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put in in major restore
plug your ipod cable in but also hold the middle button untill you see the itunes symbol and your cable but also have itunes up ready then click restore and wait :) and it should remove your password
put in in major restore
plug your ipod cable in but also hold the middle button untill you see the itunes symbol and your cable but also have itunes up ready then click restore and wait :) and it should remove your password

:confused: I'm glad you're trying to help,but you are three years late.
my i always put passcodes on my cell phones just incase they are stolen and i broke my iphone last summer and bought a new one. My new one was stolen and i decided to get my old one fixed and i cant remember the passcode. So instead of accusing someone of theft, think a little bit, get lives and **** unless you have helpful advice.

I agree. I've had 2 occasions where I didn't know the right passcode. One where I was really underslept and stressed out and forgot it a few hours after I set it ( and left the phone in my car, returned to it on my lunch break, that was back when I used a different code every day, to reduce chances that anyone saw me enter the code could get into it a day or so later ).

The other time, when I set the code, I half-touched another button unintentionally , but twice in a row. It registered the other button as part of my code, and not the button that I thought was pressing. I figured it out fairly quickly, but it was scary as I needed a phone number from them phone, and didn't have time to go home and do the whole restore to default settings and restore routine.

Mobile Me sounds interesting , but I don't use that, I use hosted Exchange.
I have been reading these posts and simply cannot believe how suspicious and cynical some of you are. So sad. My daughter inadvertently "washed" her iPhone along with her comforter on Saturday. Wash, rinse, spin the whole works. Needless to say we thought the thing had to be a goner. She went out yesterday and four hours later had her new iPhone3G. Since Saturday though I refused to give the old phone up for dead, and did everything I saw on the forums as a last resort, including submerging the thing in a paper bag full of uncooked rice and cilica packets. Leaving it in the car (we live in Miami - hot!) for two days, and today when we turned it on - well waddya know! Bingo!! Crystal clear and looking great. In attempting to synch it in itunes however, it is asking for the passcode. She put in the one she had but it won't recognise it. She did not STEAL her phone, she just washed the darn thing by mistake causing this problem. Why would anyone assume that because itunes does not recognise the passcode that there is not a legitimate reason for this problem. Back to the Apple store tomorrow. Left to you lot we'd:mad: by cuffed and carted away by now! Jeez!

I put a passcode on my phone because my sister and son wouldn't stop messing with it and it happened to be one of those spur of the moment things and totally forgot what the passcode was.... I think u all need to listen to the person instead of automatically assuming that they stole the crap... Grow up!
Hi all,
I seem to have forgotten my iphone passcode that I set in the menu. And because I cannot connect to the computer without it, I can't even do a restore. Is there any way around this?
i dont know what you mean to short i need help to restore my Ipod i forgot my password can you help me
i have lost my password and can not do anything on my ipod so could someone help me restore my ipod and i could start all over i know i will lose all my tunes i have now but thats ok i will redo it
DFU mode

Hi all,
I seem to have forgotten my iphone passcode that I set in the menu. And because I cannot connect to the computer without it, I can't even do a restore. Is there any way around this?

you need to enter your iphone in DFU mode so you can plug it into the computer, I would recommend finding a video explaining how to do it because it is really useful to watch someone do it first, after it is in DFU mode plug it into your computer and it should allow you to restore.

Here is a quick video I found, if you need more info just search it up on youtube:

The only thing you can do is force your iphone to recovery mode and then restore it. you will lose all data but its the only way you can make it work.
follow the steps of this apple article:

well i did that setup when i pressed the restore it started to download the new software once that was complete a message showed up saying " There was a problem downloading the software for the iPhone "iPhone The network connection Timed out Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active or try again later what do i do please help me out
Do not digress

Hey, who cares if the guy is lying this thread is not to determine if the poster is deceitful or not.

Do not digress dudes/dudettes.

Limit your post to help with the answer or do not post anything. I just wasted a lot of time looking at some people's points of view. No I am not saying that you are right or wrong I am just saying limit your answers to encompass the limits of this post.

Got it!

