Sine you quote from the blog, that’s the only source ever mention the Pascal card can work with the web driver. Therefore, I also quote the one and only one source that mentioned about Maxwell card can work with web driver. It’s not about the time, but the source.
And since no newer source from Nvidia says anything about the Maxwell support. I treat that as the lastest info (same as you treat the one and only one blog post as the Pascal latest info). 2 years or 2 days? Doesn’t really matter, it’s the latest.
If time is matter, then why not trust the lastest web driver page info. That’s publish by Nvidia officially in a formal way less than a month ago. There is zero mention about official support of both Maxwell and Pascal card.
I drill on the this matter, because we should not easily tell the others the support is official. And the fact is we don’t know if that’s real official or still in beta. It’s simply lack of info to conclude.
The fact is Nvidia do specific which GPU is officially supported on cMP on the same page you quote (about “They do not specify the GPU engine."). And you intentionally ignore that, but just quote part of the info you want, and then mix it with the blog post to conclude Pascal GPU is officially supported on cMP. This part I really cannot agree.
If we follow that page, then the supported GPU is clearly stated. No Pascal card. If we just follow the blog, then why Maxwell is beta all the way until now and Pascal is official? I think it’s improper to selectively see what we want to see, and then make a conclusion, then treat this conclusion as a fact to tell the others.