One question for those who have it.. Does the finger print scanner work in terms with free still getting notifications? For example nils.. As I use that as my lockscreen notification
I am sure this has been answered time and time again. With the best buy offer, do you just bring them your old phone and they knock $200 off the price of the phone? For example, could I buy it outright from best buy for ~$600? I have t-mobile and it doesn't show the unlocked phone on best buys website.
Good comparison shots thanks. Let's me see that yes, that Samsung color boost is still there. Unfortunate. If I wanted my photos to look processed, I would do it myself. Hum....
So i guess the Note 4 pics are on the bottom?
I do like the way the Samsung warms the colors. The colors just pop more.
So i guess the Note 4 pics are on the bottom?
I do like the way the Samsung warms the colors. The colors just pop more.
You mean with a flash?To me it looks like the iPhone pics are the 4:3 ones and the 16:9 is the note 4.
Nonetheless, they look pretty good. Curious to see how they each do in even lower lighting.
So i guess the Note 4 pics are on the bottom?
I do like the way the Samsung warms the colors. The colors just pop more.
One question for those who have it.. Does the finger print scanner work in terms with free still getting notifications? For example nils.. As I use that as my lockscreen notification
I agree...both sets are great pics! Samsung (right or wrong) does tend to warm their pictures a little. My GS5 does the same thing.....Yes, the pics on the bottom have the warmer tone right? To me those are the pics where the color looks boosted, whereas the top photos look more natural. Just look at the flowers.
Excellent that's goodAre you asking if the finger print scanner works with NiLS on the lock screen? If so, the answer is yes.
Here is what I have been told from BestBuy. Take it for what it is worth. You bring in any working smartphone on the day you pick up your preorder. You will get a 200$ gift card. You can then use that gift card towards the purchase price of the phone. HOWEVER, you must buy on a contract or with Next or Edge or whatever. They told me you would not get the 200$ if buying the phone off contract at full price. Now, wether or not that will be true will likely remain to be seen, and may even vary from store to store depending on the manager.
How is the accuracy of the fingerprint scanner? If you used an iPhone, how does it compare?
so you can have a secured stock lock screen and NILS now? I remember it used to be that I can't have any widgets on lockscreen if I set up a PIN code...I always use Widgetlocker instead because of that. thanks
I read the T-Mobile preorders arrived yesterday, did anyone here get theirs?
edit: Just read the T-Mobile variety already got root...I doubt we'll have such luck on AT&T...
rIt's just as accurate and quick to read. But touch beats swiping, especially one handed on a large phone.
Yeah, ATT version will not have root. At least not by Chainfire. Probably will be some time, if ever...this is my other major dilemma with the Note 4. I cannot get the t mobile one right away as I really did not want to deal with the hassle of getting it on a plan etc...
I don't know guys. I am starting to think more and more that I may hang onto the iPhone 6 + for now and see where ios 8 goes with its updates and bug fixes. I still have my Note 3 rooted/custom recovery/ running Tweaked ROM. Maybe eventually sell that and buy a T mobile Note 4 off contract once I can. Or Nexus
Yes, the pics on the bottom have the warmer tone right? To me those are the pics where the color looks boosted, whereas the top photos look more natural. Just look at the flowers.
I understand where you are. Between BB having jacked the cost of the Note 4 on Verizon by $57 this week then the talk that they're not going to honor the $200 without a plan (I have 5 grandfathered unlimited data lines) It's starting to look more and more like "not a good time" for me also. I'm on a Note 3, by mid-november you'll be able to buy pretty much any phone you want including iPhone 6's, an when the Note Edge drops the Note 4 will drop in price anyway. .