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What kind of lag are you experiencing? I'm noticing a lot of lag with the keyboard. I've tried the Samsung keyboard, Swiftkey, and have now settled on Google and they're all bad lag wise with Swiftkey being the best, google the middle, and samsung the worst (their keyboard just completely sucks in general).
yeah keyboards and some apps too and the s-pen. Then my battery just bleeds life....i was at the gym listening to music on my phone through BT headphones for 1.5 hours and lost 20% battery life...that's not very good. I might have a defective unit.
yeah keyboards and some apps too and the s-pen. Then my battery just bleeds life....i was at the gym listening to music on my phone through BT headphones for 1.5 hours and lost 20% battery life...that's not very good. I might have a defective unit.
I haven't tried streaming any music yet but I'm working out tomorrow morning and will see what my experience is. Does anyone know if Samsung typically fixes lag issues like this with a patch?
That''s how i felt too when I first started taking pictures. I don't feel the quality is that great compared to my 6S+. it's only marginally better. The iPhone (6S+ only i think) also trumps the Note with the front screen flash for selfie mode. Can take a decent selfie in pitch black.
In good lighting, I think the iphone is still the best. But in low light, Samsung cameras have been incredible. Anything in low light I always pull out my Samsung phone instead of my iPhone.
- General lagginess - I feel that the Note is laggy sometimes, it seems to be smooth one hour and the next is a stuttering mess (slight exaggeration). Ive been running iOS 10 beta 5 on my 6S+ and i've never had faster or smoother performance out of a Plus model before. Its a lag free and quick OS imo. My note just seems clunky in comparison but I think the overall functionality of Android (and the Note features in particular) trump a lag free experience imo.

Disabling animations helps a lot: credit:
- About Device - Build Number - click it a few times till a message "you are x clicks away from developer options" pops up
- Then under Developer Options:
Turn of the following: animation scale, transition scale and animator duration

If you still experience lag, root your phone and uninstall all the useless bloatware. XDA always has a tool called "debloater"

As for browser experience, I would recommend Apus browser been using this thing since a few months and I absolutely love it, it's fast and if you want you can activate "fast mode" which lets it fly through the web.

Also turning of some Nova animations for the dock...helps a lot too.
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In good lighting, I think the iphone is still the best. But in low light, Samsung cameras have been incredible. Anything in low light I always pull out my Samsung phone instead of my iPhone.
See I've found the opposite (although with probably a much smaller sample size since i've never truly owned/used an Android more than a few days). But i've always thought that the Galaxies look great with lots of light (if not a little bit saturated but more on a detail level) and the iPhone take much better night pics. Just shows how subjective it all is (or how untrained my eye is).
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How about you go into the macrumours news forum and ask everybody there if they think the iPhone 7 is a redesign. I'm sure you will get ALOT of laughing emotions while asking you what planet you are on.

There's a reason why everybody is moaning about the same old design. A new redesign doesn't mean making it more powerful while removing a headphone jack.

Would be like me going into my office and hiring somebody to change the whole office design and returning to it being Completely unchanged.

Really? I see NO ONE supporting you saying it's not. You know, I guess all phones are not a redesign then. because they all look the same the way you are thinking. :(
You are right of course they eliminated the headphone redesign from the 6 to the 6s to rhe 7....removed the headphone jack. You're right total redesign.

It takes a redesign to get rid of the headphone jack. Move the antennas to a different part of the body of the phone, mount a 2nd speaker. Also requires the internals to be moved around. You can not say that is not a redesign when it is. Everything you read out there will say it is.
Fortunately Merriam Webster disagrees with your definition of redesign:
  1. to revise in appearance, function, or content
Making stuff up is fun but not reality.

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Just played with the Note 7 for like ten minutes at T-Mobile, the sales rep had one off the leash and let me go to town with it :)

Little back story, My Wife currently has the Note 5, and I currently have the Nexus 6P, I've had my 6P for several months now, before that I most recently had the HTC 10, LG G5, and Note 5 this year, and out of all of those phones, I like my Nexus 6P head and shoulders above those others.

Back to the Note 7, I do like the size of it, for a 5.7" screen it is much smaller and way more compact than my Nexus 6P with the same size screen. And the display as gorgeous, very bright, just an awesome screen. But that's about it, going through Touchwiz again, and it's just a mess still, it had slight lag here and there, did not feel nearly as buttery smooth as my 6P, and the app drawer, my God so much bloat in there. I want like zero apps when I get a brand new phone, just the core basics to make the phone operate, and then let me decide which apps to install myself.

