Sorry Rockitdog. But i have zero lag what so ever.The lag is real... I can't believe it. I'm experiencing lag on my keyboard (stock) and when playing a few simple games. WTF!?! So disappointed.
That's uglyHas anyone experience this?
Talks about how hard resets lock your phone up for 72 hours due to Googles factory reset protection.
The lag is real... I can't believe it. I'm experiencing lag on my keyboard (stock) and when playing a few simple games. WTF!?! So disappointed.
Mine is also instantaneous. If you have a noticeable delay (longer than a tenth of a second), there is an issue.[/QUO
Did you happen to use that package disabler app and disable something that is effecting the phone?The lag is real... I can't believe it. I'm experiencing lag on my keyboard (stock) and when playing a few simple games. WTF!?! So disappointed.
That is what worries me about this particular sort of app. You can cause the phone to have lag because the phone is searching for a file or app that has been disabled.
The thing is, it really wasn't that long ago that touchwiz was still crap. It's only been about a year since they really started to improve it. So can't really blame people for being hesitant.It's really unfortunate that some use an experience they had with TW, while it was in its infancy, to bash it now in its current build. This is a good read.
Let me add that every manufacturer should be willing to add features that other manufacturers have had success with in their version of Android or in iOS. If it's a feature that betters the user experience, copy it in your own way. I seriously do not care who came up with it first.
Do you mean led notification light or screen? Screen requires you to utilise always on mode, but it won't show you a preview of what notification you got specifically.My S7's screen doesn't light up when I receive a text or email. Is there a setting I've missed?
You check through the settings. If all else fails, you can download SMS Wakeup from Google Play.My S7's screen doesn't light up when I receive a text or email. Is there a setting I've missed?
Does somebody know how to watch motion photos (taken on the S7 edge) on pc or mac?
It seems that the motion photo .jpeg files (8-11mb) are about double the size of normal photos (3-5mb). But I have not jet found a way to "watch" the motion photo jpegs.
It would be a slight bummer if it is not possible.
no ideas or input anyone?
I think it is a given that all Samsung phones will have locked bootloader. They have put a concerted effort into Knox and penetration into the enterprise space. People's perception of Android a lot of times is that it is not secure. So i don't see a locked BL as a bad thing if it secures the device.
So looks like all snapdragon models have locked bootloader, even tmobile and sprint. The rest of the world got exynos I believe, article doesn't talk about their status.
In the USA, the s7 is officially as locked down as the iPhone (aside from things like sideloading apps (wait nevermind stock ios can sideload apps with xcode now) and nonroot commands available with adb). It has Locked bootloader, must use exploit based root method to get root.
And if you do manage to root it and you end up tripping Knox, some functionality on the phone is lost forever. IPhone does not punish you forever like this, you can always restore it with no permanent damage.
I know nobody cares about this here, but this is a far far cry from the gs3 and note2 days when Samsung was the bastion of freedom.
I have an iPhone 6s Plus, provided to me by my company, I have personally owned every iPhone since the 1st gen and today I used an S7 edge for the first time and it is honestly the nicest phone I have used in a long time. Screen is incredible, the way it wraps around is very nice, android I have never used before but know people who do and it appears to have come on a lot in recent years. I can't wait for mine to arrive. Thanks for all the comments/info/tips in this thread.
The thing is, it really wasn't that long ago that touchwiz was still crap. It's only been about a year since they really started to improve it. So can't really blame people for being hesitant.
That said though, they have improved it a ton. Probably my current favorite iteration of android. Now if only they can get updates sorted out.
I think it is a given that all Samsung phones will have locked bootloades. They have put a concerted effort into Knox and penetration into the enterprise space. People's perception of Android a lot of times is that it is not secure. So i don't see a locked BL as a bad thing if it secures the device.
My S7's screen doesn't light up when I receive a text or email. Is there a setting I've missed?
I think it is a given that all Samsung phones will have locked bootloades. They have put a concerted effort into Knox and penetration into the enterprise space. People's perception of Android a lot of times is that it is not secure. So i don't see a locked BL as a bad thing if it secures the device.
What was supposed to be a developer friendly device from Samsung in a long time has become even more locked down than the Exynos variants.
This is the reason why this is such a "disaster". We were promised nothing, yet we expected the world. We saw this coming. Voiding KNOX, disabling Samsung Pay, they were all warning signs.
**We are the reason for these locks, not Samsung**
Please, take some time and search through Any XDA forum and in a matter of minutes you will find a thread where someone bricked their phone rooting it or changing something and they get a manufactures replacement claiming the hardware failed, and 9 times out of 10 it works. How many people sent T-Mobile their S6's after finding that Samsung Pay support was broken after rooting, a lot. This costs companies money, yes they are companies, but causing someone else money because of **YOUR MISTAKE** is wrong on every level.
As devices get more and more complicated and require more and more security to protect things like mobile payment information, fingerprints etc it is only reasonable to expect fully locked down devices.
Yeah, I am sad that the device is locked down, and if someone finds a root method I may root. But it isn't the end of the world and as long as Samsung keeps putting out top tier devices, locked down or not, they will keep getting my business.