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well, i just called apple and asked for some info..the guy didn't know much so i asked for a manager...she actually went through with calling someone in their warehouse and all that...she told me that the website's recent change to sooner shipping dates is an error and they aren't actually shipping that early...which i know is a load of crap because of my friend who ordered on april 2nd and is getting his's impossible to find any information from these people, even the higher up people are full of crap... =(
I just got off the phone with Apple to complain and I complained hard about others getting their Macs before me. Now I don't have a lot to complain about compared to others who have been waiting for 3-4 weeks longer than me. However I was told the following.

If you ordered the 3.06 Ghz with 4850 Video they are in high demand along with those who ordered the numbered keyboard, is also in high demand. These items will cause a delay to some extent. If you ordered the 2.93 Ghz they may have got here sooner possibly he stated. He was very compassionate about this problem. I ordered and paid $46 for overnight shipping, and he offered to cut that down to 50% off overnight shipping down from $46 to $23. That helped but he knew I was still not happy. He tried to give me a extra 1 TB Hard Drive External for free but I have 2 of them waiting to be used already so I did not need one.

So instead he gave me a $100.00 off my system for the delay of shipping which he did not have to do that but he did and that helped ease the pain of waiting some. Now I only need to add $69 to that to buy Apple Care at a huge discount. So Basically he credited me $100 + $23 in shipping totaling $123.00 off my total price. Which I felt was more than fair.

He said mine is not coming from China, and being assembled in Calif, that it was coming from California and being assembled there in Calif and then shipped out to me overnight. So, there you have it , the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Call and complain and I do mean complain hard in order to get something done. If you are too passive about it, they will not bend. They have to power to keep the customer happy. Use it to your advantage, as you paid good money for a Superior Product. They need to do something for us since they are making us wait and wait for our systems.

So Apple Customer Service does try to take care of the customer. They want to keep you as a customer and want you to be happy. Apple Rocks!!!!
Now only if their shipping was faster. . .;)
Guess i was lucky to get my 3.06 today.. yahooo!! no numeric keypad though.. stupid me...but then again, maybe i wouldn't have had it already.

btw, it's my first Imac.. ITS FREAKIN' BIG!!! that intro Through-the-universe thing was crazy...
I ordered and paid $46 for overnight shipping, and he offered to cut that down to 50% off overnight shipping down from $46 to $23.

They upgraded me from 5 day to overnight + knocked $150 off purchase. I guess each CS agent can do whatever they feel is worth while for the customer. It also helps to be nice to them and not yell or curse. :D

I still don't think it will come until April 28th though.
Hm. I thought I scored when I called for a friendly follow-up on the shipping status and the CSR bumped up my shipping to 2-day at no extra charge. She said it's shipping from "overseas" and so I might get it by Friday. Didn't get no $150 discount though! Oh well, I'm happy enough. I just can't get angry at people who are just doing their job. What's $150 when I'm already spending about $3000 (damn exchange rate and taxes). Win some, lose some!
Ordered March 12 09:09AM.
Status: Prepared for shipment
Destination: Virginia


Ships: Apr 16
Delivers: Apr 20

Just got my shipping notice. Should have it on Thursday.
They upgraded me from 5 day to overnight + knocked $150 off purchase. I guess each CS agent can do whatever they feel is worth while for the customer. It also helps to be nice to them and not yell or curse. :D

I still don't think it will come until April 28th though.

yeah you got a better deal than me, I got $23 off shipping +$100.00 off purchase price but I am still happy with that. That nearly pays for my Apple Care that I will buy later on. :D
Wow... MTShipp and WizardHunt got freebies/discount by simply calling Apple. :eek:

I ordered a 2.93 Ghz with wireless keyboard and wireless mighty mouse on March 5th. Still nothing yet, no change in order status, no shipping delay notification, so I don't think 3.06 Ghz CPU and full sized keyboard are the only components that are being backordered. This is getting more and more frustrating. :mad:
I just did the set-up that you described (at 1920x1200 on my 3.06GHz 4850 system). Here are the results:

Test 1.1 362 FPS
Test 1.2 363 FPS
Test 1.3 356 FPS
Test 1.4 340 FPS
Test 1.5 277 FPS
Test 2.0 282 FPS
Test 2.1 131 FPS

Here is a screen-shot of the Viewer's settings and results:

For me :

Test 1.1 364 FPS
Test 1.2 366 FPS
Test 1.3 358 FPS
Test 1.4 344 FPS
Test 1.5 277 FPS
Test 2.0 287 FPS
Test 2.1 130 FPS

Any other tests people want me to run ?
For me :

Test 1.1 364 FPS
Test 1.2 366 FPS
Test 1.3 358 FPS
Test 1.4 344 FPS
Test 1.5 277 FPS
Test 2.0 287 FPS
Test 2.1 130 FPS

Any other tests people want me to run ?

I don't know if it's possible, but could you benchmark a few (modern) games in Boot Camp?
i ordered mine back on March 9 (see specs below) and just had the money deducted from my account for the purchase price this morning. For those that have received theirs already, how long after the bank withdrawal did you get a tracking number and/or shipping confirmation?

Wow. There's at least 5 or 6 different conversations going on in this thread. Is there any way we can break them out or at least start new threads? This is getting difficult to follow!

ship time

Have you guys noticed that the estimated time before ship is now only 5-7 days on the 3.06 ghz with the 4850. This is so irritating!
Have you guys noticed that the estimated time before ship is now only 5-7 days on the 3.06 ghz with the 4850. This is so irritating!

yeah and i contacted apple through the chat and they said that it will only take another week to get to my house with free shipping if i order now. ive decided to wait about 4 weeks because my dad will pay half if i get good grades:D

so i probably wont have shipping problems
yeah and i contacted apple through the chat and they said that it will only take another week to get to my house with free shipping if i order now. ive decided to wait about 4 weeks because my dad will pay half if i get good grades:D

so i probably wont have shipping problems

Apple is telling you that if you order now, this moment it would only be 1 week to get your Mac with the HD4850 option? Is that my understanding?
If so, what is wrong with this picture? :rolleyes: Something is not right here. How can Apple do this? What about us guys that has had the iMac on order for weeks now already and some of them way longer than me. This is not right!
im going to be calling tomorrow to see where my imac is... was told it should be here by the 15... ill wait till noon if they dont call me ill call them... im too impatient lol... i have my fingers crossed that it will be here with no problems... i hope! :rolleyes:
Have you guys noticed that the estimated time before ship is now only 5-7 days on the 3.06 ghz with the 4850. This is so irritating!

You know Apple should not do this, unless they could fill the existing orders (all of them that are outstanding) within that time frame of 5-7 days. Then it would be cool. Otherwise this is totally wrong on Apple's part. If it is a Apple Web site glitch, then they should fix it before they start getting a rash of cancellations and some very angry customers. I myself will hang in there but I have to admit this really bothers me. I wonder if Steve Jobs reads these messages? I would love to hear his reply to this mess.
Ladies and gentlemen "We got him"

Ordered May 5. with wireless keyb and mouse
3.06 / Ati 4850.

Just received it from UPS setup in 3 mins (protective stickers are the hardest things to get rid of) booted it and already doing a reinstall (dont want the printerdrivers and some other stuff I will never use... Yeah, I know. I've got a problem)

Anyway; good luck and see you in other threads(hopefully not in the 4850 freezes after a few mins!)

Oh yeah; I'm in the Netherlands.
:eek: no... no time warps here (or I would have had my iMac sooner)

Working like a charm, reinstalled without printer drvrs, languages, etc.
I've been playing Dawn of War II all day in bootcamp. I have it turned up to high at 1920*1200. Even with it being a demanding game the 4850 held up great with a constant high frame rate, no dips in frame rate I noticed.
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