Yeah the Nexus 6P is basic and boring, and doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a Note 7, and cool features Samsung puts in their phones, but the Nexus just feels smoother, less crap, just runs like a champ, whereas the Note 7 has almost too much going on, half the stuff I don't even need, and honestly it did lag a little, and I wasn't left very impressed. I left thinking yeah the Note 7 is very nice, but by no means was I thinking, holy **** I must get this phone NOW. Nope, I am more happy with my Nexus 6P, I like the minimalist stock Android approach, and the basicness of it appeals to me more.

I have had several Galaxy phones over the years, and my Wife has had her Note 5 a year now, and it's like clockwork, every Galaxy phone I've owned, after like 9 to 12 months they feel like old Windows 95 OS, get laggy, and bloated, and not nearly the same fast smooth feeling as when it was brand new.
Really? I see NO ONE supporting you saying it's not. You know, I guess all phones are not a redesign then. because they all look the same the way you are thinking. :(
If you think the iPhone 7 is a re design feel free to think what you like. You can get technical in terms of what redesign officially means but when the people look at the 7 and see no real difference to the 6s they certainly won't think that's a redesign. Next year is hopefully when there will be noticeable changes to the design. That said this is a note 7 thread after all
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yeah keyboards and some apps too and the s-pen. Then my battery just bleeds life....i was at the gym listening to music on my phone through BT headphones for 1.5 hours and lost 20% battery life...that's not very good. I might have a defective unit.
Try factory reset in recovery. But before you do, clear cache first then factory reset. Read somewhere on Xda ppl should try the above before first setting up a Samsung device.

I did it and phone is fine. I also didn't restore apps just wanted a fresh start, so I'm downloading apps as I need them.
If you think the iPhone 7 is a re design feel free to think what you like. You can get technical in terms of what redesign officially means but when the people look at the 7 and see no real difference to the 6s they certainly won't think that's a redesign. Next year is hopefully when there will be noticeable changes to the design. That said this is a note 7 thread after all

Again, go back to school and learn. This is the reason I am an engineer making easy 6 figures and you are a consumer of these devices. And I am sure you will say the Note 7 is a redesign, when in your reality, it isn't. Looks exactly the same as the Note 5 except for a curved screen.

tr.v. re·de·signed, re·de·sign·ing, re·de·signs
To make a revision in the appearance or function of.
It takes a redesign to get rid of the headphone jack. Move the antennas to a different part of the body of the phone, mount a 2nd speaker. Also requires the internals to be moved around. You can not say that is not a redesign when it is. Everything you read out there will say it is.

That's like comparing car packages of the same specific model. 4cyl FWD vs 6cyl AWD w/ sun roof, does not make it a redesign.
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Just played with the Note 7 for like ten minutes at T-Mobile, the sales rep had one off the leash and let me go to town with it :)

Little back story, My Wife currently has the Note 5, and I currently have the Nexus 6P, I've had my 6P for several months now, before that I most recently had the HTC 10, LG G5, and Note 5 this year, and out of all of those phones, I like my Nexus 6P head and shoulders above those others.

Back to the Note 7, I do like the size of it, for a 5.7" screen it is much smaller and way more compact than my Nexus 6P with the same size screen. And the display as gorgeous, very bright, just an awesome screen. But that's about it, going through Touchwiz again, and it's just a mess still, it had slight lag here and there, did not feel nearly as buttery smooth as my 6P, and the app drawer, my God so much bloat in there. I want like zero apps when I get a brand new phone, just the core basics to make the phone operate, and then let me decide which apps to install myself.

Yeah the Nexus 6P is basic and boring, and doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a Note 7, and cool features Samsung puts in their phones, but the Nexus just feels smoother, less crap, just runs like a champ, whereas the Note 7 has almost too much going on, half the stuff I don't even need, and honestly it did lag a little, and I wasn't left very impressed. I left thinking yeah the Note 7 is very nice, but by no means was I thinking, holy **** I must get this phone NOW. Nope, I am more happy with my Nexus 6P, I like the minimalist stock Android approach, and the basicness of it appeals to me more.

I have had several Galaxy phones over the years, and my Wife has had her Note 5 a year now, and it's like clockwork, every Galaxy phone I've owned, after like 9 to 12 months they feel like old Windows 95 OS, get laggy, and bloated, and not nearly the same fast smooth feeling as when it was brand new.

