?
Do I have a choice without being flung back into the stone age with mediocre battery and potato camera's?
Am I a masochist for willingly exposing myself to a device daily that causes me suffering?
Mitigate effects as much as possible until next year's OLED generation improvement's on the iPhone 15
I do feel the eye-watering intense brightness of OLED as
@pwm away said does contribute to the eye-strain coupled with the PWM flicker, but for now given the lack of options and the superior hardware of the Plus, I'm going to stick it out until the 15 next year which hopefully will have even further improvements made to the OLED panels flicker or even DC Dimming entirely
On side note, the 6.7" form factor doesn't feel anywhere near as massive as you would think coming from the 6.1" of the 11 - it's perfectly usable - despite it weighing slightly more than the 11, the weight distribution makes it more comfortable overall.
Given the experiences posted here so far overall the 14 Pro's seem to be a hellscape of eye-strain misery so anyone else like me who can't take another year on previous generation tech, the 14 Plus is the most bearable option to tide us over until the 15
RWP - 62%
Auto Brightness - Off
Manually adjust Brightness slider depending on lightning conditions
Any questions, let me know 👍