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I found a solution to this! Here is my story and how I fixed the problem of an inadvertently changed pass code lock.

Story: The other day I was checking this exact forum for an clue on how I could 'bypass' my iPhone password. I had just unlocked my iPhone and gave it to my little brother-in-law to play "SmackTalk" and when he gave it back to me the pass-code had changed. I am sure he didn't realize he did this, but nonetheless, he did. Unfortunately, my iMac (which is what I sync to) is about 3000 miles away, so a restore was out of the question. I kept trying to guess, but after a few wrong tries, the iPhone kept giving me 1, 5, 15, 60 minute times between tries. Unfortunately, it looked like most forums and tips I found suggested a restore or tried to accuse me of stealing my phone. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late), through some sort of instant genius, I thought of a way to get back into my iPhone!

Solution: If you have a MobileMe account, go to the 'Find my iPhone' section. From there, you can create a pass code. It says it will overwrite any existing one (which is just what we need). After you get the confirmation email (took all of 2 seconds), simply enter the new code you created and you are good to go!

This was a life saver for me so I wanted to make sure I passed it along. Hope this helps!
Easy Fix

Ok I don't know maybe someone already answered this. But its pretty easy to solve.

1. Ok first of all go to Firmware Download and under Iphone / Ipod Touch, select whatever firmware you want and download it to the Desktop.

2. Then, connect your iphone to your computer. Now you got everything you need to unlock your iphone or ipod touch. Simply just hold the "Power" and "Home" button until the screen turns black. Then while still holding the "Home" button, release the "Power" button. But make sure you're still holding the "Home" button.

3. After a few seconds, your computer should give you a message saying "Installing Device" or something like that. You can now let go of the "Home" button.

4. After its done installing, itunes should pop up, saying Iphone or ipod touch found in recovery mode. You will see a button called "Restore". DON'T CLICK IT YET!

5. Press and hold shift, and click on Restore. A box will pop up, go to the place where you saved the firmware to, and select it. And click on open. Now just wait till it's done.

It just might look hard, but its pretty simple to do.

Source: 2 Years of fixing, jailbreaking, and unlocking Iphone's and Ipod Touch's.
You Can Unlock Iphone Without Deleting Data.

Hey all,

So yesterday I changed my pass code on my iphone and then forgot what it was so i called optus and spoke to tech support and read all these posts and more.. Everyone gave the same advice RESTORE THE IPHONE... but doing this doesnt actually fix the problem.

Here's what your supposed to do and I found after hours of trying.

If your phone is in passcode lock mode just follow these simple steps.

PLUG IT INTO ITUNES. preferably the computer you last synced it with.


When this process is finished click the SUMMARY tab and in front of you, you now should have 2 options SYNC and RESTORE.

click restore but restore it to factory settings ! do not restore it to your back up as this also brings with it the passcode you have forgotten and you will be back to square one.

GO TO SETTINGS, GENERAL, PASSCODE AND NOW TURN IT OFF. THE CODE SHOULD BE 0000 OR 1234 . check your manual as it will be something simple.

after several minutes your phone will be blank like when you first took it home.

now plug the phone in return to summary page click restore and restore it to your most recent back up.

once this process is finished click sync so that your applications and photos etc will return to the phone.

The i phone is now unlocked and ready to use again.

unfortunately even a hacker can follow this process and plug the phone into any i tunes and restore it to factory settings and use it as normal.

Apple should have designed this feature better.
my i always put passcodes on my cell phones just incase they are stolen and i broke my iphone last summer and bought a new one. My new one was stolen and i decided to get my old one fixed and i cant remember the passcode. So instead of accusing someone of theft, think a little bit, get lives and **** unless you have helpful advice.
my i always put passcodes on my cell phones just incase they are stolen and i broke my iphone last summer and bought a new one. My new one was stolen and i decided to get my old one fixed and i cant remember the passcode. So instead of accusing someone of theft, think a little bit, get lives and **** unless you have helpful advice.

your shouting for people for being ignorant but yet you can hardly put a sentence together your self... ironic isnt it ;)
Well I have a good one. I just bought a 3gs tonight finally. I came home and was looking through all the default settings, and set my passcode. I haven't taken a backup yet. I somehow fat fingered the passcode twice so now I have no idea what I set it to. I've tried different combinations of something close to what I thought I set it to. With no restore is there a way to reset it? Or will no restore just restore to default settings? That's what I'm going to try (as soon as itunes installs).