I had the Nexus 6p for about 3 days a few weeks ago and agree with your statement. The Nexus had 0 lag it was pure smoothness. I do like some of the Note specific features tho and the form factor. The Nexus was just too big for me and i absolutely hated the placement of the volume buttons.
Again, go back to school and learn. This is the reason I am an engineer making easy 6 figures and you are a consumer of these devices. And I am sure you will say the Note 7 is a redesign, when in your reality, it isn't. Looks exactly the same as the Note 5 except for a curved screen.

tr.v. re·de·signed, re·de·sign·ing, re·de·signs
To make a revision in the appearance or function of.

Tomayto tomahto? If you're the engineer behind the upcoming 2016 redesigned iPhone you might have a few less consumers this year. :p
he antennas to a different part of the body of the phone, mount a 2nd speaker. Also requires the internals to be moved around. You can not say that is not a redesign when it is. Everything you read out there will say it is.
lol...sorry but it is not a redesign. This has been hashed and and talked about to death now.
Even Apple has reported that the IP7 is a continuance of the IP6 and 6s. That the redesign is happening in 2017 for the 10th anniversary of the iphone.

This subject has been beaten to death......

This off topic for this thread so start another one if you feel the need to discuss this further.
Out of all the negativity that "Anadtech's review got.... Surprising that their review of the Note 7 seemed to be one of the only ones who pointed out the lag/stuttering issue.
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Just played with the Note 7 for like ten minutes at T-Mobile, the sales rep had one off the leash and let me go to town with it :)

Little back story, My Wife currently has the Note 5, and I currently have the Nexus 6P, I've had my 6P for several months now, before that I most recently had the HTC 10, LG G5, and Note 5 this year, and out of all of those phones, I like my Nexus 6P head and shoulders above those others.

Back to the Note 7, I do like the size of it, for a 5.7" screen it is much smaller and way more compact than my Nexus 6P with the same size screen. And the display as gorgeous, very bright, just an awesome screen. But that's about it, going through Touchwiz again, and it's just a mess still, it had slight lag here and there, did not feel nearly as buttery smooth as my 6P, and the app drawer, my God so much bloat in there. I want like zero apps when I get a brand new phone, just the core basics to make the phone operate, and then let me decide which apps to install myself.

Yeah the Nexus 6P is basic and boring, and doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a Note 7, and cool features Samsung puts in their phones, but the Nexus just feels smoother, less crap, just runs like a champ, whereas the Note 7 has almost too much going on, half the stuff I don't even need, and honestly it did lag a little, and I wasn't left very impressed. I left thinking yeah the Note 7 is very nice, but by no means was I thinking, holy **** I must get this phone NOW. Nope, I am more happy with my Nexus 6P, I like the minimalist stock Android approach, and the basicness of it appeals to me more.

I have had several Galaxy phones over the years, and my Wife has had her Note 5 a year now, and it's like clockwork, every Galaxy phone I've owned, after like 9 to 12 months they feel like old Windows 95 OS, get laggy, and bloated, and not nearly the same fast smooth feeling as when it was brand new.

Samsung does need to keep working on TouchWiz. For me it's not a problem, I'm a tech enthusiast, I know exactly what to do to have my devices running smoothly. But the average consumer will not disable any bloat apps, and take the time to optimize their settings.

The Note 7 is running very smoothly for me. The only apps I felt I needed to disable was the Lookout and T-Mobile Caller ID app. That's pretty good comparing to the tons of stuff I used to disable on previous Galaxy phones.

Whatever slight lags I do get(haven't seen any yet), the pros of the Note 7 outweigh the cons for me.
Out of all the negativity that "Anadtech's review got.... Surprising that their review of the Note 7 seemed to be one of the only ones who pointed out the lag/stuttering issue.
I'm sure if they had some they would of said. Don't think people on AC forums have mentioned it either. At the start of a new release there can be issues or bugs that could of caused it so hopefully an update fixes any issue
Again, go back to school and learn. This is the reason I am an engineer making easy 6 figures and you are a consumer of these devices. And I am sure you will say the Note 7 is a redesign, when in your reality, it isn't. Looks exactly the same as the Note 5 except for a curved screen.

tr.v. re·de·signed, re·de·sign·ing, re·de·signs
To make a revision in the appearance or function of.
Well of course it's easy money if you move a screw and say it's redesigned and charge for a redesign.

Also, I don't think I've seen anyone say the Note is a redesign, everyone has said it's an iteration of last year's model, same as what will happen to the iphone this year.
Still stuck on the road and we didn't resolve our AT&T account issues before we left, so I don't have any kind of connectivity. So I can't really fairly evaluate anything.

