Hi there,
Been looking this thread since mid of march to see first members posting benchmarks of the ATI card before i order my mac. But then about 2 days ago, i just said "What the hell, i want this imac anyway, there is no chance i could return to a pc"
So ordered yesterday in the afternoon my 24" 2.93Ghz ATI 4850. I was just so excited to place this order, this will be my first mac after 12 years using a pc.
I was just wondering if would receive it in 1 month or maybe 3 weeks if i was lucky. Because i'm very excited, i just checked today that my order was still there on apple store

D) and what a bloody surprise it was when i saw that it has already been shipped to me ! It has been shipped only 10 hours after i placed my arder actually !!! Trully amazing i can not understand how it could be so fast ?! I have the UPS tracking number and i could check that it is on his way on their internet site. So i could check it was not some kind of joke from apple. It is saying i should receive it by tuesday 14th.
I'm living in France BTW.
So i really do think that, now that apple made some stocks of those ATI, everybody that will order now will never wait so much time as pioneers guys that ordere on D day.
I still am afraid it is a mistake from apple, sending me an imac with Nvidia card though.