I have been reading these posts and simply cannot believe how suspicious and cynical some of you are. So sad. My daughter inadvertently "washed" her iPhone along with her comforter on Saturday. Wash, rinse, spin the whole works. Needless to say we thought the thing had to be a goner. She went out yesterday and four hours later had her new iPhone3G. Since Saturday though I refused to give the old phone up for dead, and did everything I saw on the forums as a last resort, including submerging the thing in a paper bag full of uncooked rice and cilica packets. Leaving it in the car (we live in Miami - hot!) for two days, and today when we turned it on - well waddya know! Bingo!! Crystal clear and looking great. In attempting to synch it in itunes however, it is asking for the passcode. She put in the one she had but it won't recognise it. She did not STEAL her phone, she just washed the darn thing by mistake causing this problem. Why would anyone assume that because itunes does not recognise the passcode that there is not a legitimate reason for this problem. Back to the Apple store tomorrow. Left to you lot we'dby cuffed and carted away by now! Jeez!
My iPod Touch did this a month back. It decided it wanted to protect itself with an unknown passcode on an iPod Touch that has never had a passcode on it. It was not wet, just playing music. When I went to unlock it asked for a passcode... okay? Called Apple support to see if they would maybe give me some sort of universal code for the heck of it and just to see what they would say. They did as expected "Just Restore"... @OP DO THIS I've seen it work...