Update from me - Day two:
I used the iPhone 16 Pro Max on and off throughout the afternoon and evening yesterday. By the end of the day, my eyes felt a bit heavy, but it was Friday, and after staring at a computer screen all week for work, I was naturally tired. However, I woke up this morning with no eye strain or headache—oh, happy days!
That said, I still feel that the Pro Max is larger than I’d prefer, and the screen has a slightly yellowish, gloomy tint compared to my preference for cooler whites. This might just be due to the OLED display. Because of this, I decided to set up the iPhone 16 Plus, which I also purchased, hoping it might have a cooler screen and lighter weight. However, within 10 minutes of using it, I began to feel those familiar, warm, spiky waves across my head and brain. My left eye also struggled to focus due to the bright glare that I’ve experienced with other OLED devices in the past. I immediately stopped using the 16 Plus to avoid triggering a headache.
My plan now is to stick with the 16 Pro Max for the rest of the weekend and see how I feel by Monday.
When I ordered it, I did consider swerving the Pro Max in favour of the Pro, but I succumbed to the "gotta have the biggest and best" mindset. This lingering doubt is somewhat spoiling my experience. I should be grateful that the Pro Max I received is not only a perfect build (no weird gaps, glue issues, sharp edges, or lifted sections of glass) but that, for the first time in many years, I can actually use a flagship iPhone.
Am I just suffering from modern-day FOMO? I’m sure I can get used to the size and weight of the Pro Max, but every time I think, "Damn, this thing is annoyingly big," I fear I’ll regret my £1,200 purchase once I’m outside the return window. Of course, I could return it and wait for a Pro to come back in stock, but there’s a significant risk that it might not work for me, or I could end up with a less-than-perfect build.
I realise it's quite strange for me to say this, given that I've been a long-term sufferer of PWM and dithering issues with iPhones and iPads. It's hard to believe, especially when I see that others are still struggling with the iPhone 16 series. I should consider myself very lucky to have won the screen lottery (so far). I'm just being honest with myself and the forum. It's been so many years, now I'm here I feel like I'm over it. I'm not a fan of OLED at all, and I guess being older, my phone usage has changed. The Pro Max feels overly indulgent as tool.