People are already making the price choice by going with more and more lower priced Android Tablets, thus it's a matter of time for the PC's to edge in there as people look to replace laptops at home and see that they are dropping in price and offer a lot more overall, they will like us, likely choose a solid, sleek $700 notebook/tablet vs another iPad.
In business, it's likely going to be the same way. IT depts would love to reduce the number of devices and as traditional laptops are replaced with tablet style ones for lower prices, they will be re-thinking the need for an iPad in the field.
I'm not sure what the wieght differences are but my wife chose a $700 i5 Lenovo a few months back and it's been great for her. She likes the iPad but overall really enjoys the experience she's used to with a PC. Touchscreen, voice commands, relatively small size, it's all in a great package that she likes. Battery life is amazing too. She gets several days of casual use from a single charge.
Here it is in comparison to my iPad with a simple Logitec Keyboard.
Bingo. Just the same, that's the corner they painted themselves into with the iPhone. They would hate to be in the situation Samsung is where ASP's would fall.