EDIT: I only posted this to illustrate that not everyone steals their iphone, and sometimes we're just stupid :)

EDIT 2: Yep, restore did work. Good tip to all that provided that. And I figured out what I did the first time too.. it's easy to hit adjacent keys on this without really noticing if you do it the same way twice :$
I found a solution to this! Here is my story and how I fixed the problem of an inadvertently changed pass code lock.

Story: The other day I was checking this exact forum for an clue on how I could 'bypass' my iPhone password. I had just unlocked my iPhone and gave it to my little brother-in-law to play "SmackTalk" and when he gave it back to me the pass-code had changed. I am sure he didn't realize he did this, but nonetheless, he did. Unfortunately, my iMac (which is what I sync to) is about 3000 miles away, so a restore was out of the question. I kept trying to guess, but after a few wrong tries, the iPhone kept giving me 1, 5, 15, 60 minute times between tries. Unfortunately, it looked like most forums and tips I found suggested a restore or tried to accuse me of stealing my phone. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late), through some sort of instant genius, I thought of a way to get back into my iPhone!

Solution: If you have a MobileMe account, go to the 'Find my iPhone' section. From there, you can create a pass code. It says it will overwrite any existing one (which is just what we need). After you get the confirmation email (took all of 2 seconds), simply enter the new code you created and you are good to go!

This was a life saver for me so I wanted to make sure I passed it along. Hope this helps!

Thanks... worked like a charm !!!
You just could have also SSH'd into the iPhone and then extract the .plist file with the passcode in it.
If you have MobileMe, you can remotely change the passcode back to one you remember on the 'Find my iPhone' page. (see my earlier, much longer, post in this thread for more)
Never heard of that happening before. Ever. When I plug my iPhone into my computer I don't have to enter my passcode to get it to connect. In fact, I just tested it right now, and it did not ask me for the passcode, and simply synced the phone no questions asked. Are you sure you didn't steal it? Seriously though, if your phone isn't showing up on your computer it probably has something to do with your USB connector, or your USB port itself. Try using a different port, or plugging and unplugging the USB from the phone/port several times.

My situation, reformatted my computer. Changed the passcode to something I thought would be easyier, aparently I made a type when I keyed it in, as I tried and tried and tried and tried untill it locked me out. I searched google, this is what I found. For goodness sakes, you people are suspicious. Stuff like this happens more often than you realise. The iphone/itunes has been set up in such a way that it is a pain to attempt to do anything other than what apple intended you to do. Unfortunately I had 2 digital downloads which have now expired, I will not be able to get them back. Terminator Salvation and the book of eli.
iphone reset

come'on guys... everybody fegets stuff, I bought and iphone from my friend just to keep it as a backup phone if my for some reason would brake... well the day I was going to used cuz my actually broke (drop it in a bucket of bleach while I was pressure washing my house) and I installed my sim card but the phone was lock call my friend and he was on a church mission down in nicaragua.... so I had no phone and the one I had was locked and the other full of bleach... ran to the store and boght a go phone and used while my friend came back... so **** happens all the time,,, help this poor guys no all of us that forget a passcode are criminals
Seriously!? This thread was started almost 3 YEARS ago, I think the problem has been solved. Stop bringing it back from the dead.

Hey i found an iphone and i would like to use it, how can i bypass the code without any RAM disks and stuff way too compicated for my non-geeky computer skills?? I'm not a criminal just found an iPhone 3500km from my place and won't be able to give it back.
Hand it into the police - someone might be grateful.

