Spot on MRU! I myself don't use the S-Pen that much tbh. But It is nice to have on those rare occasions.I think Samsung know that most Note users don't actually use their stylus much.
Aesthetics are probably a bigger sell than the S-Pen on its own. Remember the reason they chose to not release the Note 5 in Europe was because they said customers didn't use the S-Pen. So they opted to just release the Edge Plus alone.
Therefore they will likely optimise its S-Pen apps to make the main flat surface area the part you right on ... The edge part reserved for tool selection or left blank to frame content. Unless Samsung have managed to resolve why humans have primarily written on flat surfaces for thousands of years.
However given I already struggle with gripping my S7 Edge without accidental presses, I would wonder if gripping the Note and using the S-pen would require double hand dexterity.
We will know once release I guess, but like I say I imagine most users the S-Pen input is ironically lower down on the list of priorities why people would want this device (despite the 'Note' in its name).
They just want the biggest, most powerful Samsung device there is.
I have no doubt however the device will be a big success ...
I really wish they had two version of the N7...flat display and curved options. I think it is a mistake not to have a flat model Note 7.
I have false touches on my S7e as well. I hope they have some of that resolved with the N7 but it might just be a fact of the curved displays.
I like the aesthetics of the curved display. It is gorgeous to look at. Samsung needs to figure out how to design the edges better to reduce false touches. I hope they can do it.