I'm also pretty sure I set what what I did manage to set up back azzwards, so goodness only knows what my husband will have to fix when he sits down and sets his up and tries to sort out whatever I've activated on mine.

With AT&T features and Google features and Samsung features sitting there it's confusing for someone coming over from Apple and used to their spouse setting phones up.

But I've had fun entertaining myself playing Pokemon Go on the SE while listening to music on the 6S Plus and drawing a cat's butt on the Note 7. I could definitely get hooked on having three smart phones to play with.

Even with the Spigen film on, I've found the stylus and screen working well together. It's really hard to draw anything bouncing around in stop and go traffic at the very back of the SUV, but I started a preliminary project just to get a feel for the brushes and all the options.


I'm duly impressed. I'm extremely rusty but I am confident that I'll be able to turn this cat shaped blob into something much nicer.

As for lag, I have got loads of that on my iPad mini 5. I don't have enough properly set up to notice any on the Note 7.

I don't know what parts are Touchwiz and what parts are AT&T Bloat and what parts are Google yet. I do know I see less blatant AT&T obnoxiousness than the last time I played with a Galaxy at their store a couple of years ago.
Still stuck on the road and we didn't resolve our AT&T account issues before we left, so I don't have any kind of connectivity. So I can't really fairly evaluate anything.

I'm also pretty sure I set what what I did manage to set up back azzwards, so goodness only knows what my husband will have to fix when he sits down and sets his up and tries to sort out whatever I've activated on mine.

With AT&T features and Google features and Samsung features sitting there it's confusing for someone coming over from Apple and used to their spouse setting phones up.

But I've had fun entertaining myself playing Pokemon Go on the SE while listening to music on the 6S Plus and drawing a cat's butt on the Note 7. I could definitely get hooked on having three smart phones to play with.

Even with the Spigen film on, I've found the stylus and screen working well together. It's really hard to draw anything bouncing around in stop and go traffic at the very back of the SUV, but I started a preliminary project just to get a feel for the brushes and all the options.

View attachment 645849

I'm duly impressed. I'm extremely rusty but I am confident that I'll be able to turn this cat shaped blob into something much nicer.

As for lag, I have got loads of that on my iPad mini 5. I don't have enough properly set up to notice any on the Note 7.

I don't know what parts are Touchwiz and what parts are AT&T Bloat and what parts are Google yet. I do know I see less blatant AT&T obnoxiousness than the last time I played with a Galaxy at their store a couple of years ago.
Simplest way to get rid of bloat, is just go to your app drawer in the Samsung launcher, select edit on the top right corner, and just delete any app you don't need or want, don't worry if it's from Google, Samsung, or AT&T. You can't delete anything in the app drawer that will harm your phone.
Disabling animations helps a lot: credit:
- About Device - Build Number - click it a few times till a message "you are x clicks away from developer options" pops up
- Then under Developer Options:
Turn of the following: animation scale, transition scale and animator duration

If you still experience lag, root your phone and uninstall all the useless bloatware. XDA always has a tool called "debloater"

As for browser experience, I would recommend Apus browser been using this thing since a few months and I absolutely love it, it's fast and if you want you can activate "fast mode" which lets it fly through the web.

Also turning of some Nova animations for the dock...helps a lot too.
turned off the developer animations. We'll see if it helps out..thanks
Simplest way to get rid of bloat, is just go to your app drawer in the Samsung launcher, select edit on the top right corner, and just delete any app you don't need or want, don't worry if it's from Google, Samsung, or AT&T. You can't delete anything in the app drawer that will harm your phone.
Thank you. I think mostly I'll be deleting AT&T bloat because most of that stuff they charge you for using and it is free on Samsung or Google. Or just better.

Last night my big decision was between Android Pay and Samsung Pay. I decided to make Samsung Pay my default for now.

I set up a Microsoft account on my Surface 3 the other day. Cortana was a lot smarter than Siri about the Olympics. I don't know whether to download and activate Cortana for Android. Microsoft and Google and Samsung have many overlapping/competing services to offer. I hate giving up my privacy to them but I'm pretty boring so I might as well. Anything that truly requires security like things I learn through my husband's and friends' jobs I keep inside my head and not on any device and it is discussed in person face to face.

I went from having few choices on Apple to a smorgasbord of them. It's fun but will require some research on my part to sort through them all.
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