When my iphone was stolen I felt slightly comforted by the knowledge that it was passlock protected. Reported theft and imei number. I hope the thief has a brick but I am not entirely reassured by this thread.

I'm sure there are genuine passlock mishaps but I dont want any thief to easily access unlock instructions.

And who cares how old the thread is anyway if the information is valid?
Here's my situation. Wondering if anyone can help.

The boss gave our offices iPhones but locked us out of using apps. We have access to everything else, I can load music, take pictures, of course have full internet and email features, just can’t load apps. He claims he is nervous about security and doesn't want us "mucking up" the phones.

so we have a password we use to unlock the phone to make calls, check email etc. But there is a second layer of security, using a different password known only to the IT guy, that is needed to change settings to allow us to load apps.

I was wondering if Missyd71's post above (#105) about resetting the password using the ‘sync’, ‘factory settings’ and ‘restore’ option would allow me to reset the phone, then load a few apps. Or would the phone simply revert back to the boss’s locked settings when I did the restore, thus wipe out apps I load?


Hey all,

So yesterday I changed my pass code on my iphone and then forgot what it was so i called optus and spoke to tech support and read all these posts and more.. Everyone gave the same advice RESTORE THE IPHONE... but doing this doesnt actually fix the problem.

Here's what your supposed to do and I found after hours of trying.

If your phone is in passcode lock mode just follow these simple steps.

PLUG IT INTO ITUNES. preferably the computer you last synced it with.


When this process is finished click the SUMMARY tab and in front of you, you now should have 2 options SYNC and RESTORE.

click restore but restore it to factory settings ! do not restore it to your back up as this also brings with it the passcode you have forgotten and you will be back to square one.

GO TO SETTINGS, GENERAL, PASSCODE AND NOW TURN IT OFF. THE CODE SHOULD BE 0000 OR 1234 . check your manual as it will be something simple.

after several minutes your phone will be blank like when you first took it home.

now plug the phone in return to summary page click restore and restore it to your most recent back up.

once this process is finished click sync so that your applications and photos etc will return to the phone.

The i phone is now unlocked and ready to use again.

unfortunately even a hacker can follow this process and plug the phone into any i tunes and restore it to factory settings and use it as normal.

Apple should have designed this feature better.
Really bad idea...
You're certain you want to bypass your company's security policy? Seems like a surefire way to not only have no iPhone, but also have no job.

Perhaps talk to your boss about his reasoning, give him some links to show the security of the apps available (Apple's strict control, etc.), and see if there's any way to convince him to open up app installing or create a process for requesting new apps be installed by IT.
For security reasons, you can't take any electronic devices into work, but they have a place to drop off your phone so you can come out and use it when you are break/lunch. Anyone can grab your phone, so I make sure mine has a passcode lock while I am at work. I change it the code often just in case someone sees me lock/unlock it., they won't be able to replay what they saw to get into my phone and snoop around.

Also not that I turn the passcode off when not at work.

After months of doing this without any problems, I decided one morning to use a different formula for my passcode for that day. Well, come lunch time I tried to unlock my phone to send a message, and it didn't work. After trying several versions of what I thought my passcode was, I went home for lunch and even called into work saying that I would be back late.

I ended up resetting the phone to manufacturer defaults, upgrading the firmware ( iTunes insisted that I do this ) , restoring from backup, and finally synching it .

Some weird things:
The restore from backup didn't put all of applications back on the phone, but it did put all of the groups back.

The restore did not put my music back on, I had to sync to do that.

Finally, this takes forever, hours in my case, but phone has to work as I am permanently on-call for my job. And if they can't reach me, I have a lot of explaining to do to many different interested parties . I'd rather not have to do that.

Lessons learned: Don't type in your passcode in a hurry, type it in slowly while looking at the screen. I'd even go a step further and test it out right after you set it using the "disable passcode" feature. You can always just re-enable it.
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