Alright. We better get the word out. Oskee's Facebook works well enough for him. Everybody else damn well better be satisfied now.
Do you think before you type? At all?? Any developer with any sense would enable push notifications for messages/friend requests/things directly related to the user... There's no way a developer would have the server power to handle pushing all status updates.
He's right Oskee - get out of 2001 and get back into 2009...
..and to all the guys who say "what will flaming the creator do?" - it may encourage him to set his alarm clock one hour earlier a day and maybe he wont take that lunch break..he's been slacking..
As for all those that say the app is fine as it is - here is a quote from your Joe: "Used the current shipping version of my app for the first time in a while tonight... wow. it's terrible now that I'm so used to the new one."
P.S. Just to anyone else out there who's sticking up for the developer - I'm taking a huge dump right now, and I'm about 98% through, except I don't know how much longer I'm actually going to be, because I have no concept of time - thus I may be another two months..Thanks.