None of my existing cables work with my N4 for fast charging either.I've had weird experiences with mine and chargers. My Note 3 was picky, it needed those wires shorted in the USB cable in order to detect it. I had a Lenovo USB cable which also had fast charging and it worked fine with my NOte 3, but does NOT work on my Note 4. I also had a cheapie cable I jumped the wires on and it works with both the N3 and N4, but it doesn't trigger the adaptive charge.
Are the N4 USB cables special in any way? Or are they simply cables with the 2 wires jumped like the Note 3 USB cable was? I don't want to put my phone at risk and was not sure if an aftermarket cable would hurt it or not work.
Kinda sucks, Samsung doesn't have any chargers on it's website yet to buy.
There is apparently something in the cable that allows the N4 to control the adaptive charger. I would think it could be done with just USB but perhaps it was done deliberately in order to minimize the chance of supplying 9v to a device that can't handle it.
I wonder if this is a real Note 4 cable?