Weather stolen or lost or what ever. if the Manufactured doesn't have a way to track this item then too bad for the consumer. Manuf. is the one we should be mad at.
found phone

hi, i was dumpster diving at a local university and found a iphone with the front glass all cracked,took it home plugged it in my ipod cord and it came on, but it is asking for a pass word or code, is there a way to get by that, i been to you tube and tried everything there even pluged it in to my sons i tune and tried to reset it but cant, any ideas, thanks
If you cannot remember the passcode, you will need to restore your device using the computer with which you last synced it. This allows you to reset your passcode and resync the data from the device (or restore from a backup). If you restore on a different computer that was never synced with the device, you will be able to unlock the device for use and remove the passcode, but your data will not be present. Refer to Updating and restoring iPhone and iPod touch software.

Hi all,
I seem to have forgotten my iphone passcode that I set in the menu. And because I cannot connect to the computer without it, I can't even do a restore. Is there any way around this?
well if you don't want to restore your iphone and also want you passcodes back you might wanna try this ... worked for me

I tried this and have a few backups and by going through the list, I found the SBParentalControlsPin file with the value next to it but that wasn't the passcode...Any ideas?

I've read post, but my problem . I recently had my 14 yr old niece come to live with me . She's out of control!! Trying to get the truth from her phone but unable to get pass the passcode. Any advice? And No it's not stolen.If I can go to an att store I will!
no one forgets passwords

I think it would be safe to say, that no one who is honest and true has ever forgotten a password, i mean if people just occasionally forgot passwords, particularly ones that aren't used often, there would be an icon near virtually every prompt for a password on the internet! And since that obviously isn't the case, we should all be incredibly rude in the way we respond to this PERSON. I capitalized person because alot of us forget that behind the screen name is usually, a living, breathing, human being. Whom if you were face to face with, certainly would not aledge that they had stolen something. If i stole an iPhone, the last thing I would do is ask people to help me unlock it! Afterall, that's what google is for! lol lets just be kind and curteous to one another and listen to mother rabbit, if ya don't have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all.
I am sure if you SSH into it, if you have OpenSSH installed you can find a root which will had you your unencrypted code. Otherwise sorry, I do not know. :(
:) your in luck kid, because i got a solution
  1. power off iphone
  2. as it is after power off, hold the home button
  3. as you are holding the button, connect iphone to computer for recovery mode
  4. restore with button on itunes, itll work

Well, if you don't know the passcode, you cannot restore through itunes, period.
Itunes will say: Itune could not connect to the iPhone because it is locked, please enter passcode first then restore with iTunes. There is no other way to solve this, beside you throw it away or sell it for parts.
okay, heres the deal, january 2011 i got an iphone 4 as a gift, so i unactivated my iphone 3g and activated my iphone 4, i jailbroke the iphone3g and used it like an ipod touch, however the battery died and i never bothered to recharge, till today. the passcode is enabled however i had the passcode dissabled before it died about 1-4 months ago.......i tried to put into recovery mode but i have bootlace (program allowing me to dual boot ios and android) enabled, i attempted to put in the password, and it diddnt accept the passcode u previously used before i took it off, so i tried about 15 likely combinations and it dissabled, it tells me to connect to itunes, so i do and itunes tells me to unlock it, but i cant because its dissabled -_-
Wow, this has been an entertaining read. I love when forum people get all upset.

Just thought I'd share my story, since I've already solved the problem.

I was driving to lunch this afternoon with my wife, and saw something on the road. I said "that looked interesting" and pulled over, ran into the street and picked up a crushed iphone 4. It had a protective case on it, but the screen was FUBAR. It had clearly been run over by a car at least once.

So I was going to toss it, but you shouldn't throw electronics in the trash. So I brought it home, and sure enough it still worked. Plugged it into my wife's macbook and it said no dice, this is Nick's iphone and you can go to hell without the passcode. I tried pressing some buttons, and an eclectic mix of rap and club tunes began playing. No idea what to do since I can't read anything. Anyhow, DFU reset and ordered a new screen. At a minimum I have a new ipod touch, but since it's verizon who knows, maybe I can use it.

Ethically, not sure I've done anything wrong. Anyone, including me, looking at this thing would have thrown it in the trash. "Nick" probably doesn't even know he lost it yet (how the hell do you lose a phone in the middle of a busy street?) So there you have it, it will cost me $50 and an 30 min of engineering time.

In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have reset the device yet. I'd like to call Verizon and try to find Nick so he can claim his phone. And your music sucks!
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